Oakville Beaver, 9 Nov 2017, p. 20

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h'H O CN There is an increasing appetite and expectation for transparency of CD .a here is an increasing ap petite for transparency. People are more curi E CD ous than ever. This has had implications for you on how your invest ments are handled. The expectation of the m odern-day investor is to bet ter understand the details of investing. D Q H um ans have always been LU curious. As a society, we are u sed to finding out what we < want to know, when we want O to know it. E We feel entitled to have the o T q c = o details on things that affect our lives. Take the Internet for ex ample. With a click of a button, or a voice com m and into a smart phone, we get an instant an swer to anything from what movie to see to which air planes are flying overhead. Then there are the bigger questions where Canadians expect easy access to knowl edge in the form of transpar ency. There was a push for trans parency regarding whether D ollars & Sense Peter Watson Guest Contributor CD JZ CD q -i-- * (/) O AKVILLE 1 1 1 1 S p e e r s R o a d L 6 L 2 X 5 HOCKEY A C A D E M Y O a k v ille , O N (905) 842-2423 | o a kville h o cke ya ca d em y.co m o o © W in t e r P r o g r a m s REGISTRATIONS ON NOW!!! L E A R N TO S K A T E & R E P DEFENCE CLIN ICS % H O U S E LE A G U E DEFENCE CLIN ICS REP SKILLS S CLIN ICS H O U S E LE A G U E S K ILLS CLIN ICS I N T R O TO H O C K E Y Programs begin January 2018 SHOOT 2 SCORE C LIN ICS > ADULT S K IL L S CLIN IC A D U LT L E A R N TO S K A T E 'C TEAM T R A I N I N G SM ALL G R O U P T R A I N I N G P R I V A T E / SE M I P R IV A T E TRAIN IN G p .a d a y , Ch r i s t m a s , m arch brea k and SUMMER CAM PS 2016 &2017 PLATINUMM EDAL W INNER INCHILDREN'S PIATINUM SPORTS INSTRUCTION RFAOFRS CHOICF AU/AROI PLA TIN U M 905.842.2423 | OAKVILLEHOCKEYACADEMY.COM P re s id e n t - J a m ie A llis o n , 4 0 0 G a m e N H L V e te r a n ja m ie a llis o n @ o a k v ille h o c k e y a c a d e m y .c o m V ic e P re s id e n t - D e a n V a n V lie t d e a n @ o a k v ille h o c k e y a c a d e m y .c o m or not Canada's Finance Minister Bill Morneau still owned shares in Morneau Shepell, the com pany he u sed to run before taking office. The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Com missioner was also asked to look into SCI Mas des Morneau, a com pany incorporated in France that m anages his villa. The federal Liberals were also recently criti cized for their lack of transparency in how they appoint judges. The claim being that som e ju d ges were picked from the `recom m ended' list and som e from the `highly recom m ended' list. On the provincial level, the public wants to under stand the previous Ontario Liberal government's role in regard to the cancelling of the Oakville and M issis sauga power plants. Events that cost taxpay ers hundreds of millions of dollars are fair game for voters. Look around and there is a request for transpar ency everywhere. Facebook, Google, and Twitter are on the hot seat in front of the U.S. Con gress regarding possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. The dem and is for more advertising transparency, especially when a political agenda is involved. In my opinion, trans parency is a good thing. People have a right to understand things that in fluence their lives. Transparency has been a hot topic within the fi nancial services industry. Regulators and finan cial consum ers w anted to know and understand the details of how they invest. M uch of the conversa tion about investments was concerned with the disclosure of fees paid, and to whom, by inves tors. Dialogue between reg ulators and investment industry participants had been ongoing for years. Investors wanted to better understand how to interpret their investment statements. They w anted to know how m uch they invested, the current value of those investments, and what rate of return they had earned. 2017 has been a year of positive change for the in vestment industry as new rules m andated by Cana dian securities regulators came into effect. The C lient R elation ship M odel -- Phase 2 (C R M 2) requires in dustry professionals to disclose investm ent per form ance, and fees for advice and com m ission s, to their clients. The significance to in vestors is we now live in an era of increasing trans parency. Make use of all inform a tion as it becom es avail able. Investing is all about achieving good invest ment returns while m ini mizing risk through diver sification. Investing is all about achieving your financial objectives. Understand the cost of advice and also the sepa rate cost of owning spe cific investments. Use this information to determine if your interests are being served. In our capitalistic so ciety, there is always an ongoing balance between custom ers and those com panies that serve them. Be an informed consum er and make decisions that are m ost beneficial for you. -- submitted by Peter Watson. Peter Watson is an agent of, and securi ties products provided by, Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (ACPI). ACPI is a mem ber o f the Investment Regulatory Organization o f Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. The opinions expressed are those o f the author and not necessarily those o f ACPI. Peter Watson provides wealth management ser vices through Peter Watson Investments

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