Oakville Beaver, 3 Oct 1999, p. 27

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Sunday' OcfeW'i1 ^ ^93 ' ` Oakvilfe Bdfe^H Weekhhel' ' f C 27 £! A s h la n d INSIDE SALES OPPORTUNITY An o p p o rtu n ity exists fo r an ind ivid u a l to join the Ind u strial C hem icals and S olvents D ivision in th e ro le o f Inside S ales R epresentative. T h is is an o p p o rtu n ity to build yo u r "o w n b u s in e s s ' in a rapidly grow ing and profitable b usin e ss group. W e are looking fo r a self-m otiva te d , e ntre pre n eu ria l, and people orie n te d individual to join o u r team . T h e ind ivid u a l m ust learn th e uses of a w ide range o f industrial ch em ica l prod u cts, deve lo p and grow new business o p p o rtu n itie s, and u nd e rsta n d th e dive rse needs o f o u r custom ers. W orking in an ind e p en d e nt e n viro n m en t, th e ind ivid u a l w ill be expected to tu rn th e se o p p o rtu n itie s into profitable, lo n g -te rm business. T h is is an e ntry-level p osition w ithin th e sa le s o rga n izatio n , w hich can lead to a te rrito ry s a le s position. T h e te rrito ry w ill inclu d e a cco u n ts in e a ste rn C an a d a (M anitoba to the M aritim e P rovinces). T h e position w ill be located in M ississauga. T h e ca nd id ate sh ou ld have a u nive rsity d eg re e , preferably in chem istry, A p p lic a n ts sh o u ld be c o m fo rta b le w o rk in g in a W in d o w s NT e n v iro n m en t. T h e in d ivid u a l m u st a lso be b iling u a l in E nglish and French. W e o ffe r a co m p e titive salary, a sales ince n tive bonus, a nd a co m prehensive b e n e fit program . A nyone w ishing to a p p ly should m ail o r fax th e ir resum e and a sh ort co ver letter. Employment Opportunities Child Care Representative Social and Community Services The Regional Municipality ol Hallon is responsible lor providing a number ol services, including public health, social and community services, water distribution, wastewater treatment, waste management, regional roads and land-use planning. This temporary position will see you apply your Early Childhood Education diploma and 2 years of directly related experience to interview applicants tor assistance with the cost of child care services and determine eligibility according to applicable legislation, departmental policies and service agree ments. Your challenges will include preparing appropriate forms, including means tests and field notes, reviewing cases for approval, determining personal or family problems, providing counselling in child-related matters and/ or appropriate referral(s), and visiting active cases to determine continued eligibility. Preparation ol all client case histories, correspondence memos and court reports are also key. Certification by AECEO is desirable. An equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. The salary range is $18.74 - $23.43 per hour Please forward your resume, quoting competition #SS-190, by October 15,1999, to: Human a n i n t e r n a t io n a lly re n o w n e d m a n u fa c tu re r o f d rillin g e q u ip m e n t a n d s u p p lie r o f q u a lity d r il l in g s e r v ic e s , c u r r e n tly re q u ire s a p e r fo rm a n c e -o rie n te d in d iv id u a l at o u r M ississa u ga p lant as a... Boart Longyear Inc., Maintenance Electrician The c a n d id a te m u s t have a G r.12 e d u c a tio n , have se rved a re c og n ized a p p re n tic e s h ip and h a v e a m in . o f 5 y e a r s e x p e r ie n c e in an e le c tric a l/ m echanical e n v iro n m e n t and be able to w o rk w ith m in im u m su p e rv is io n . Experience w ith h y d ra u lic s and p n e u m a tic s and PLC and CNC m achines is a defin ite asset. W e o ffe r an excelle nt w o rk in g e n v iro n m e n t as w e ll as an a ttr a c tiv e c o m p e n s a tio n /b e n e fit package. Q ua lifie d a p p lic a n t s are in v ite d to s u b m it th e ir resum e in confidence by m ail o r fax: A ttn : P la n t M a n a g e r Boart Longyear Inc. 2 4 4 2 S o u th S h e rid a n W a y M is s is s a u g a , O N L 5 J 2 M 7 F a x: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 2 -7 2 3 2 Please respond to: District Manager Ashland Canada Inc. IC&S Division 2620 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 4E7 Fax: (905) 823-0023 A ll a pp licatio n s need to be re ceive d by O cto b e r 8, 1999, O n ly th o se a p p lica n ts w ith su itable q u a lifica tio n s w ill be interview ed. Resources, The Regional Municipality of Halton, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3L1. Fax: (905) 825-4032. We thank a il candidates to r th e ir interest. However, on ly those selected lo r an interview w ill be contacted. Caregivers Health Services Inc. is a progressive com pany providing pediatric healthcare services in the community. The following positions are available: CALL CENTRE COORDINATORS The power of many ...salutes our employees The pow er o la com pany lie s in its m ain resourceits people. We require immediately two tor our Oakville Office to w ork ro ta tin g 12hr s h ifts M on to F ri- 8:30pm to 8:30am and Weekends The ideal candidates will have: The Only Phone Hook Y ou'll Ever Need Is Here & with it The Career O pportunity You Should Consider! ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Six Highly Motivated, Highly Skilled & HighlyEnthusiastic Account Executives are required to market our Directory & New Media Products exclusively to Business Only Prospects in the Burlington, Oakville & Mississauga Markets. We Provide: ·Attractive Base Salary ·Aggressive Performance Bonus ·Protected Account Base ·Guaranteed Renewals This is your opportunity to explore a career with a Young, Aggressive & Innovative industry leader. If your current & past EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS mirrors our own, you are invited to submit your resume. GRAPHIC DESIGN. Do you possess experience with Illustrator & Photoshop with an "Expert Like" knowledge & patience with Quark Express 4 ? If so, please Fax your resume to the number below. This could be the opportunity you've been looking for! RESUMES TO : BURLINGTON 'National Temporaries' Week MANPOWER would like to recognize and thank our In honour ol valuable employees. We'd also like to invite you to come build a career with us. Our local offices have a number ol free activities scheduled for 'National Temporaries'Week to give you an opportunity to find out more about BANQUET PORTERS BANQUETSERVERS ROOM SERVICE 3RD COOK HOUSEKEEPERS Please indicate which position you are applying for and fax resume to: (N o phone ca lls please) · · · · · Call centre and customer service experience Scheduling and co-ordination experience Contidenl computer and problem solving skills Success in working independently &part of a team Other assets such as a community health care background CLINICAL SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR Required immediately for our Oakville Office to work permanent P/T hours of 4:30pm-8:30pm Mon-Fri. & provide periodic relief lo F/T co-ordination staff. MANPOWER. Human Resources · (905) 333-0477 DESKTOP PUBLISHING PERSON- F/T · Adobe graphics, Pagemaker, Quark Express, Corel Draw. · IBM & Mac skills required · Internet experience · Print shop experience an asset. · Excellent customer service skills The ideal candidate will have: · Current regisfralion w/CNO & strong clinical skills Call centre and customer service experience Supervision, scheduling & co-ordination experience Exceptional computer and problem solving skills The ability to mentor, promote and motivate a team atomosphere · Other assets: community health care background Resumes accepted until October 8 ,1999 Fax: (905)842-8426 or e-mail mailbox@caregivershs.com · · · · Tnes.,0ct. 5,'99 Resume ai Workshops 9:30-10:30am Resume review/ feedback sessions 1:30-2:30pm 10:30-11:30am Interviewing tips/teedback sessions 2:30-3:30pm Wed.,Oct.6,'99 Demonstrations of Manpower's training Tools Fax or send resume to: Call to schedule your 1hour session to sample our Word, Excel, or Customer Service Training rN rjrA F . - i 409 Guelph Une, 0 ? " J L # f f Burlington, On. L7R 3L7 NORTHERN COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC 3425 Harvester Rd, Suite 101A Burlington L7N 3N1 Call: (905) 639-6415 or Fax: (905) 639-8779 ^MANPOWER 3060 Mainway St.,106, Burlington or tax 333-9366 CAREgivers HEALTH SERVICES INC. C ustom er Service Rep M anufacturing com pany sp ecia lizin g in m edical equip., seeking full-tim e Customer Serv. Rep. Tele marketing exp. required as well as excellent customer relations. Duties include answering customer enqui ries by phone, fax & letter, order processing and misc. clerical duties. Int. Level Word 97 & Excel 97 required. M-F, 8:30-5pm. Attn: Sherry Brown (905)-336-9868 "G old B ook TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 15 Customer Service & Data Entry Representatives Oakville - $10/Hr We are looking lo r 15 data entry/ customer service individuals for 2 months beginning ASAP. Your day w ill consist o l processing incom ing orders by mail, lax, telephone and assisting w ith processing. You must be flexible to work varying hours each week, including some weekend work. You must have a good telephone manner, excellent communication skills and penmanship. This is a wonderful opportunity to gel involved in Ihe community for a great cause. PLEASE FAX YOUR RESUME TO: JOBS ,Y JOBS ,Y JOBS J JOBS AVAILABLE FOR YOUTH We Can HELP U .S . M A N U FA C TU R i <G ENGINEERING Wc require a Draft.spcrson/Dcsigncr with a minimum of 3 years of experience in customer steel fabrication. ACAD 14 and strong Mechanical Design knowledge are required. Please fax your resume to: (905) 827-9562. '< PR O D U C T IO N WORKER O n th e Jo b T rain in g In te rn e t Jo b Access Jo b B anks In terv iew W orkshops R esum e W orkshops Must be able to work well with your hands. Strong plum bing skills a must (includes copper, PVC, & ABS). Exp. with fibreglass would be an asset. Clean driving record req'd. M-F, 7am-3:30pm. $9-$10/hr Attn: Rob Malheson · JOB CONNECT Call the Hotline: B u r lin g to n : 6 8 1 -1 1 4 0 Oakville: 845-9430 ext. 8160 J O B S J r J O B S ,Y J O B S Fax: (905) 825-0501 or mail resumes to: NOR-AM PATIENT CARE PRODUCTS, 2388 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6L 5M2. or email: noram@ibnx.com (905) 281-2333, Quote file #03-Lottery A Burlington distribution centre has an immediate opening for an experienced NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN OF SALONS REQUIRES A Credit & C ollections Adm inistrator The successful applicant w ill possess a professional manner, excellent com m un ica tion and com puter skills. We need a self-motivated team player who will excel in a fast- paced environment, is productive and dedicated. PLEASE FAX RESUME: www.usfilter.com ATTENTION If you are a Licensed Sales Rep , or currently enrolled in PHASE 1, 2 or 3 of pre-licensing program... WE NEED TO TALK! Royal LePage offers ... COMMISSIONS - UP TO 9 0 % O NON-COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT NO DESK FEES . OTRAINING GMENTORING PROGRAM For More Information contact a Royal LePage Office: We are a well-established automotive painting facility who is currently seeking SALON MANAGER and Experienced HAIRSTYLISTS IN OAKVILLE , BURLINGTON, WATERDOWN AND HAMILTON W e o f f e r g r e a t c o m m is s io n s ; c a r e e r a d v a n c e m e n t t h r o u g h o u t N o r th A m e r ic a ; flexible w o rk h ou rs and a solid benefit p rog ra m . · GENERAL LABOURERS for afternoon shifts- full-tim e Attn: Credit Manager: (905) 847-6099 · SPRAY PAINTERS Spray Painters for painting automotive parts to the established quality specifications. Two years exp. in spray painting application in an automotive environment preferred. Electro-static painting experi ence an asset. /* The successful candidates w ill be required to have a minimum of Gr. 12 or equivalent, good English, read ing, writing and comprehension skills and basic math. Interested applicants should fax or drop off resum e: TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 Pat Thomson, FRI, CRA, CMR, CRB, CRES Area Manager, Broker 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington · 634-7755 John DiMichele, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 3060 Mainway, Burlington · 335-3042 Jim Cheesman, Area Sales Manager, Assoc. Broker 251 North Service Road, Oakville · 338-3737 Nancy Gossling, Area Manager, Associate Broker 326 L a k e s h o re ^ ^ ^ O a k td lle · 845-4267 ROYAL LePAGE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT A Fam ily H olding Com pany re q u ire s a p a rt-tim e (3 days / w eek) a s s is ta n t. S u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill b e c o m p u te r lite r a te , w ith a b o o k k e e p in g b a c k g ro u n d , a n d h a v e e x c e l le n t i n t e r p e r s o n a l a ijd c o m m u n i c a t io n s k ills . At le a s t 10 y e a r s o ffic e ex p erien ce is req u ired . H um an Resources D e p a rtm e n t 1317 Speers Rd,Oakville, 0nL6L 2X5 Fax: (905) 8 2 7 -0 8 6 8 . Q. HaltonSearch.com utfita jtte h im i n online or nnm HoltonSunV c < How You Find a Great Real Estate Agent. Fax resume to: (905) 639-7955 THE PIONEER GROUP OF COMPANIES

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