Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 1999, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday October 13, 1999 OCTOBER 15 ,16 ,17 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. An exhibition of New, Original Art by Local and Regional artists presented by /4nt & Scutes GAIRLOCH GALLERY 1306 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville 905-338-0117 Artwork can be rented for 1 to 6 months or purchased on an installment plan. / 4 fr u v je e t tA e O a A v iU e (faU eniea, '1/aluHteen Halton making investment in children By Irene Gentle SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER If children are the future, then Halton Region's child services department knows it is never too soon to start preparing for a healthy one. So they are there right from the start. "That's the investment in kids that will pay off later," said the region's community services commissioner Adelina Urbanski. Celebrating children will be the focus of the Ontario-wide week of the child, Oct. 17-23rd. But the region's commitment is year round, and it starts right away, said Urbanski. Under the region's Healthy Babies, Healthy Children program, the parents of a newborn can soon expect to tie called by regional staff within two days of their hospital discharge to ensure that everything is well. And if it isn't, the region plans on being there to provide the necessary support to bring things back on track. Philosophically, the idea is that taking care of kids' needs will help them grow up to be secure, healthy adults. And those needs are the most intense in the early years of childhood, noted Ms Urbanski. "Zero to six, the literature keeps reinforcing how critical those years are," she said. "In many cases it can stay with them for life." Early experiences, which act to stimulate the brain, can actually play a role in the brain's development, said Urbanski. "It is neurological, the patterns start to form," she said. "The brain develops in those six years." And the region's slew of child-oriented pro­ grams are intended as a concrete strategy for helping children flourish. Often, that means helping their families. "What we are seeing in a lot of cases is par­ ent depression. You want to make sure they get the medical help they need," said Urbanski. "Sometimes it might be a very young mom who needs support. She may not have had a very great life herself and now she is a mom, too." Helping the parent serves to create a better atmosphere for the child to grow and thrive in. "We try and catch the family before it is too late and connect them to the services," said Urbanski. Sometimes assisting families can be as sim­ ple as guiding them towards quality subsidized or unsubsidized childcare. The region owns and operates three full-fee childcare centres, two in Oakville and one in Georgetown. Staffed by early childhood educa­ tors, these centres serve about 120 children. "We can often take special needs kids that other centres may not be able to do," said Urbanski. In addition, the region helps place about 1,500 children in subsidized childcare. "If they qualify, they can go to any centre we have an agreement with, and that covers a lot of centres," she said. Under the region's child health program, public nurses spread the word on ways to keep kids safe and healthy. That means delivering the straight goods on everything from playground or car seat safety to substance abuse. The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse are taught to grade six students by public health nurses, said Urbanski. Then they make a return visit two years later to ensure the message has sunk in. The region also tries to identify the needs of specific neighborhoods. That can mean helping a community set up drop-in centres, as happened in Oakville, or zero in on safe playgrounds, as Acton has chosen to do. And thanks to provincial downloading, the region is also charged with funding -- but not operating -- family resource centres. Those are designed to aid children by offer­ ing support to their caregivers. s* % t t c r Aietw Jzr.a' 8 -ksr tiC>a:i~58 Sgu»S£!*g0r A U n iq u e A r t E x h ib i t io n a n d S a le Mbran izftr-xft Cso*M Asb>:»*!** L'fctf iihilty U»r "** 3b 7 3 Q & U tm - 7 3 3 cM rU vo Ja ,U!i Uh"H" Yvcnft* ifs*irsrw Bvfid frvW* Eats****: Jxnice CiiristfU Stis*:': w»r»its CHff £v«! M Dashas ?- v8rtvy Dido? I,* r...** The T&rt Denovgn tens* Fx Opr Sh&ev Srs-ktr:* Sett h it fy ip iaa Jvr.fi:te FfcSvy Veche: Gacnc?: L:n-.:S3y Dsrcthy Df-.-stgm MafV Msrth-; £;;Y Ha>vi-y M.rtfts KtrfifickvCR Rohin >i.ysz ute lew-S 0:s»** F.v> ?,yzc: jvcrnâ."U» M adeline ism ** U •:& IftAn Cm My.-.kbv »V"; MsSa> *,<•'Car?;-; Saitiara Mciji/ere fossae* Maonay Uerd3 fc8ut*stche? Living Arts Centre in Mississauga H83th-f ?as8 To support Womens Habitat Etobicoke ana interim Place, Missisauga shelters for abused women and their children 4141 Living Arts Drive Erne entrance and perking 2 0 - 2 3 fffd o A re 1 9 9 9 Prawtew Wednesday 20 October 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday 21 October 9 a.m. to 6 pjn. Safe Thursday 21 October 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 22 October 9 ajn. to 9 pin. Saturday 23 October 9 ain. to 8 pin. 0 An initiative of Pratt a Whitney C u r t i Mery ?av*y Gr.:.y i:r4 ?v.Cr.b\>. St-rfte t=0-;-r.SkV Nary 3«xr!*v«ft N«da SnarAsKsy Wsn-.y Vicki C:r<tti ft {.:;«(* f*v«UPriSt &{!!!»* .ianfr.'ft fctasut SWcvsy ■Josnnit oCt'Cc Lydia Twrs vvftSWv TJsso Ann® :sr: Kctckoe Varfev.-ct: kcv,s>.; P>n S a l S h o w c a s e M o n d a y O c t o b e r 1 8 , 1 9 9 9 7 : 0 0 p . m . 11/2 miles west of Hwy. #25 on North side D u n d a s W . (Hwy. # 5 ) O a k v ille 8 2 7 -4 6 7 8 w e b s ite w w w .b e r t in s ta b le s .c o m e -m a il: b e rtin @ w e b tv .n e t T r i l l i u n ^ H E A L T H C E N T R E Invites you to a F R E E Com munity Education Event CHILDH O O D DIABETES • UPDATE '99 LEARN ABOUT: N ew technologies such as non-invasive blood glucose testing, inhaled insulin and islet-cell transplantation, that will change the treatm ent of Type 1 D iabetes. FIND OUT: How insulin pumps can be used to treat children. Partic ipate in a hands-on pump dem onstration and listen to a child's perspective. SPEAKERS: Dr. A ngelo S im one. P aediatric Endocrinologist, Trillium Health C entre and Dr. John Vanderm eulen, Paediatric Endocrinologist, M cM aster University. SPACE IS LIMITED ... P lease register early by calling: (4 1 6 ) 521 -4081 MlnIMed Saturday. O ctober 30th, 1999 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m. Peel Board of Education 5 65 0 Hurontario St. (at M atheson) We thank our generous sponsors: MiniMed and Novo Nordisk 1 2 9n FREE ADMISSION FEATURES: ^ Door Prizes m Fashion Show ^ Special Displays ** Gift Bag for Every Bride Fop yo u r fre e invitation please call: Eden 8 2 7 -5 8 0 6 R osem ary 3 3 7 -0 2 6 6 B r o u g h t t o y o u b y E L C O M E ^ T / A G O N l t d S iN C r. 1 9 3 0 W W W .W E L C O M E W A G O N .C A L e D o m e B a n q u e t H a l l 1999 Oakville Awards for Business Excellence • Official N om ination Form N o m in atio n D ead line - O cto b er 15, 1999 I w isk to nom in ate tke fo llow ing com pany Name of Nominator: for an O akville Award, for B usiness ....................................... Excellence. N am e: Company.:.. Address: City:.......... C om pany: Pk A ddress: C ity: ............................ ..........C od e: ............... P k o n e;.....................................Fax: .................. one;.. Code:. Fax:..... P le a s e o u t l in e b r ie f ly w h y y o u t h i n k th i s c o m p a n y s h o u l d r e c e iv e a n O a k v i l le A w a r d f o r B u s i n e s s E x c e l le n c e (Please use a separate sheet o f paper i f you wish) Signature: Date.;................................... (please complete all information) C ategory (check one) □ R etader o f tk e Year Q Service P rovider o f tk e Year Q M an u facturer o f tk e Year □ E n trep ren eu r o f tk e Year □ N ew B u s in e ss o f tk e Year E xcellen ce d em on stra ted . (explain on a separate sheet o f paper) □ L eader sk ip & E n trep ren eu r sk ip □ A n U n u su a l B u sin e ss A ck iev em en t □ T eck n olog ica l A d v a n cem en t □ E n v iro n m en ta l C o n sc io u sn ess □ S tandard o f E m p lo y ee R ela tio n s □ P roduct In n o v a tio n □ M arket In n o v a tio n or L eaderskip □ S a les G row tk □ E m p lo y m en t G row tk □ E xcellen ce in C o m m u n ity R ela tion s □ E xcellen ce in P ro m o tio n □ C u sto m er S erv ice an d R eliak ility □ C o m m u n ity S ervice Q'ke, 1 9 9 9 O a k w U & c d i D u v d s FOR B U S IN E S S EXCELLENCE The Rotary Club of Oakville West w w w .o a k v ille ro ta ry .o rg w w w .c h a m b e r.o a k v ille .o n .c a Fax back this nomination form to 905-465-2108 i http://www.bertinstables.com mailto:bertin@webtv.net http://WWW.WELCOMEWAGON.CA http://www.oakvillerotary.org http://www.chamber.oakville.on.ca from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. An exhibition of New, Original Art by Local and Regional artists presented by GAIRLOCH GALLERY Halton making investment in children By Irene Gentle Monday October 18, 1999 7:00 p.m. Trilliun^ CHILDHOOD DIABETES • UPDATE '99 FREE ADMISSION FEATURES: WWW.WELCOMEWAGON.CA Le Dome Banquet Hall 1999 Oakville Awards for Business Excellence • Official Nomination Form Nomination Deadline - October 15,1999 Q'ke, 1999 The Rotary Club of Oakville West Fax back this nomination form to 905-465-2108

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