Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 1999, A5

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Wednesdsay October 13, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 D o n 't l e t t h e f l u b u g g e t y o u Immunization clinics set for Oct. 22nd, Nov. 11th Halton Regional Chairman, Joyce Savoline, did her bit to promote the health department's flu immunization program by getting a shot in the arm. Influenza doesn't only affect the elderly, it can have a serious impact on everyone, including chil­ dren. Some people are at higher risk than others and these include those with asthma and other lung problems, cancer, heart disease, diseases of the immune system, diabetes and anemia. And while they take time to help the ill, health care workers themselves leave themselves open to catching the flu and should be immunized. There will be two immunization clinics set up in Oakville over the next three weeks. The first will be held on Oct. 22nd from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. at the Oakville Senior Citizens' Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr Street. The second clinic will take place on Nov. 11th from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Oakville Senior Citizens' Residence at 2220-2222 Lakeshore Road West. No appointments are necessary for either clinic. The vaccine is free for people over 65 years-of- age, or those with certain medical problems or a chronic illness and for health workers employed in Halton Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline gets her flu shot: two clinics will be held in Oakville over the next three weeks long-term care facilities. All others must pay $12 (cash only). This year's vaccine is a combination of three viruses: A/Sydney, A/Bejing (which differs from the Type A of last year) and B/Yamanashi. For more information, call the Halton Regional Health Department at 825-6060 ext. 7849. A rt auction tom orrow to aid Dog Guides program The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides special art auction takes place tomorrow (Thursday) at Le Dome Banquet Hall. The gala fundraising event, which gets under­ way at 7 p.m., features an art auction with pro­ ceeds supporting Dog Guide programs for physi­ cally challenged Canadians. Fifty limited edition reproductions, donated by Dr. Michael Ostro of Toronto, can be viewed dur­ ing a cocktail reception. The reproductions, appraised at values between $250 to $1,000, are images from the likes of Chagall, Dali, Miro, and Tarkay. The Canadian artists represented include Heather Cooper, Paul Kelley and Mark Farand. The evening culminates with the auction, fea­ turing guest auctioneer mayor Ann Mulvale. Tickets are $25 each and includes the cham­ pagne reception with hors d'oeuvres, musical entertainment and a chance to win door prizes. Lions Foundation of Canada has enriched the lives of more than 640 men, women and children from ages eight to 84 by providing the services of specially trained dog guides. The school's newly expanded gift shop will be open during all events at the centre with every­ thing from Lions Foundation hats to shirts on sale. For more information for all events, please call 842-2891. Located on Wilson Street near Kerr and Rebecca Streets, the site is home to Canine Vision Canada, Hearing Ear Dogs of Canada and Special Skills Dogs of Canada. The school offers new hope to physically chal­ lenged Canadians in the areas of mobility, safety and independence. School board's multi-media fair open to public The public is invited to attend the Halton District School Board's Multi-media Fair at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre on Oct. 21st, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. This Fair will feature edu­ cational material including toys, books, videos, DVDs, globes and maps, as well as other multi-media, all relating to today's curriculum. "The Halton District School Board has been host­ ing a French multi-media fair for 10 years," says Gail Phillips, instructional leader with the Halton District School Board. "Because of the success of past years, it was decided to open the multi-media fair this year to French and English educators, as well as members of the public." The variety of resources available at the Fair will cover all curriculum areas, with a focus on the new Ontario Curriculum expectations. For more information regarding the Educator's Multi-media Fair, contact the School Programs Department at the Halton District School Board, at 335-3663. L. l ' , y - ■» «•- X - " v> -------- . . - CHECK IT O U T ! Is th e o ld-fashioned cleaning * • * som eth ing you a re looking fo r? 2624 Comet Court, Mississauga, ON, L5K 2S1 Call Kathy at ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 2 - 7 7 1 4 NOT ju s t th e su rface clean ing ! m s L o w e st p r i c e : (or the, desb s e n s e i Is there anything extra you may need help w ith? Ju st ask & Me M i do it! We are: We provide: • family owned & operated • HOURLY system of service • fully insured • old fashion, excellent quality work" • fully flexible • cleaning supplies WELCOME COUPON* " 1 0 0 n t f FIRST i HOUSECLEANING-* HOUSECLEANING FEES Length of appointment 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours 6 Hours Fee charged $ 6 0 .0 0 55 7 6 .0 0 $ 9 0 .0 0 $ 102.00 Minimum 6 hours S. up - 17.00 p/h $ 6 0 .0 0 • GST EXTRAcharge s to NEW arrangements only • valid with this coupon only Tel. (905) 822-7714 CARPET S UPHOLSTERY CLEANING WE PROVIDE: PEEP STEAM CLEANINO- PROFESSIONAL OPERATORS HIGHEST QUALITY SUPPLIES W E MOVE FURNITURE SATISFACTION OUARANTEEP! Exclusive a t ^ W U G O B O S S B U R R O W S Fine C lo th ing Since 1 9 7 6 200 Lakeshore Rd. East. Oakville (905) 842-0232 Tues.-Wed. & Sat., 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Fax: 905-842-0548 E-mail: burrows@spectranet.ca Oakville A M onthly Update commerce About Your Chamber A Wake-Up Call For Oakville Home-Based Apparently, there are between 6 and 7 thou­sand home-based business people in the Town of Oakville, who may have to legally register their affairs, stand to be assessed and be ready to pay an annual Licensing Fee very shortly. Your Chamber of Commerce recently sent out a survey, inviting your comments on this situation. To date, only 120 people replied! Do you care one way or the other or do you feel that maybe it will go away if you do nothing? An old boss of mine (many moons ago), once stated: "tomorrow is cancelled through lack o f interest". Just a thought, don't you think? In June of this year, along with many others, we pre­ sented the views o f our members at an open forum meeting with David Cash, the General Manager for Economic Development for the Town of Oakville. A myriad of ideas and comments were present. However, it didn't look as if we could change the proposed course of action. You may be looking at registering your company and paying a licensing fee of between $50 and $75 per year. You will also have to account for the number of employees your com­ pany carries and how you operate your daily activi­ ties. You may want to ask what you get from the Town for this fee. By the way, one person who attended the meeting had a car finishing business next door in the garage, with all that entails. Another, a cleaning company, with so many vacu­ ums in the garage, that the garage door actually clos­ ing was questionable. Will this proposed review of the Town's zoning by­ law and subsequent licensing enforcement, strengthen or weaken the economic strength that small home-based businesses provide for the Town? Only you can comment - are you interested in hav­ ing your say? The Town in now considering whether or not you contravene the by-law by entertaining clients and employees within your own home. Does this con­ cern you? If so, or if you have something else to say about this, why not call your local Chamber of Commerce at: 845-6613, drop us a fax message at: 845-6475, or email at: chambet@chamber.oalcville.on.ca. Good luck in your business, whatever it is and wher­ ever you do it. You are part of the backbone of our Chamber and we will always support and represent you. This article was written by Elizabeth Clarke, President o f The ECS Group, a Human Resources Management Consulting company in Oakville, and active member o f the Chamber's M arketing Committee. P R O U D T O B E A P A R T ' The Wellness Counselling Group [ 6 0 3 A rg u s R o a d , S u ite 1 0 7 , O a k v ille , O N L 6 J 6 G 6 | Director: Dana Renwlck-Palermlo~| • Anxiety, Stress, Depression??* • Family Mediation &Teen Counselling Free 1/2 hour Initial Consultation - Qualified Psychotherapists irint THE HEWA6C Mf DIGITAL PRINTING f | . ■ » -*-»■-- H U ■ » .nhitlna T f ■ ■ i H Imbm Bv b i b k rm n iB | n i js n n w n n n 1 y p s w u M i □ Reports □ Manuels □ Stationery □ Flyers □ Booklets □ Newsletters □ Carbonless Forms Phone:(905) 338-3873 ext.: 22 Pager: (416) 563-2484 Fax: (905) 815-9027 □ Ful Colour Posters □ Desktop Publishing □ Colour Copies □ Laminations □ Drilling □ Folding □ Cutting □ Stapling Q Colating □ Cedox Binding Q Shrink Wrapping FtHMCX-WlDCUVEfr W. MUELLER CONSTRUCTION I50S Speers Rd., Unit #3 Oakville, Industrial • Com mercial • Residential -Sewer & W ater Installation & Repair -Excavating BILL MUELLER Office (90S) 827-6022 Fax (905) 82S0968 M ob ie (4 l6 )94& 6 l39 E-mal muecorelQ^ocadenet F u ll C o l o u ^ I G r a p h i c s * I <1̂ L a b e l PosteSs Banneras A r t w o r k i ) 1 4 *1 »«' 8 4 4 - 1 0 1 8 ] I M 1 ' - 8 4 4 - 1 3 1 « "Got A Group We've Got The fo rty " CarlsonWagonlit " O w n ed a n d O p era ted b y M cT avish T ravel We are part of the world's leading travel management company with 4,000 locations in 125 countries. H opedale Mall, 1515 R ebecca Street Phone: 8 2 7 -1 1 0 0 Fax: 8 2 7 -4 9 8 2 e-m ail:m ctavish @ inforamp.net I W , o f Donaon ftaAeiff t a n t a t a l ML Roy*Han Oakvfle Bufrxpon 844-8703 3I9-8SS5 Invest in Career Futures! v S h e rid a n (905) 845-9430 www.sheridanc.on.ca Tiny Tots I Things To Do Today: * E i E a t A l l - U - C a n - E a t o n y o u r L u n c h H o u r Our World Famous Lunch Buffet A mm r\r\ • Z varieties of Salad • Variety of Pizza ^ j J • Pasta • Bread Sticks • Dessert Pizza ^ A v a ila b le ON PARADE Friday, October 29th, l :00 p.m., Towne Square Bring your preschool ghosts & goblins for some sweet treats in Downtown Oakville. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c a ll 8 4 4 -4 5 2 0 905-338-7511 156 Trafalgar Rd. Real Estate and Property Management Services A v a ila b le T ra fa lga r R idge 1 / J W * Tow n Centre I 2 5 7̂ 4 5 ? 4 l u t * 3 3 8 -0 3 4 4 TROPHIES LIMITED "Serving Halton lor over 20 years' 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 • X CORPORATE AWARDS *= !> ACADEMIC AWARDS O SPORTS AWARDS «=D> PLAQUES & MEDALIONS «=T> SUBLIMATED PRINTING ON PLAOUES & NAME BADGES ENGRAVING ON GLASS STEINS & MUGS 905- 847-1956 ,c/(urv> e.sf fT to n ie at Bronte Creek Provincial Park Fall is here and it is time to celebrate the harvest the old-fashioned way. W hat better place than Spruce Lane Farm, Bronte Creek Provincial Park's restored tum-of-the-oentury farm and living history m useum . Harvest H om e takes place from 1:00 p m . until 4.00 p m on Sunday, October 17. Spruce Lane Farm is located near Pariang Lot "F". Bronte Creek Provincial Parte I O n t a r i o 5 L T E T £ K '™ ,i0B P a r k s (905) 827-6911 QEW to Burloak Drive (exit 109). North 1 km to park gate. '"Promoting A (Healthy (Business Community For information about becoming a member of the Chamber of Commerce call 845-6613 or Fax 845-6475 f mailto:burrows@spectranet.ca mailto:chambet@chamber.oalcville.on.ca http://www.sheridanc.on.ca Immunization clinics set for Oct. 22nd, Nov. 11th Art auction tomorrow to aid Dog Guides program Call Kathy at (905) 822-7714 : (or the, desb sensei WELCOME COUPON* " 1 00 ntf FIRST i HOUSECLEANING-* HOUSECLEANING FEES WE PROVIDE: BURROWS 200 Lakeshore Rd. East. Oakville (905) 842-0232 PROUD TO BE A PART' The Wellness Counselling Group irint Pager: (416) 563-2484 Fax: (905) 815-9027 Full Colou^ I Graphics* I <1^ Label PosteSs Banneras Artwork i) 1 CarlsonWagonlit " Owned and Operated by McTavish Travel Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca Street Phone: 827-1100 Fax: 827-4982 e-mail:mctavish @ inforamp.net IW, of Donaon ftaAeiff 844-8703 3I9-8SS5 Invest in Career Futures! Sheridan (905) 845-9430 www.sheridanc.on.ca Tiny Tots I Things To Do Today: Our World Famous Lunch Buffet A mm r\r\ Available Friday, October 29th, l :00 p.m., Towne Square 905-338-7511 156 Trafalgar Rd. Real Estate and Property Management Services Available Trafalgar Ridge 1/JW* Town Centre I 257^45? 4lut* 338-0344 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 For information about becoming a member of the Chamber of Commerce call

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