NEWS Mother and son volunteer in Africa " I heard w hat great work they were doing and wanted to see if I could contribute." Graham Paine/Metroland Nancy Eichenberg and her son Daniel volunteered aboard the Africa Mercy hospital ship off Cameroon, Central Africa. MARTA MARYCHUK An Oakville mother and son took part in a humani tarian expedition on the world's largest charity hos pital, the Africa Mercy, which provides free opera tions and medical training in Third World countries. Nancy and Daniel Ei chenberg were part of the 400 people, who volun teered for the hospital ship that was docked in Douala, Cameroon in Central Afri ca, Nancy, a retired operat ing room nurse, volun teered for four weeks while her son Daniel, 40, volun teered in housekeeping for six weeks - cleaning and disinfecting patient wards and filling supplies. "I heard what great work they were doing and wanted to see if I could con tribute," said Daniel, who works for Oakville BMW. Mother and son paid their own travelling ex penses, leaving Toronto at the end of September, fly ing to Brussels, Belgium, before reaching Camer oon. "It was very hot," says Nancy. Nancy, who was an op erating nurse for 51 years at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, has volunteered for more than six years with Mercy Ships in sever al countries - Benin, Mada gascar, the Republic of Congo and Guinea, in addi tion to Cameroon. However, this will prob ably be the last time Nancy volunteers for Mercy Ships. "I'm fortunate that my mom will pass the reigns to me," adds David, who plans to return in a couple of - Daniel Eichenberg years. "I'm very supportive of their work." David says surgeries done on Mercy Ships bene fits the forgotten poor in many ways - physically, mentally, socially and im proving their self-image. Some of the patients have large facial tumours, while children have mus cles and tendons that have warped, a result of malaria injections. "This is really life changing surgery for these people," says Nancy. She saw a television program on the Discovery Channel and thought Mer cy Ships would be a good way for her to do a bit of nursing after retirement. For Daniel, he wanted to get experience that would help open doors for a hos pital housekeeping job at Oakville Trafalgar Memo rial Hospital. He has studied at Sheri dan College, in Oakville, and Mackenzie College, in Halifax, in addition to earning a certificate for de contamination, steriliza tion and reprocessing med ical devices, from St. Mi chael's Hospital. Mercy Ships uses vol unteer-run hospital ships to provide free surgeries and medical training in de veloping nations. Founded in 1978 by Don and Deyon Stephens, Mercy Ships has worked in more than 70 countries. The 499-foot ship hous es five operating theatres and a 78-bed patient ward, specializing in free surger ies that treat diseases, inju ries and defects in the head, neck, face and jaws, as well as reconstructive, orthopedic, ophthalmic, dental and obstetric sur geries. A full-time crew of workers, hired from the lo cal community, run the ship, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the 400 vol unteers on board. Although medical care is available in Cameroon, Nancy says people can't af ford it since many of the people in Cameroon live below the poverty line. "The people are very ap preciative," adds Nancy. T a k e a b r e a k f r o m w i n t e r ! C h a rtw e ll's S hort Stay p rog ram o ffe rs spacious suites, de lic ious d in ing, access to all on-s ite ac tiv ities and am enities, and the level o f service and su p p o rt you need. C a ll to d ay to b o o k your perso nal v isit. CHARTW ELL OAKVILLE 180 O a k P a rk B lvd ., O a k v ille 2 8 9 - 6 4 4 - 2 9 6 0 • C H A R T W E LL .C O M 4 _ C H A R T W e l l retirement residences o | O akville Beaver | T h u rsd a y , Ja n u a ry 1 1 ,2 0 1 8 Mother and son volunteer in Africa MARTA MARYCHUK Take a break from winter! 4_CHARTWell