Oakville Beaver, 18 Jan 2018, p. 14

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, J an ua ry 1 8, 2 01 8 | Protesters seek fairness for Tim Hortons workers 14 NEWS Graham P a ine /M etro land Labour and anti-poverty groups gathered out front of Tim Hortons parent company RBI head office for a brief rally, they then held a flash mob in the nearby Tim Hortons store.York University student Alia Karim spoke on behalf of students at the pop-up flash mob inside the Tim Hortons store on Wyecroft Road. JULIE SLACK jslack@miltoncanadian champion.com Some 30 delegates and Tim Hortons employees protested outside the headquarters of Restau­ rant Brands International (RBI) in Oakville this af­ ternoon, demanding full restoration of wages among other items. Deena Ladd with Work­ ers' Action Centre, re­ presenting employees, de­ livered a letter to RBI, the parent company of Tim Hortons, demanding that the company restore wag­ es, paid breaks and bene­ fits to the workers at Tim Hortons restaurants across the entire chain. In addition, the letter seeks a guarantee from RBI that any future minimum wage increases do not re­ sult in the deterioration of employee earnings and working conditions at franchises. The protest comes after learning last week that many Tim Hortons fran­ chise owners had taken steps to eliminate paid meal and coffee breaks, reduce basic drug and dental benefits, eliminate uniform and drink allow­ ances, as well as cut hours of work, in response to the Jan. 1 increase to a $14 minimum wage. The letter was ad­ dressed to Daniel Schwartz, RBI's CEO; however, he was not avail­ able at head office this af­ ternoon. RBI did not re­ spond to inquiries prior to press time. Protesters held signs stating things such as: Shame on Timmies for Not Sharing, Do-Nut Take Our Paid Break, Roll Up the Rim - the Rim to Win Fairness, Don't Roll Back Our Benefits and Tim Hortons CEO Daniel Schwartz Gets All the Cream! $6,173,993. Following the protest at headquarters, the groups headed over to the Tim Hortons store on Wyecroft Road where a flash mob was waiting, touting the same message. "Hold the sugar, hold the cream. Tim Hortons, stop being so mean," they chanted to a large crowd, being watched over by sev­ eral Halton Regional Po­ lice officers. Representatives from a Brampton seniors club, Halton Poverty Roundta­ ble and an emergency doc­ tor representing the De­ cent Work and Health Net­ work spoke about the im­ portance of Tim Hortons, as a meeting place and a place that provides coffee to keep employees alert during long shifts. Ladd said that custom­ ers across Canada are concerned and are watch­ ing to see how the compa­ ny responds. With that in mind, she said a national day of ac­ tion will take place on Fri­ day (Jan. 19) to support Tim Hortons workers im­ pacted by the cuts to wag­ es and benefits. Dave Millar, president of the Oakville District Labour Council, said the Ontario Labour Federa­ tion represents a million workers across the prov­ ince - many of whom are Tim Hortons customers, who would take steps if RBI doesn't meet the de­ mands requested. "It won't take much to stop the income that's coming in from us," he said. Ladd stated that the ac­ tions against minimum wage earners is particu­ larly galling in light of the "Canadian values" brand- • See CUSTOMERS, page 20 (SEE READY POWERSPORTS.COM FOR DETAILS) Suzuki: "P re -S eason S ales Event K ick-O ff!" i | $ S U Z U K I w w w .re a d y su zu k i.co m 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga Sales Direct: 866-819-4114 *Vehicle License fee (where applicable) and HST are extra. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Pricing includes factory incentives as follows: (DRZ70 $300/TU250X $0/ SV650SA $1000/GSX250R $250/VZ800 $1.200/GSX-R750 $100). All 2015/2016- 2018 Motorcycles come with 48/60 months SPP included. See us for full details. Offers good until January 31,2018. 2 0 1 7 DR Z70 $2,369* 2 0 1 7 TU 250X $5,179* • 34 2 0 1 8 G SX250R$5,129* 2 0 1 5 S V 650S A $7,769 2 0 1 6 V Z 8 0 0 $8,669* WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM • 430 HENSALL CIRCLE, MISSISSAUGA • 877-297-7446 MEGA CASH CREDITS W f l g P 2 0 1 6 G SX-R 750 $13,269* 'Vehicle Licence fee (if applicable) and HST extra on all offers. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes fre ight and RD.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Pricing of the following include a lim ited lim e rebate of: EX300BGFA $850/EX400GJF $0/Versys X300 S0/Z800 $ 1 .000/VN900DGF S1000/ZX6SE ABS $1 ,500 . Motorcycle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual colours m ay vary depending on availability. Dealer trade or Factory Order may be necessary. Offers subject to change w ithout notice, see us for full deta ils. Offers cannot be combined w ith any other offers, programs or discounts and are good until January 3 1 ,2 0 1 8 . "NEW YEAR'S SALES www.readyyamaha.com * 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 866-819-4086 Outboard Motors 4HP s1,490* 1 15HP$3,088*B od y ad d l u u " ■ ■ * \ 'Vehicle Licence (where applicable) and HST extra. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and P.D.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Fre igh ts PDE ($65/$75/$100/$65), all extra on the following on the other products: (EF2000iS/EF3000iSEB/F15SMHA/F4CMHA). Pricing of the following include a lim ited time rebate and discount of: (R3 $640/FZ7 $160/FJ-09 $0/FZ-1 OANG $0/Kodiac $0/EF2000iS $120/EF3000iSEB $150/F4SMHA $50/F15SMHA $100). Dealer order/trade may be necessary, if we sell out of our inventory. Vehide(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Offers good until January 3 1 ,2 01 8 and are subject to change without notice, see us for full details. [jW M M M m O V E R 103 U S E D MOTORCYCLES IN -STOCK! 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga www.readypowerspoi HSM7W0) laaai acsus mam w w w .re a d y k tm .c o m 4 3 0 H ensall C ircle, M iss issaug a 866-812-5582 'Vehicle License Fee (where applicable) and HST extra. Some of the prices include limited time Factory Incentives: 390 Duke $800/RC390 $800/450 SX-F $1,500/250 EXC-F $0/450 XC-F $0/690 Enduro $1,500. Offers good until January 31,2018. H O N D A 'S F I N D Y O U R F R E E D O M E V E N T ! PAwm R PU M P GENERATOR $1,399 *529* EU2000IT1PJ h o b i d r - i j K i p r WB20XK2C _ *389 mww.readyhondapowersporis.com \ \ hRS2165PKC 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 1*1,199* Y * . S a le s D ir e c t : 8 6 6 - 8 1 9 - 4 1 1 6 * 2 .3 D K 2 SCH C * 1 ,9 9 9 * ^ * 4 ,9 9 9 EG5000 TSjTliJ EU7000ISC *799HS720C *2,299*HSS622CT WE HAVE SNOWBLOWERS! 2016 CBR600RAG * 1 2 ,6 0 0 * *21,769* "L ic e n c e fee ( if a p p lica b le ) a nd HST e x tra on a ll o ffe rs . O ffe rs can no t be c om bine d w ith an y o th e r o ffe rs , p ro g ra m s o r d is c o u n ts a nd are good fro m Jan ua ry , 2 0 1 8 u n til Jan ua ry 31 , 2 0 18 . Down paym ent o r eq u iva len t tra d e -in on purchase f ina nc ing m ay be req u ired based on ap pro ved c re d it fro m Honda Financia l S e rv ice s Inc. Sale Price on the New M oto rcyc les inc lu de s fre ig h t and P.D.E., ECRF, L icen ce A dm in is tra tion Fee and OMVIC Fee. Freight & PDE ($ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 0 0 /$ 6 0 0 ) , ECRF ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 1 8 .50 ) a nd Licence A dm in is tra tion ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 3 9 9 /$ 3 9 9 ) are a ll ex tra on the fo llo w in g on the o th e r p roduc ts : W B20XK2C/EU2000iT1 /EG5000//EU7000ISC/2.3DK2SCHC/HRS2165PKC/HS720C/HSS622CT/TFRX420FA6/TFRX500FA7). P ric ing o f the po w e r e q u ip m e n t m ay include a lim ited tim e rebate and d is c ou n t and the M otorcycles/ATV's a s fo llo w s : CB300F $ 1 ,0 00 /C B X 50 0H $500/C BR 600RA G $ 2 ,0 0 0/CRF25 OL $500/C RF1000LA RG $ 1 ,0 00 /C B R 10 0 0 8 $4 ,0 00 /G L1 80 0B G $ 3 ,5 0 0 . 1 .9% C onventiona l Purchase f ina nc ing fo r 2 4 m on th te rm a p p lie s to a ll 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 7 N ew Honda M o to rcyc le 's. F inancing E xam ples: $ 8 ,0 0 0 @ 1 .9% p e r annum fo r 24 m on ths equa ls $ 3 3 9 .9 7 pe r m on th C.O.B. is $ 1 5 9 .2 8 Total Ob liga tion $8 ,1 5 9 .2 8 . Dealer o rd e r/tra de m ay be necessary, if w e run o u t o f inv en to ry o f se lected m odels. + 2 4 M on ths Honda P lus Extended W arranty a va ilab le a t No Charge w ith the pu rchase o f: HS720/H S S 622/H SS 724 /H S S 928/H S S1332. V ehic le(s) a n d acce ss o rie s show n a re fo r illus tra tio n pu rposes on ly. O ffe rs sub je c t to change w ith o u t no tice , see us fo r fu ll de ta ils . http://www.readysuzuki.com http://WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM http://www.readyyamaha.com http://www.readypowerspoi http://www.readyktm.com Protesters seek fairness for Tim Hortons workers Suzuki: "Pre-Season Sales Event Kick-Off!" 2017 DRZ70 $2,369* 2017 TU250X $5,179* 2018 GSX250R $5,129* 2015 SV650SA $7,769 2016 VZ800 $8,669* 2016 GSX-R750 $13,269* "NEW YEAR'S SALES $1,399 *1,999*^*4,999 *2,299*

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