C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 15, 1999 ^ O a k v il l e B e a v e r S p o r t s • N e w s • E n t e r t a in m e n t # . * i i l . 1check us Winner of President's Award 5 Times Running ELEVENTH mAG£ *1"™ * u / T ^ n D w t , • r o » 1 9 9 9 C L E A R -O U T "Thud. Could that Mercedes- 'The Accent remains at the like sound be a Hyundai door top in comfort, safety and closing? It Is." Robert English, reliability, as well as its The Financial Post affordability." Toronto Sun Tiburon. This is one car meant to be driven with enthusiasm over the twistiest of roads." Ted Laturnus, The Globe and Mail 1999 ACCENT L 3-DOOR DOWN PAYMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT. FREIGHT & P.O.S., INCL. 1999 ELANTRA SEDAN * DOWN PAYMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT.FREIGHT & P.D.S., INCL. 1999 TIBURON COUPE * o MSRP FROM $17,895 $255/MOIlth $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT FREIGHT & P.D.S. INCL. (SECURITY DEPOSIT ErtHA) THE ALL-NEW 1999 SONATA S1 MSRP FROM $19,495 $ 2 7 3 / M P I l t h $1,950 DOWN PAYMENT [FREIGHT i P.D.S. extra SECURITY DEPOSIT EXTRA) ' Leasing program available fro m Hyundai Financial Services. Lim ited lim e offer. Leasing program based on new 1999 A ccent L 3 -d r M SRP fro m $ 1 1 ,5 6 5 .1 9 9 9 Elantra GL Sedan M SR P fro m $ 1 4 ,5 9 5 ,1 9 9 9 T ibu ro n Base M SR P fro m $ 1 7 ,8 9 5 .1 9 9 9 Sonata GL M SRP fro m $19,495 . $1 69/S 229/S 218/S299 per m onth fo r a 48 month walkaway lease fo r all models. Total lease obligation o f $ 8 ,1 22/S 10 .992 /S 10 .464 /S 10.99 2 O.A.C. Down payment o f $0/$0/$1,500/$1,950 plus firs t m onthly payment required. Security deposit ($0 fo r A ccent/E lan tra , $21 8 fo r T ibu ro n , $ 229 fo r Sonata), fre igh t and PDS fo r Accent/Elantra/Tiburon included, freigh t and PDS fo r Sonata extra. Taxes and license and $350 adm inistration fee extra. 20.000 km mileage allowance per year applies. Additional km charge o f $0.10. f0 .0 % financing available on 1999 Accent 4-dr, Elantra, T iburon and Sonata models. O A.C . fo r 24 o r 36 m onth term s. Financing example: $10,000 at 0% per annum equals $277.80 per month fo r 36 m onths. C.O.B. is $0.00 to r a to ta l obligation o f $10,000.00 See dealer fo r details. " A l l MSRP prices exclude fre igh t, license, PDS and taxes. See Oakville Hyundai fo r details. HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE TORONTO HYUNDAI 1071 SI' KI.KS ROAD ( J u s t W e s t o f 4 t h l i n o 2 4 6 0 D l ' F F K R I N S T R E E T HAMILTON TO RO NTO ̂ -- £ £ £ _____ w 905-845-7791 416-787-9789 401 LAWRENCE Z SCHELL ■ CL ~IDU.IL | EGUNTON 0 _ ONTARIO 'S DRIVE CLEAN Accredited Test & Repair Facility •An official mark of the Province of Ontario used under licence. From 8 7 ' 9 5 FRONT DISCS M O ST CARS 9 5 REAR DRUMS l^lndudes new shoes or pads, repack wheel bearings, resurface drums & rotors and inspect entire systera Metallic padsincfcjded present C0Up0n' Expir8S S e p t 2 5 f l9 . j I I • Lube, oil & filter 10W30 • Check anti-freeze and levels ^ I • Check brakes and adjust • Check exhaust for leaks ^ | • Check tires & front end • Check all lights • • Check belts and hoses • Rotate tires • Service battery terminals * • Check tune-up • New car warranty approved Expires Sept 25/99 MOST CARS ! TUNE-UP I In c lu d e s n e w s p a rk p lu g s , c h e c k a ll tu n e -u p c o m p o n e n ts , i se t up & a d ju s t e n g in e , & s e rv ic e b a tte ry . S C O 9 5• IS ! : 3 ! : * 0 7 T r s I Must present coupon at time of estimate Expires Sept 25/99 [ALIGNMENT^SPECIAL ! Indudes front end inspection, road test front caster & camber I adjustments as required. Must present coupon at lime of | purchase. I • II only front end inspection ■ performed $10.00 labour W 2WHEEI 1 rharge is applicable. Expires Sept. 25/99 L U B E r O I L f i ' n L T E R " " i We will: ■ • Change your oil (up to 5 litres of 10W30 Quaker State) & filter ! • Lubricate front end I • Check air pressure | - all levels under hood - filters |Must present coupon. Expires Sept. 25/99 ■ I 'S - v From $ 2 8 95 mcineke installed ' Fits many cars. Pipes, clamps & hangers extra. $ 0 0 9 5 MOST CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS Ontario Government Inspection. Any work required for safety check over the value of $150 + taxes, performed by this location, safety check is no charge. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Expires Sept. 25/99 B A L A N C E V R O T H S Y T IR E S • Rebalance all four tires to maximize wear and ride comfort Rotate all four tires to maximize wear and performance. Must present coupon £ at time of estimate. O M J ^ M O M MAG WHEELS Expires Sept. 25/99 EXTRA j » u n t M u f f l i v Quality U ndercar Specialists Oakville . . . 501 S p eers R d . U n it # 1 ... (Next to Budd's Imported Cars) R ^ l ? * 9 9 7 7 F R E E U n d e r c a r In s p e c t io n N a t io n w id e L if e t im e G u a ra n tees OPEN MON. - FRI. 8 AM SATURDAY 8 AM TO 2 - 9 9 7 7 i Sc E s t im a t e y / Gu a r a n tees M M TO 6 PM M / A PM M MUST PRESENT COUPON FOR ALL SPECIALS NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER Cont'd from page C6 Q2j]daycare wanted 775 daycare wanted 780 mother'shelpers/nannies m mother'shelpers/nannies personals LIFE wasn't meant to be lived alone...don't you de serve to have someone special in your life? Call Misty River Introductions- Toronto trad itional matchmaker (416)777-6302 PINK FLAMINGOS for rent. Proceeds to suppport Multiple Sclerosis Society. Call Pat's Party Rentals. Burlington 333-3034. ■ • f a t a l ^ke t winners HALTON Foster Parents Association Raffle winners: #1 Weekend ©Holiday Inn- Liz Kehoe; #2 Print- Deb Brown; #3 Beanie Baby- Anne Jarman; #4 Tupper- ware Trays- Jessica Rose. FULL-TIME childcare pro vider for September to assist in established Glen Abbey home daycare. Own trans-portation. (905)825- 2833.____________________ DRIVER needed- Mornings and afternoons to drive 12yr old from home near OTMH to Ford Dr/ Upper Middle. Open to flexible schedule eg. Mornings only, or somedays only. (416)-523-2673___________ RESPONSIBLE individual to care for 4-month old, 11:30-4:30, and 6-yr. old after school Mon.-Fri. My home preferred. Hwy#25 north of Hwy#5. (905) 875-1608. HOUSEKEEPER required: Cleaning responsibilties and lim ited childcare supervision. Mon.-Thurs.. 2- 7pm. Guaranteed $150/wk. (905)842-9631.__________ EAST Oakville family re quires babysitter/ house keeper for children 12 & 7. Hours negotiable, non- smoker. 338-7321_______ PART-TIME loving and caring daycare needed for my 1 and 4yr old. My home or yours. Call 847-6776 FULL-TIME Live-out Nanny required for loving Burling ton home. ECE preferred or related experience. Car required. 319-9494 PART-TIME childcare re quired, our North Burling ton home. 2 toddlers. Regular scheduled hours. ECE/ Car/ references. 332-0929 EXPERIENCED nanny re quired to care for new born & 5 year old in Glen Abbey. Monday-Friday, 7am- 6:30pm. Non-smoker, refer- ences required. 469-9245 FULL-TIME experienced Nanny live-out for 2-yr. old boy in our Burlington home only. 9am-5:30pm. Light housekeeping. Bus. (416)947-4651; home. (905)319-2215 DAYCrCARE required be fore/ after school for 2 girls & some cleaning.. Live-in optional. French an asset. 337-3692 after 4:30pm CHILDCARE required- Mon-Thurs.. 2:30-5:30pm., 2 girls, ages 11 & 14. Din ner preparation, errands. 8th Line/ Upper Middle. Car required. Leave message. 842-0155._______________ LIVE-IN/ out Nanny for 3 children (8, 5 & 3). Driving an asset. Non-smoker. References. River Oaks. Leavemessage, (416)3045556. MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631- 0600 | lost & found LOST: Grey/white tabby named "Nuts" declawed male, last seen at corner of Silvercreek & Hobson Dr. (Abbleby/'Jpper Middle Rd.) Call Jenny 331-6972 LOST: Siamese cat '■Com e r , Maplegrove Area. Please check your garage. Needs medication. Call if seen, 338-8618-Reward!! Communijy Notices Provider Info. Session LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 W e e /.Y J fa tC h , . I LEARN ABOUT * BECOMING A DAYCARE PROVIDER WITH THE #1 AGENCY IN OAKVILLE. Thurs., Sept. 9 , 10:00-11:30am River Oaks Rec. Centre or Thurs., Sept. 16, 3:00-4:30pm Glen Abbey Rec. Centre Reserve your spot 847-8060 Coming Events FOUND: Purple mountain bike, Aldershot/ Birdland area approxim ately 2- weeks ago. (905)333-6369 Must describe to recover. FOUND: kids hat with badges on Caroline St., Sat. Sept.4th. Call 634- 5108. PLUMBING Repairs. New Installations, alterations. Basement drains, bath rooms. No Job Too Small. Senior Discount. Frank, 639-3874 I handyman You're invited to our 3rd Annual Perennial Swap Party! Bring in your favourite Perennial plants from your garden, re-potted and labelled, and trade them in for a new variety from other gardeners. This is a great opportunity to see new plants, talk to Perennial experts and share new ideas. Visit your local Sheridan Nurseries Garden Centre on September 18 from noon to 2:00 pm to take advantage of this exciting opportunity! ED Timmins Home < Improvement. Drywalling, taping, plumbing, rec.rooms, bathrooms, ceramics, painting... References.Free Estimates. 524-6922. V Deaths I painting & decorating 100% Quality Pro Painters+ 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior, exterior. (905)277-1793 or toll free 1-877-724-6847 RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733________________ PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- hrs.. 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700____________ 111 AAA Movers. Packing and storage. Local/ long distance. Weekly trips to US & coast to coast. Free estimates. Free boxes. (877)-503-6683 BORUSCHAK, Andrew O n S u n d a y S e p te m b e r 12, 1999 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 77th year. Andrew, beloved husband of Erna. Loved father of Steven and Irene and her husband Gary Van Den Boom. D e a r D ido o f A u s tin and T a ra . D ear b ro th e r o f H a n ka P e n u lo and Ivan Boruschak both of the Ukraine. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9pm Tuesday. Funeral Mass 10am W ednesday at St. Joseph's U k ra in ia n C h u rc h , 26 2 M ap le G rove Road, Oakville. Interment St. Volodymyr Cemetery, Oakville. Those who wish may m ake m e m o ria l c o n tr ib u t io n s to S t. J o s e p h 's U k ra n ina n C a th o lic C hu rch , Oakville. drapes upholstery CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab rics, tab le / chair accessories. Call Sherry, 634-6706. DRUM Lessons taught by pro. Contact 905-844-4580 W W l i 1 daycare available PRESCHOOL, kindergarten childcare available. Pine- land/ Mohawk area. 681- 6859 or 632-6049_________ I'M available to babysit evenings. Monday-Friday after 7:30 p.m. Loving reliable. References. CPR/ non-smoker. 634-7990. Loving hands on c a re .. M illcro ft/ Headon Forest area. Dependable ECE mom call 319-0261_______ H.C.C.R. reg'd E.C.E. has full-time spaces, all ages. QEW/ Burloak/ New St. References, receipts. 333- 3579____________________ HOME-AWAY-FROM home for your child & your peace of mind is all that really mat ters. Near River Oaks school. References available. 10-yrs. experience. 844-7108. ENROL IMMEDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tiona l daycare experi ence incl: computers & m u s ic ! 6 :3 0a m - 6:00pm. Transportation avail. ACADEMY Preschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) 335-0515, 335-1234 DOCHERTY, Neil McKerrell (Marine Engineer) Father to George and Doreen, Pappy to Tuula, Kelly, Pipsan, Aidan, Keegan and Torin. Neil has sailed his final voyage to be with his most beloved Elizabeth Jessie MacDougall Docherty. Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1921 and connected through h is m o the r E uphem ia M cK erre ll to the beautiful Isle of Islay. Neil spent most of his life at sea. As a young Engineer in the British Merchant Navy he was torpedoed on the Maritima in November of 1942. Hit by two torpedoes the ship broke up and sa n k w ith in th re e m in u te s . N e il w as critically wounded, picked up from the icy w a te rs and taken to Ice land w here he spent months recovering. After marrying in Islay and having two children, Neil and Je ss ie im m ig ra te d to C anada , f irs t to Kingston, Ontario and the last 33 years to O a k v ille . F or m o s t o f th is tim e , N eil resided in our family home in Oakville with is son George. They found great peace in one a n o th e r's com pany and w ere " the best of friends" When Neil recently took ill, he moved to Calgary, Alberta to be with h is d a ugh te r Doreen and fam ily . Th is wonderful, gentle man who sat for hours with his grandchildren telling stories of his travels and adventures passed peacefully away with Doreen and Andrew by his side on W e d n e s d a y S e p te m b e r 8, 1999. F u n e ra l S e rv ic e 2 :0 0 p m M o n d a y , S e p te m b e r 13, 1999 a t H o p e d a le P re s b y te r ia n C h u rc h , O a k v ille w ith v is ita t io n 1 h o u r p r io r to S e rv ic e . In te rm e n t S t. J u d e 's C e m e te ry . Arrangements entrusted to Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, Oakville. 'Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea! Our hearts, our hopes are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, are all with thee - are all with thee! VERY loving, caring daycare from one who loves children. Non-smoker. Many references. Reasonable rates. Fun outings. walks, well balanced meals. All ages. Palmer area. 335-4171. OPENINGS for full-time & before/ after school, Fronte- nac/ Ascension School area. References available. Call 333-5287. I daycare wanted MACLEOD, Rev. Dr. Hinson A. (R e tire d C h a p la in o f S yl A pps Y ou th C entre , fo rm er C hap la in Royal M ilita ry C o lle g e , K in g s to n . P a s to r o f se ve ra l churches in the Maritimes and Ontario and a mem ber of R.C.M.I. and the Air Force Association of Canada). O n S u n d a y S e p te m b e r 12, 1999 a t O a k v ille T ra fa lg a r M em oria l H o sp ita l, Hinson in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Sue. Dear fa ther of Bonnie Greene, (Gordon) and Burns (Margaret). Loving g ra n d fa th e r o f K a th le e n and A ndrew . V is ita t io n a t th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 7-9pm Tuesday. Funeral Service 11:00am W ednesday at C e n tra l B a p tis t C hurch , 340 R ebecca Street, O akville. Cremation. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the charity of your choice. BABYSITTER for 2 young children in my Speers/ Kerr home. Mon. 3:45-9:45pm; Thurs. 3:45-9:30pm Refer ences required. (905)338- 0115.____________________ ALDERSHOT- 7 & 5. Transportation to Glenview School necessary various shifts. Some early morn- ings. 639-6067___________ ENERGETIC, loving care giver required my home, two children (2-1/2 & 6- mos.) fu ll-tim e, live-out. Olde Oakville. References. 845-8557 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If yo u d r in k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Anniversary THappy "50th" Anniversary 'Ruth and "Boh Blacf^ September 16th, 1949 Congratulations and "Best 'Wishes Love from your fam ily InM em oriam ABRAHAM - Alex, In loving Memory April 6, 1904 - September 15,1973 Just to hear you talk Only to see you walk. Once more upon this earth Twenty - six years is far to long. Memories of you are never gone. Missing you - Dad Sons - Daughters - Grandchildren Leigh Bryan Mulhern Born August 3,1977 Left us September 15,1997 In loving memory of ̂ dear son, brother and friend Though you may be gone forever, and your body we may not touch, we will always have the memories of the young m an we loved so much, these thoughts will last forever, these feelings shall never part, yes God may have you now, but we have you in our heart. Remembered with love, Your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brothers and friends. Scholarship donations received by the Bank of Montreal Acc. It 8020- 733 - Br. # 38472. S TE E LE - James. In loving memory of my dear husband Jam es, w ho passed away September 16. 1998 Jim, what we shared, The tw o ch ild ren we have been g ifted with, I cherish. My best friend, my love, my soulmate, my husband. Together Forever Jeanne S T E E L E , Ja m e s A rth u r, S e p te m b e r 16,1998 Our thoughts are ever with you Though you have passed away; And those who loved you dearly Are thinking of you today Lovingly Remembered Mom, Dad, Susan,Robert and families Funeral Directors O AKVIEW FUNERAL HOME O ur family serving your family 56 LA K E S H O R E RO AD W EST O A K V ILLE F une ra l D ire c to rs • Don Clarke • Douglas Manners • Tania Di Censo - Gregory Sidora 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 WARD • -- ^ • Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Employment Adults Required To deliver the Oakville Beaver door to door. No inserting, no collecting. Delivery days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. If interested please call 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2