Oakville Beaver, 18 Aug 1999, A7

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Wednesday, August 18, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 o O A K V IL L E 8 4 5 - 6 6 0 1 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT, 1997 S .0 .1997, C.27 O. REG. 82/98 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE FOR TOWN AND HYDRO SERVICES TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Oakville passed By-law No. 1999-106 on the 10th of August, 1999, under section 2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, for Town and Hydro Services. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal the by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board under section 14 of the Act by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Oakville, not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 20th day of September, 1999, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection. An explanation of the development charges imposed and a description of the lands to which the by-law applies are set out below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Department during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Dated at the Town of Oakville, in the Regional Municipality of Halton, the 11th day of August, 1999. Judith Muncaster Town Clerk BY-LAW NO. 1999-106 A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH DEVELOPM ENT CHARGES FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW N OF OAKVILLE O VERVIEW By-Law No. 1999-106 imposes development charges for residential and non-residential development in the geographic area of The Corporation of the Town of Oakville for the services, described in Schedule A, Schedule of Municipal Services, to pay for the increased capital costs required because of increased need for services arising from development. LANDS AFFECTED The provisions of this By-law apply to all lands In the geographic area of the Town as shown in Map 'A'. The applicable amount identified as Total Charge in Schedule B, Schedule of Development Charges - Town Services, shall be imposed on all lands located within the areas defined on Map 'A'. Tha applicable amount identified as Total Charge in Schedule C, Schedule of Development Charges - Hydro Services, shall be imposed on all lands located within the areas defined on Map 'A' exempt for the lands set out in Schedule D, Schedule of Lands Exempted from Development Charges - Hydro Services. INDEXING < The development charges set out in Schedules B and C shall be adjusted without amendment to this By-law on April 1" of each year, commencing April 1*, 2000, in accordance with the Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics (catalogue number 62-007). For further information please contact: Michelle A. S6guin, Director, Finance & Treasurer, (905) 845-6601, extension 3062; OR, Hania Ellison, Manager, Capital Financing, (905) 845-6601, extension 3013. The Corporation of the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 MAP 'A ' Town of Milton Lake Ontario S C H E D U L E A SC H ED U LE OF M UN IC IPA L SER VIC ES SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE OF DEVELO PM ENT CHARGES - HYDRO SERVICES | Town Services I 1. Protection ' 2. Roads Related | 3. Transit 4. Storm Water Management \ 5. Parks | 6. Library 7. Growth-Related Studies | 8. Public Works / Parks Shared Facilities S 9. Major Indoor Recreation Facilities j 10. Roads | Hydro Services RESIDENTIAL D EVELO PM ENT CHARGE Type of Residential Use $ per dwelling unit Single Detached & Semi-detached $337 Multiples excluding apartments $251 Apartments $178 Special Care / Special Need / Accessory Units $135 S C H E D U L E B SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - TOWN SERVICES RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (By Type of Residential Use - Per Dwelling Unit) Services Single A Multiple Multiple Apartments Apartments Special Cere/ Special Semi-detached dwelling 1 or 2 2 or more bachelor or Need/ dwelling more bedrooms bedrooms 1 bedroom Acceeiory Units 1 Protection $116 $97 $82 $72 $48 $33 2. Roads Related 57 48 40 36 24 18 3 Transit 352 294 250 220 147 101 4 Storm Water Mngt 336 280 239 210 140 97 5. Parks 1,329 1,109 944 829 554 382 6. Library 428 357 304 267 179 123 7. Growth-Related 63 53 45 39 26 18 Studies 8. Public Works/Parks 159 133 113 99 66 46 Shared Facilities 9. Major Indoor 757 632 537 473 316 217 Recreation Facilities 10 Roads 3,100 2,586 2,201 1,935 1,293 891 TO TAL CHARGE $6,697 $5,589 $4,755 $4,180 $2,793 $1,924 NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELO PM ENT CHARG E per square foot per square metre of total floor area of total floor area $0.42 $4.52 RETAIL DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SERVICES par square foot of total floor area par square metre of total floor area 1. Protection _ 2. Roads Related _ _ 3. Transit _ _ 4. Storm W ater Management r 5. Parks _ _ 6. Library _ _ 7. Growth-Related Studies * _ 8. Public W orks / Parks Shared Facilities . 9. Major Indoor Recreation Facilities „ _ 10. Roads $2.48 $ 2 6 70 TO TA L CHARGE $ 2 .4 8 $ 26.70 NOTE: The development charges described above are applicable on the date that this By-law comes into effect, August 31,1999. These development charges shall be adjusted annually in accordance with section 15 of this By-law. S C H E D U L E D SCHEDULE O F LANDS EXEM PTED FROM D EV ELO PM EN T CHARG ES HYDRO SERVICES OTHER NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SERVICES per square foot of total floor area par square metre of total floor area 1. Protection _ . 2. Roads Related _ _ 3. Transit _ _ 4. Storm W ater Management . 5. Parks _ _ 6. Library _ _ ' 7. Growth-Related Studies . . 8. Public Works / Parks Shared Facilities . . 9. Major Indoor Recreation Facilities . . 10. Roads $ 2 .0 0 $21.53 TO TA L CHARGE $ 2 .0 0 $21.53 NOTE: The development charges described above are applicable on the date that this By-law comes Into effect, August 31,1999. These development charges shall be adjusted annually in accordanoe with section 15 of this By-law. Winston Park/Pinetree West non-residential (20M-467,474, 491, 492, 500, 514, 515, 526, 539) Clearview (20M-367, 518) non-residential Wedgewood non-residential j (20M-544) Wyecroft (20M-396,476) non-residential Grand Valley (Blocks 148 & 150,20M-502; Block 127, 20M-503) residential Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. Lots 4 - 9, Concession 2-S.D.S. non-residential 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD • OAKVILLE, ONTARIO • L6J 5A6 OAKVILLE NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE FOR TOWN AND HYDRO SERVICES BY-LAW NO. 1999-106 MAP 'A' SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - HYDRO SERVICES SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - TOWN SERVICES NOTE: The development charges described above are applicable on the date that this By-law comes into effect, August 31,1999. These development charges shall be adjusted annually in accordance with section 15 of this By-law. SCHEDULE D SCHEDULE OF LANDS EXEMPTED FROM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES HYDRO SERVICES 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD • OAKVILLE, ONTARIO • L6J 5A6

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