Oakville Beaver, 1 Feb 2018, p. 38

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 1, 20 18 | ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PAY TO THE ORDER OF . Charitable Registra ^ wellspring www.weiispnng.ca e il s p r in g c a n c e r s u p p o r t f o u n d a t io n 5 0 , . r n . ov̂ orA Kuricl/eJ ^dlor /loo DOLLARS OaWvi « Acura of Oakville supports Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation D o n a tin g a p o rt io n o f th e sa les fro m n e w a n d p re -ow ned veh ic les th ro u g h o u t No­ ve m b e r a n d D ecem ber, th e A cu ra o f O akville team n e tte d $ 3 ,5 0 0 fo r the W e llsp ring C ancer S u p p o rt F ounda tion . P ic tu re d he re a re W e llsp ring L igh t-up c o m m itte e m e m b e rs a n d A cu ra re sp re se n ta tive s : (b a ck ro w le ft to r ig h t) Lynn Verwey, B a rba ra M organ , Tina H opkins, Jon Z o rm a n n (A cura o f O akville G enera l S a les M anager), E lisabe th W ijke r (A cura o f O akville S a les a n d Le a s ing C onsu ltan t), E ve line Dear, ( fro n t ro w le ft to rig h t) C laud ia Connor, Vanessa Fraser, A nn ie K o h u t,J a n T ingle a n d G rac ie la R a inusso. M iss­ in g fro m th e p h o to a re J e n n ife r S tevenson , M a rla N ew ton, B ev C athro, S usy Borges S an tos a n d Lau ren M cL e o d .W e iisp rin g B irm in g h a m Gilgan H ouse in O akville o ffe rs a s u p p o rtiv e ca re p rog ram s, a t no cost, fo r ca n c e r p a tie n ts a n d th e ir fa m ilie s . L o ca te d in the h e a r t o f O akville , i t is p a r t o f a n e tw o rk o f W e llsp ring cen tres th a t p rov ide e m o tio n ­ al, psycho log ica l, re s to ra tiv e a n d e d u c a tio n a l s u p p o rt p ro g ra m s a n d se rv ices. M aste rw o rk s seeks ch o ris te rs a n d m u sic ian s Masterworks of Oakville Chorus and Orchestra is calling on new choristers and orchestra musicians to join its ranks. The group, one of the largest community organi­ zations in Oakville, is cur­ rently holding auditions and welcomes talented resi­ dents to try out. Masterworks regularly performs with over 100 mu­ sicians, choir and orchestra combined. It is dedicated to per­ forming the works of choral classical tradition and is known for executing chal­ lenging works seldom heard outside major metro­ politan centres. Plans for the group's spring concert are already in the works and rehearsals for the April 28-29 concert, featuring Handel's Samson, begin Saturday (Feb. 3). The spring concert takes place at St. Andrew Catho­ lic Church in downtown Oakville. Masterworks was found­ ed by Joyce Sitarski. Its ar­ tistic director of Charles Demuynck. For more information, email info@masterworkso- foakville.ca. Please keep our community clean! I f y o u f in d a c h e a p e r p r ic e , s im p ly s h o w u s a n d w e w i l l m a tc h . (A*,"'LMiWSlLJL Club Size, centre and rib end, bone in COBBLESTONE ' PORK BACK RIBS eaogor CHICKEN DRUM STICKS 900G, Selected varieties frozen CLEMENTINES Product of Moroco D AN-0 PAK CASHEWS 908g, salted or unsalted UNICO TOMATOES or CHICK PEAS or RED KIDNEY BEANS 796ml, ■ NOFRILLS 18x355ml, selected varieties selected varieties, frozen pizzas selected varieties 3 days only - Thurs. Feb 1 to Sat Feb 3 i 15,000 (j£ when you spend $100 on almost anything in the store. That's $15 in points. See store for details. O lp n '^ N n F rill^ FLYER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN 1 V/icy o i tu r im o Ontario stores only. Thursday, V. A one A UUAtnim H FEBRUARY 1 to Wednesday,1 Oi/O ADDSyWOOU FEBRUARY 7,2018. Jl D rive , O a k v ille VJQ n o fr ills .c a L ^ l NOFRILLS 1 P V ------- QEW i CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF RECOGNIZING IMMIGRANT ACHIEVERS Do you know an inspiring immigrant who has made a positive impact in Canada? Recognize and celebrate their achievements by nominating them for this coveted national award by Feb 27, 2018. 2018 NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN Visit canadianimmigrant.ca/rbctop25 Title sponsor: Presented by: Media sponsors: Royal Bank * i m m metre EBBffi CANADIAN IMMIGRANT http://www.weiispnng.ca mailto:info@masterworkso-foakville.ca mailto:info@masterworkso-foakville.ca ^ wellspring CANADIAN

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