POLICE $8,500 in cash and electronics stolen from Oakville home DAVID LEA dlea@oakvillebeaver.com Halton police are inves tigating after around $8,500 in cash and electronics were stolen from a Shaw Street home on Friday, Feb. 2. At some point between 4 and 8 p.m., someone smashed the window out of a rear door so they could reach in and unlock it, po lice said. The intruder stole the cash and electronics and then fled the scene. No one was home at the time of the break-in. No suspect description is available at this time. Anyone with informa tion about this incident is asked to contact the Oak ville criminal investiga tions bureau at 905-825 4747 ext. 2216 You may also contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800 222-TIPS (8477) or through the web at www.halton- crimestoppers.ca. b e c a u s e y o u a s k e d . . . 51 % o f M etro land readers say environm ental issues are very /extrem ely im portan t to them metrolandmedia Connected to your community* B randSpark BRUAAV TUESDAYS au 0PM 3 0PMo m m fbe M B PAOB M C I M caiiaw ie posaaiaij ra tm D R A W S E V E R Y T H U R ID A V • ipm - 3X seas cosh • 3Pm - 3X $688 CASH • 5Pm - 3X $888 CASH • 6Pm - 3X $888 CASH • 7Pm - 3X $888 CASH • 8Pm - 3X $888 CAIH $140,000 i n C A S H ! * W O O D B IN E 555 REXDALE BOULEVARD, TORONTO, ON M9W 5LI I 1-888-345-7568 CasinoWoodbine.com M UST BE AN ELIGIBLE REWARDS CLUB MEMBER. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. V ISIT THE REWARDS DESK FOR RULES & REGULATIONS. *PRIZE POOL IS INCLUSIVE OF ALL PARTICIPATING ON TA R IO G A M IN G GTA L.P. PROPERTIES.Play. Sm art nature's sourceStay Healthy W ith Heart. Trust our Professionally Trained and Certified Staff FREE with this ad! Bring this ad in to receive a Natural Factors Wild Pacific Salmon Oil 30's • Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids • Reduces joint pain and inflammation • Brain, memory and learning support y^O ffer valid at our OAKVILLE location only^ c"Vgu0 enerex Innovite INNO-Q-NOL100MG 60 softgels Restores antioxicant levels to support cardiovascular health • Reduce the risk fo r cardiovascular disease • Boost energy levels • Provide antioxidant protection $ 4 9 9 9 ea Enerex Serrapeptase 120,000SU 120 or Bonus 150 caps A natural enzyme that can reduce pain, inflammation • Restores persistent inflam m atory response to reduce swelling and improve circulation $ 4 0 9 9 ea Garden of Life R a w F it 427-461g Vegan protein for weight loss • Satisfies hunger and helps you stay full longerwith organicwhole food fiber • Contains Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract--to burn fat naturally and 2 f o r $ 7 9 99 See all our February specials instore or at natures-source.com O r g a n ic T r a d it io n s Turm eric or Matcha Lattes 150g Delicious coconut-based Lattes, available in Turmeric and Matcha blends •A great ayurvedic alternative to tea or coffee 2for$2999 nature's source NATURAL DISPENSARY nature's signature M a ple 2 9 4 3 M a jo r M a c k e n z ie Dr 9 0 5 .3 0 3 .7 7 1 7 m e t r o G u e lp h 500 Edinburgh Rd S 5 1 9 .8 2 2 .8 9 0 0 M iss issa u g a O a k v ille T o ro n to S h o p O n lin e 5 029 H u ro n ta r io S t 2391 T ra fa lg a r Rd 40 R onson D r n a tu re s -s o u rc e .c o m 9 0 5 .5 0 2 .6 7 8 9 9 0 5 .257 .1655 4 1 6 .2 4 2 .8 5 0 0 L ib e r ty V illa g e O tta w a 100 Lynn Williams St 4510 Innis Road Orleans 416.535.3200 O p e n in g s o o n ! natures-source.com 1.866.502.6789 P roud m e m b e r a n d s u p p o rte r o f QANDI pril med Can't Decide! A sk abou t our G ift Cards! @natures_source N a tu re 'sS o u rce and N ature 's S igna ture a re no t re s p o n s ib le fo ra n y m isprin ts. Th is f ly e r is fo r in fo rm a tion pu rp o se so n ly , please c o n s u lto u r qua lified s ta ff, yo u r na tu ro p a th ic or m ed ica l phys ic ian fo r any m ed ica l advice. W h ile quan tities last. N ot all p ro d u c ts m ay be ava ilab le in all stores. Sale ends February 28,2018. ¥ -v j | O akville B eaver | Thursday, February 15, 2018 insidehalton.com mailto:dlea@oakvillebeaver.com http://www.halton-crimestoppers.ca http://www.halton-crimestoppers.ca DAVID LEA because you asked... BrandSpark TUESDAYS DRAWS EVERY THURIDAV in CASH!* WOODBINE FREE with this ad! Innovite Garden of Life 2for$7999 See all our February specials instore or at natures-source.com Organic Traditions 2for$2999 nature's source natures-source.com QANDI