Oakville Beaver, 15 Feb 2018, p. 24

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in si d e h a lto n .c o m O a kv ill e B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 15 , 2 01 8 | 24 NEWS RRThe C e n tre I__11__l for Skills Development & Training G O T A TR A D E ? GOT IT MADE! RESERVE YOUR SPOT for FEB 26.201 8 PROGRAMS Get job-ready in under 6 months at The Centre for Skilled Trades! Small class sizes with hands-on practical training, 75% shop time. Industry certified instructors teach our Home Reno, Electrical or Millwright and Machining Programs. Over 90% job placement rates. *Each program is limited to 2 0 students CONNECTWITH US Q McNameeP@thecentre.on.ca Q 905.333.3499 x:3 15 Q thecentre.on.ca/skilledtrades Chamber announces business award finalists Winners to be announced during March 27 gala dinner OAKVILLE CHAMBER --------<y-------- COMMERCE The Oakville Chamber of Commerce has unveiled the finalists for the 23rd An­ nual Oakville Awards for Business Excellence. The awards, which are being presented in partner­ ship with the Rotary Club of Oakville West, recognize exemplary models of excel­ lence and community ser­ vice by Oakville's business­ es. They will be handed out during a gala dinner on March 27 at the Oakville Conference Centre. The finalists were offi­ cially announced Feb. 6. "The Oakville Awards for Business Excellence re­ ceived an overwhelming number of nominations from the Oakville commu­ nity. The judges carefully reviewed all of the nomina­ tions and selected 57 final­ ists," said Ken Nevar, chair of the board, Oakville Chamber of Commerce. "I congratulate all of the finalists. It is truly an ho­ nour to be nominated by your customers and peers and to be recognized for your dedication, business practices and community service." The awards will be given out in nine categories. Those award categories and their finalists are: Small Business of the Year - A.S. Security & Sur­ veillance Inc.; Addison Mu­ sic Learning Centre; Akita Natural Skin Care Prod­ ucts Canada; Caju Multi- media Inc.; DCM Event Management; Expert Is­ land; iCare Home Health; Innovative HR; Oakview Funeral Home; Painters Place; Preferred Muffler, Brake & Auto Inc.; Qi Tran­ quility Spa; Resultel Tech­ nologies Inc.; Speckles Art Studio and Wines Unlimit­ ed. Bell Mid-size Business of the Year - Automacs Col­ lision Inc.; Cameron's Brewing Company; Clu- bRunner; Florence Meats; • See GALA, page 25 ALL A G E S W E L C O M USICAL IN STRUMENTS M USIC LESSONS G u ita r W o fiD 905.257.3110 • theguitarworldoakville.com 380 Dundas St. E. a t T r a f a lg a r R o a d in L o n g o 's P l a z a ^ I I 3 D S 5 rJy■ $< /(, J h a n e & Innovation, aaipu hid.' ' -- ' * -- ' V ) KITCHENS & BATHS INC Custom made Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinetry \ Closet Systems Entertainment Units \ Basement Renovations \ Full Renos and More! Create Your Dream Look ♦ 100% Canadian Made Cabinetry ♦ Quality Craftsmanship ♦ 20+ Years Experience ♦ Visit our 6000 sqft Design Centre Units 2-3 333 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville T 905.844.3332 F 905.844.3334 www.aromakitchens.ca I info@aromakitchens.ca mailto:McNameeP@thecentre.on.ca http://www.aromakitchens.ca mailto:info@aromakitchens.ca RRThe Centre 905.257.3110 • theguitarworldoakville.com V) Create Your Dream Look

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