OPINION Government can identify avoidance strategies • Continued from page 16 tion. The CRA has increas ing amounts of data on fi nancial transactions over $10,000. It has better infor mation on worldwide banking activity, and it has a paid informant pro gram that seems to be op erating well. Our tax system no lon ger has to encourage peo- ple to self-report potential wrongdoings. The in creased amount of infor mation can be used to find and pursue tax avoiders. The CRA will also be more aggressive against 'third parties' that play a role in making tax avoidance op tions available to clients. Lawyers will now have to reveal the names of cli ents before any settle ment can be reached. Gov- ernment relies on every one paying their fair share of taxes, and the CRA is determined to find tax cheaters. Peter Watson, o f Peter Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI, offers a weekly financial planning col umn, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwatsoninvest- ments.com. because you asked... 51 % of Metroland readers say environmental issues are very/extremely important to them m e t r o la n d m e d ia Connected to your community* B r a n d S p a r k Quality and convenience. Made f o r Seniors Over 200 quality frozen meals, soups, and desserts delivered directly to your home. Average $ 7 per Meal. Free Delivery.* No obligation. HEART TO Request your FREE M enu HOME MEALS 1 -8 4 4 -4 0 9 -0 0 5 0 H eartTo H om eM eals .ca *some conditions may apply. $ 2 , 5 0 0 WEIGHT LOSS GRANT Do You Have More than 20 lbs to Lose? - Apply Now! www.weightlossgrants.org V alid For M ost W eight L oss Program s • No Cost or Fee to Apply • Approval w ithin 48 Hours • Thousands Paid Monthly! • S ee W ebsite for A pplication D eadline. Please v is it w w w .w e igh tlossg ran ts .o rg fo r fu l l G u ide lines , Terms & C ond itions. | O akville Beaver | Thursday, February 22, 2018 insidehalton.com http://www.peterwatsoninvest-ments.com http://www.peterwatsoninvest-ments.com http://www.weightlossgrants.org http://www.weightlossgrants.org OPINION because you asked... metrolandmedia Quality and convenience. Made Seniors Over 200 quality frozen meals, soups, and desserts delivered directly to your home. Average $7 per Meal. Free Delivery.* No obligation. HEART TO Request your FREE Menu HOME MEALS 1-844-409-0050 HeartToHomeMeals.ca Do You Have More than 20 lbs to Lose? - Apply Now! Valid For Most Weight Loss Programs • No Cost or Fee to Apply • Approval within 48 Hours • Thousands Paid Monthly! • See Website for Application Deadline. Please visit www.weightlossgrants.org for full Guidelines, Terms & Conditions.