NEWS Projects put Sheridan at 'forefront of research, innovation': Flynn • Continued from page 18 learning. • The development of a Rapid Engagement Innova tion Network, which sup ports regional innovation by engaging small and me dium-sized enterprises to solve technology develop ment challenges and adop tion across multiple sectors. This project would also pre pare students for Ontario's growing tech-based econo my. • The development of an improved design of a lead ing refrigeration manufac turer's new modular indus trial beverage cooling unit. Students will collaborate with industry partners to at tain solutions as vital mem bers of the project team. "Today's announcement is recognition of the tremen dous work being done at Sheridan College," said Oakville MPP and Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn. "Through these exciting projects, students are being introduced to technology that is not only giving them an education that meets the demands of a modern econ omy, but is also putting Sheridan at the forefront of research and innovation." Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Devel opment Mitzie Hunter also weighed in on the funding. "Ontario's college stu dents are bright, ambitious and ready to take on real world challenges," she said. "When students have the opportunity to apply their education in practical ways, they're even better equipped to participate in the skills- based economy we're build ing in the province. These projects will encourage stu dents to explore their full potential, immerse them selves in industries and help us keep Ontario's R&D sec- tor competitive." The news was well re ceived by Linda Franklin, president and CEO of the ad vocacy and marketing asso ciation - Colleges Ontario. "This is a tremendous in vestment into real-world re search at colleges that drives innovation and eco nomic growth," she said. "Working in partnership with colleges, small busi nesses across Ontario will develop new products and services that can be sold throughout the world." Moridi said helping stu dents succeed in the innova tion economy is part of On tario's plan to create fair ness and opportunity dur ing this period of rapid economic change. The CARDF was an nounced in January 2017 with an investment of $20 million over three years and administered by the Ontario Centres of Excellence. K I T C H E N S O F O AKVILLE A Y A O A K V IL L E .C O M AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST 905.847.1522 "Bees gas assault a lepar? , Please pass the salt and p e p p e r1 T h e w o rld m a k e s se n se w ith b e tte r h e a r in g . If you have hearing loss, certain letter sounds can be hard to distinguish. This makes it very easy to misunderstand w hat is being said. When hearing loss is not treated, you may have trouble hearing and distinguishing the letters F P K and T. Words that begin w ith the letter S can also be d ifficu lt to hear. The good news is, hearing aids can help restore these sounds and get you back into the conversation. The first step is getting tested Call your local hearing centre to book a FREE hearing test appointment today. € Bronte 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-877-552-3915 H earing Sciences Audiology and Hearing Aid Centre ----------------------------------------------------- TRUSTED PARTNER OF Q »»»'» acj^aivitage t_ V3Ilt3g6 L B Q fO n ^^ UBC N IH B , VAC and W o rker's C om pensation Provider H e a r in g t e s t s a r e p r o v id e d f r e e o f c h a r g e f o r a d u l t s a g e s 1 8 a n d o ld e r . S o m e c o n d i t i o n s m a y a p p ly . P le a s e s e e c l i n i c f o r d e t a i l s . O f f e r n o t v a l i d in Q u e b e c . Promo Code NSP-BEES-OAKB o> | O akville Beaver | Thursday, February 22, 2018 AYAOAKVILLE.COM AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST "Bees gas assault a lepar? , Please pass the salt and pepper1 The world makes sense with better hearing. Bronte 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-877-552-3915 Audiology and Hearing Aid Centre