NEWS Caroline Mulroney believes she's only one capable of toppling Wynne Graham P a ine /M etro land Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Caroline Mulroney was the guest speaker at a rally hosted by Oakville Conservative candidate Stephen Crawford. JULIE SLACK jslack® Caroline Mulroney says she's the only Progressive Conservative leadership candidate who can defeat Kathleen Wynne. Mulroney was in Oak ville last Monday night at Le Dome Banquet Hall along with fellow PC Stephen Crawford, who's running to represent the riding of Oak ville at Queen's Park. Both outlined their vision of the provincial PC Party to a crowd of some 300 people. "I've put my name for ward because I believe I'm the only person who can de feat Kathleen Wynne," said the businesswoman who has a career in finance. "I re present something new, a generational change, some thing different, something forward looking and I bring a new energy to our Conser vative values." The daughter of former prime minister Brian Mul roney promised that Queen's Park will be home to a PC MPP in Crawford, joining a very large PC par ty in Queen's Park. Though she offered few specifics on policies she would bring if elected lead er, she did say they would in vest $1.9 billion in a compre hensive mental health solu tion, citing that one in two people will have suffered a mental health issue by the time they hit 40. "I'm looking at our entire platform very closely, and about what policies I would implement in government," said Mulroney, 43, who's the PC candidate in York-Sim- coe. "Every one will be for ward looking; every one will be for the people of Ontario. A married mother of four, she also founded the Shoebox Project for Shel ters, a non-profit that pro vides small gifts packaged in decorated shoeboxes to women in shelters just be fore the holidays. Mulroney appeared well- received by guests, who clapped heartily when she shared a story about her mom's recent driving inci dent. "It's been a tumultuous two weeks for the people in the PC party and my moth er, last Monday, was over whelmed with the news she was hearing," she said. "She was swerving all over the road, and she got pulled over. The police officer asked her why she was driv ing like a crazy person." She said her mother (Mi la) explained: "'My daughter just told me that she's run ning for the leadership of the Ontario PC Party.'" She went on to say that the current government is untrustworthy and out of touch. "They govern for the short-term benefit of them selves and we are stuck with • See OAKVILLE, page 34 Let Your N atural Beauty I Sh ine Through A t A n y A g e NON-SURGICAL OFFERS Laser Skin R e juve na tio n Acne Treatment Laser Hair Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing In jec tab les : * Botox * Fillers/Juvederm Skin H ea lth M a n a g e m e n t: Facial Peels * Latisse Comprehensive Skin Care Analysis Sclerotheropy ZO Skin Health Medical Grade Facials N on-S u rg ica l B ody C o n to u r in g * Vanquish * Exilis SChe- GRACE C L IN IC PLASTIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE & LASER SURGERY D r D ouglas G race B.SC. M.D. F.R.C.S.C • Plastic, Reconstructive, & Laser Surgeon 905 336-9636 | 200-481 JOHN ST., BURLINGTON 905 338-5777 | 136 ALLAN ST., OAKVILLE W W W .GRACECLINIC.CA W E A L T H M A N A G E M E N T Since 1991 Thinking of Retiring... Someday? Let's Talk. V is i t o u r w e b s i t e t o s ig n u p f o r a f r e e c o n s u l t a t io n . Peter W atson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., C IM , FCSI Jennifer W atson B.A. 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville 905-842-2100 peterwatsoninvestm | O akville B eaver | Thursday, February 22, 2018 http://WWW.GRACECLINIC.CA Caroline Mulroney believes she's only one capable of toppling Wynne Since 1991 Peter Watson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI Jennifer Watson B.A. 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville 905-842-2100