Oakville Beaver, 4 May 1994, p. 46

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"Today, more than 90% _ of Canadian homes are equipped with smoke alarms," says Jim Hind, general manâ€" ager of BRK Brands Canada, makers of First Alert products. "However, it i estiâ€" moke alarms save lives â€" but only if they are properly installed and maintained â€" says First Alert, the nation‘s leading supâ€" plier of fire safety products. Of the 99 people in Ontario who died in residenâ€" tial fires in 1992, a total of 95 died in homes that did not have a functioning smoke alarm due to dead batteries, poor maintenance, _ or improper installation. ON OAKVILLE BEAVER ADVERTISING! Smoke alarms: a safety checklis again for your assistance. Sincerely > ’///‘;){/7/(««-â€"~ ‘ 22 _ Barbara C Sales Rep The Sutto People ar TO ADVI THE OA REAL E mA Q@ After placing the advertisement on the front page of the Oakvillie Real Estate Section, | received approximately 25 calls, which resulted In more than 10 property showings. The showings quickly led to the sale of the property listed. are I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful response generated from a recent advertisement I placed in The Oakvllle Beaver. Jean Wrigley Sales Representative The Oakuvllie Beaver Newspaper 467 Speers Rd., Oakvllle L6K 354 Clearly, local advertisements in a quality publication such as The Oakvilie Beaver e an effective tool for increasing business In today‘s competitive market, Thank you Dear Jean, "Fire deaths in Canada are down by more than 50% since smoke alarms were introduced," says Hind. "Even more fire fatalities can be prevented with the proper care and maintenance _ of smoke alarms." Smoke alarms may fail to function properly if: * they are more than 7â€"10 years old, and need to be replaced; * they are clogged with dirt, dust or insects; * they have not been installed in the propâ€" mated that only 60% of them are in workâ€" ing order. Smoke alarms MUSt be propâ€" erly installed and maintained to do their job." Animerenoent vemaen anoxen 247 North Service Road West, Suite 300, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E6 Office: (416) 844â€"5000 . Fax: (416) 844â€"6029 _‘ sutton group â€" people properties inc. Smoke alarms are designed to detect developing fires and signal an early warnâ€" ing alarm. Since most fatal fires occur in the home, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., a smoke alarm can awaken people, give them time to get outâ€" side, and prevent needless deaths. Follow First Alert‘s tips to ensure that your smoke alarm is working properly. er locations; * if the batteries have been removed or the batteries have been allowed to run down * in the case of units wired to an electrical system: the wires have been severed or the power source shut off. If repeated nuiâ€" TO ADVERTISE IN THE OAKVILLE BEAVER REAL ESTATE SECTION CALL 845â€"3824 INSTALLATION Battery powered smoke alarms are easy to install; a screwdriver and a drill are the only tools _ necessary. Follow the instrucâ€" tions provided with the smoke alarm. Hydro _ powered smoke alarms may be wired to new or existing electrical cirâ€" cuits. These smoke alarms should be installed by an elecâ€" trician. Smoke alarms should be sance alarms are experienced, clean the smoke alarm and move it if it is not properly located. Improperly located and dirty smoke alarms are the major causes of nuisance Sales Representative The Sutton Group People and Propertles Barbara DeMarzo Inc located on every level of a residence, including basement, first floor, second floor, and attic if it is furnished, and in every separate sleepâ€" ing area. Specifically, smoke alarms should be location: * Between sleeping areas and rooms where fires typically * Inside every bedâ€" room where a smokâ€" er sleeps or an elecâ€" trical appliance is located. * Inside all bedroom where people sleep with the door closed. * At both ends of a hallway serving the bedrooms if the hallâ€" way is in excess of 40 feet in length. + Smoke alarms should be installed aws that only threaten and are not kept" wrote Cervantes in Don Quixote, ""become like the log that was given to the frogs to be their king, which they feared at first, but soon scorned and tramâ€" pled on." We were wondering _ how many laws (i.e. bylaws) are treated as logs in condoâ€" minium corporations and, not being enforced, are being trampled on by ownâ€" ers and directors. There are so many complaints about parking space violations that a day hardly goes by withâ€" out some owner or Board member askâ€" ing what can be done about these infracâ€" tions. As we have reported in previous articles there are speâ€" cific steps that can be taken under the Condominium Act. First of all, Sec. 28 (1) gives the Board the right and obligation to pass any bylaw, not conâ€" trary to the Act or the declaration that is designed to manage the affairs of the condo. Under this authorization control of parking is within the Board‘s jurisdicâ€" tion. But when contraâ€" vention of a bylaw is allowed to continue unchecked, this can lead to wholesale disregard of other regulations designed to govern the manâ€" agement of the on the ceiling in the centre of a room or hallway at least 6 inches from vertical surfaces such as walls. * Smoke alarms may also be wallâ€"mounted four to six inches from the ceiling. Smoke alarms should not be placed: * In or near kitchens or bathrooms, or in airstreams passing by kitchens. * In dusty, dirty or insectâ€"infested enviâ€" ronments. * Within 20 feet of furnaces, hot water are not enforced 2 However, if such a petition is presentâ€" ed, a special meeting to consider the rule, or change in rules, must be called by the Board, giving, of course, the required notice to all owners, then a majority of owners present at the meeting, can approve the change if they so desire. Changing a bylaw is more diffiâ€" cult. This would demand that the Board inform the owners of the proâ€" posed action. Boards may â€" revise or condo. Therefore it is imperative . that Boards be diligent in enforcing _ their bylaws and rules. But times change, rules and bylaws become redundant and those that are no longer useful should be reviewed and replaced with ones that are more in keeping with present day conditions. To make changes in the rules is fairly simple. Since the Board has the power to make rules under Sec. 29 (1), it also can change them. All that is required to change a rule is to give notice to the owners and, if within 30 days no written petiâ€" tion, signed by 15% of the owners requesting a meeting to consider the rule, the rule becomes as effective as a bylaw. heaters or gas space heaters. * Near fresh air inlets or excessively drafty * Near fluorescent light fixtures. * In the peak of an "A" frame type of ceiling. *« In garages or unheated buildings or rooms. * Smoke alarms should be tested weekly, according to manufacturer‘s instructions. Never use an open flame of any kind: damage 000 H. Penman Smith is a Burlington resiâ€" dent who has been active in all phases of â€"condominium activity since 1975. He is viceâ€"president of the _ Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the CCI and forâ€" mer Condominium Information Officer with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial relaâ€" tions of the Province of Ontario. The opinâ€" ions stated in this remove bylaws by passing new ones but such changes are not effective until they are confirmed, with or without changes by unit owners who own at least 51% of the units at a meeting called for that purâ€" pose and then a copy must be registered, together with a cerâ€" tificate executed by the corporation that the bylaw was made in accordance with the Act, the declaraâ€" tion and the bylaws, and until the certifiâ€" cate and the copy is registered the bylaw is ineffective. Condofax welâ€" comes your quesâ€" tions about condoâ€" miniums and can be reached through the Oakville Beaver at 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 384 or by callâ€" ing The Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) at 905â€"521â€"8144. and ignition of t smoke alarm, as w as the residence, occur. The builtâ€"i test button accuratel simulates smoke an tests all functions. * Replace batterie yearly, or when th low battery warnin sounds. * Clean the smok the cover and senso chamber openings according to manu facturer‘s instruc= tions. Shut off power to the smoke alarm before cleaning. ions stated in this column are his own. He is not qualified to give legal opinions.

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