Open for lunch d in n e r & la ta n ig h t din ing, 7 d a y s a w eek. Mow O pen in Oakville .." H e r e ' s A 1 i c e ! T a k e a s e a t : S h o o t s o m e p o o l? THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 30, 1999 AtfCE WHERE' S ALICE? We are often asked "wkere's Alice?" Frequently we find ourselves answering tkat ske's away traveling tke world looking for tke kest for ker customers and restaurants. A look around will reveal decor gatkered from Key West Florida, Tuscany Italy, Santa Fe New Mexico, California Wine Country, tke Rioja Wine Region of Spain, Williamette Valley Oreg on and Nortkern Italy. Alice's menus are a veritakle cornucopia of tke kigkest quality ingredients from around tke world. j Im p r e s s y o u r - c l ie n t s Tkese include: •Fresk P.E.I. mussels •Alaska king crak • Canadian Atlantic snow crak • Padano ckeese from Italy • Pacific klack tiger skrimps • Italian extra virgin olive oil •Cal ifornia fire-roasted tomatoes • Garlic from Gilroy, Cal ifornia ' Fresk Canadian Atlantic salmon Hand-cut dry-aged U.S. striploins Alligator, crayfisk and catfisk from Louisiana •Cal ifornia-style ' Designer Pizzas" from our Italian wood kurning oven •Tke kest Higkland single malt scotckes •Beers from Belg ium, Germany, England, Canada and tke United States •Wines, wines and more wines from around tke world And so you can see Alice kas keen a very kusy person. It's no wonder ske's so kard to catck! W H A T M A K E S A L IC E E A Z O O U ' S! A S P E C 1A I R E S T A U R A N T ? It s our complete and total dedication to customer satisfaction. If everytking akout your visit is great we re kappy. If it s not, we'll correct it rigkt away! No comment cards to fill in. No, we 11 get kack to you later. Tell your server, ask for a manager, speak to an owner. We re determined to send everyone kome a kappy customer. Just ask - we 11 make it rigkt! Tkanks for giving us a ckance to do so. ^ r -------------- ------------------------------- --- ________ ' . 1 1 Alice Fazooli's! Cinema Special/-------AUCE Oakville o o s ) 829-3250 20 1 5 W inston Park Drive Next to AMC 24 Tkeatre (QEW and Winston Ckurckill) V a u g h a n o o s ) 850-3565 2 0 Colossus Drive Next to Famous Players Colossus Imax (H wy. 7 & H wy. 4 0 0 ) M i s s i s s a u g a o o s j 281-1721 2 0 9 Ratkk urn Road West Next to Famous Players Coliseum Imax (Opposite NW comer of Square One) m m ! I T A L I A N ♦ C M & J W A C K 2 f o r 1 E N T R E E Alice Fazooli's! cordially invites you and your guest to enjoy one complimentaiyr entree when a second entree o f equal or greater value is purchased. Couponnotredeem ableforcash.Validfor j dining room and takeout. One coupon per . table, per v is it. Not valid w ith any o ther 1 offer. Expires September 1,1999. ' ----------------------.--------------- ----- l I Open fo r lunch, dinner & late night dining, 7 days a week. W H E R E ' S A I IC E ? O a k v i l l e o o s ) 8 2 9 -3 2 5 0 2015 Winston Park Drive Next to AMC 24 Tkeatre (Q EW and W inston Ckurckill) V a u g h a n o o s ) 8 5 0 -3 5 6 5 20 Colossus Drive Next to Famous Players Colossus Imax (H w y. 7 & H w y. 4 0 0 ) M i s s i s s a u g a o o s ) 281-1721 209 RatU urn Road West Next to Famous Players Coliseum Imax (Opposite NW comer of Square One)