Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2006, p. 41

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OAKT-September22 (Page 4) ANTIQUE PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY SEPT. 23 10:30AM At Sherwood Humes Auction Farm 9313 4th Line R.R.#5 Milton, Ontario Viewing morning of sale: (8:00am-10:30am) Complete estate of E. Hoyt from Hoyt New Brunswick was shipped here all the wa from Hoyt, New Brunswick to Ontario. See our web site for all the details: www.globalassetssolutions.com Call Hoss toll free 877 776 6854 or 905 465 1779 cell 289 259 1788 Terms: cash and cheque with I.D. only (no credit cards) TRENDY almost new ex- ecutive townhome South Bu r l i ng ton ac ross f r om Appleby GO. Upscale 2- bedroom, 1.5 spa inspired baths, family room, bright open concept kitchen, bal- cony, c/a, 5 appl iances, g a r a g e , p r i v a t e y a r d . $1400/mo. Avai l . Oct .1 . 5080 Fa i rv iew #13 / 47 . Marcella 905-544-9949 UNIQUE park setting & ex- tensive gardens, property backing on Tyandaga Golf Course. 4-bedroom town- house, fridge, stove, dish- washer, washer, dryer, 2- fireplaces, patio, storage, hardwood. A lso , 2 -bed- room apartment available November. 905-336-6379. $375/MO. Room for rent, kitchen facilities, separate entrance. Close to Oakville Place. Non-smoker. 905- 842-0272 $375/MO.- Share kitchen, l aund ry, pa rk ing . Eas t Burlington. No pets pre- ferred, non-smoker. 905- 681-0901 Available Now! B R O N T E A r e a . N e w l y renovated room $445/mo. S u i t m a l e n o n - s m o k e r. Cable. Immediately. Cell: 905-617-0901 BURLINGTON East, Lake- sho re . La rge fu rn i shed bedroom, pr ivate wash- room, ki tchen pr iv i leges u n d e r g r o u n d p a r k i n g , $550/mo. inclusive 905- 639-1236 B U R L I N G T O N . S m a l l room in quiet home. Share kitchen/ bath. Suit mature male, non-smoking work- i n g a d u l t . O c t . 1 s t . $375/mo. 905-632-2488. DORVAL/ Speers (Room) working person/ student. $500/mo. Cable, parking, laundry. Non-smoking (in home). Female preferred. 905-901-7727. EXCELLENT accommoda- t i o n s i n l a r g e O a k v i l l e home. Furnished master bedroom with cable, inter- net, parking etc. all inclu- s ive. Responsib le indi - vidual need only respond. Traf./ UppMidd. $550/mo. 905-338-6444. LARGE fu rn ished room close to Sheridan College. Use of kitchen, laundry, TV room, Cable $500/mo. Fe- male preferred. 905-337- 8228 LARGE room, separa te entrance A/C, heat/ hydro, Bur l ington, YMCA area. kitchen, laundry, bath. Suit single female. Prefer no smoking/ pets. $450/mo. 905-634-8724 OAKVILLE East, furnished room in basement, separ- ate entrance. No parking. Non-smoker. References. 905-849-9943. OAKVILLE, "Lakeshore Woods". Spacious room, p r i va te ba th (execu t i ve home). Female preferred. $495/mo. Immediate. 905- 582-1333; 905-399-4553. ROSELAND, Burlington~ 2 rooms for rent, character home, large backyard, full p r i v i l e g e s , s h a r e d e n - trance. Immediate. Nego- tiable. 905-632-4200 TWO rooms in a house in A l d e r s h o t a r e a . $ 5 0 0 - $550 each/ month. Utilities i nc luded . M inu tes f rom GO. Available immediate- ly. 905-921-2378 3RD Line/ Upper Middle, Oakville, share townhouse and facilities includes laun- d r y. P r e f e r f e m a l e . $450/mo. 416-509-3932 BURLINGTON, Appleby GO. Prefer non-smoking working female to share n e w l u x u r y t o w n h o u s e w / s a m e . $ 6 0 0 / m o . i n - cludes utilities/ cable/ inter- net. 905-635-4873 leave message. BURLINGTON, beautiful, c lean , execu t ive home, s e e k i n g m a t u r e , n o n - smoking working profes- sional. Quiet neighbour- hood . $550 /mo. F i rs t / Last. 905-335-1648 PROFESSIONAL person has large, very clean, nice- ly furnished house to share $625/mo inclusive. Water- down. 905-691-3065 R O O M f o r r e n t . S h a r e luxury townhouse, across Appleby GO, $500/mo. in- clusive, Oct.1st/ Nov.1st. First/ Last. Female only. 905-630-5358 after 6pm. ROOM(S) for rent, spa- cious, $450/mo. includes amenit ies, near Oakvi l le Place/ Sheridan College. 905-510-3903. S E C U R E b u i l d i n g w i t h gym, squash, racquetball. Cable, internet and separ- ate full bathroom. Shared kitchen, dining and living room. Washer and dryer in unit. Female only 905- 308-4070 SWEET family cottage in M u s k o k a , 3 - b e d r o o m s , quiet lake. $1000/ week, beautiful in fall. 705-645- 3329 16 ' f i sh ing boa t , 30HP, downriggers, Eagle graph, t ra i l e r, sa lmon lu res , 2 rods. Asking $3500/obo. 905-319-1556 F O U N D : B l a c k c a t a t Bronte Woods/ Orchard, Burlington. We call "Bai- ley". Phone 905-637-7325. FOUND: Black cat, Lake- shore/ Guelph Line, Burling- t o n . W e c a l l " H u n t e r " . P lease phone 905-637- 7325. FOUND: black cat, Maple/ Maple Crossing, Burling- t o n . W e c a l l " H a l e e " . P lease phone 905-637- 7325. FOUND: brown tabby cat, Appleby L ine/ Taywood, Burlington. We call "Tay". P lease phone 905-637- 7325. FOUND: Brown tabby cat, Holland Park. Fairview St., B u r l i n g t o n . W e c a l l "Dutchie". 905-637-7325. F O U N D : C a l i c o c a t o n Blue Spruce Ave., Burling- t on . We ca l l "Au tumn" . P lease phone 905-637- 7325. FOUND: CAT, Male tabby, t an /wh i t e s t r i pe . Ma in - way/Walkers L ine area. Call 905-319-1354 before 9pm. FOUND: Grey cat at Lake- shore/ Maple, Burlington. P lease ca l l An ima l A id , 905-637-7325. FOUND: Grey cat we call Smokey found F rances Rd./ Plains Rd. Please call 905-637-7325 chipped id not up to date. FOUND: Grey cat, Water- down Rd./ Plains, Burling- ton. We named "Magen". Please phone Animal Aid, 905-637-7325. FOUND: grey tabby/ white, K i l b r i d e a r e a / W e c a l l "S ta rk " . P lease phone 905-637-7325. F O U N D : M e n s l u x u r y watch, found in downtown O a k v i l l e . D a m a g e d , please call for identifica- tion. 905-815-5577 FOUND: Set of keys on Sept. 12th outside Shop- per's Drug Mart (corner of Upper Midd le & Gue lph Line). Call Cathy 905-331- 8331 LOST: Black/ white female cat w/broken ta i l , "Pr in- cess", Sept.17th Whitworth Drive/ Epworth Cres. area. 905-827-3496. LOST: brown tabby ca t w /o range tummy, wh i te c h i n / t h r o a t i n M a p l e Crossing/ Maple Ave area o n S e p t . 11 t h . S p e c i a l fr iend to young disabled women. Call 905-637-8100 ATTRACTIVE l ady 5 ' 6 , 150lbs. Looking for gentle- men 60-65+ to share life with, travel ing and quiet t imes. I have dream, do you? Reply to box #6482, B u r l i n g t o n P o s t , 5 0 4 0 M a i n w a y, B u r l i n g t o n L7L7G5 LIVE-IN/ Live-out. Experi- enced Nannies, elder care available. Please call 905- 469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca LIVE-OUT nanny required. South west Oakville. Non smoker, car is an asset. Full or Part time. 647-897- 7047. APPLEBY/ Upper Middle, home daycare has full-time space available. Main floor play room, preschool prep p r o g r a m , o u t d o o r a c - tivities, flexible hours, ref- erences. 905-319-0355. B R O N T E r e l i a b l e m o m providing childcare in my home. Full-time spaces available for toddlers. Also b e f o r e / a f t e r s c h o o l available for St. Dominic's Elementary. References/ receipts. 905-847-8041 B R O N T E / T h i r d L i n e , Lakeshore, on Pinegrove/ St. Dominic's Bus Route. Experienced caring mom available for daycare. First Aid/ CPR. References. Re- ce ip ts . L im i ted spaces . Ann, 905-469-5676. BURLOAK/ New St., Bur- lington. 16mos.-3yrs. old. Lunch/ snacks provided. First Aid/ CPR. Receipts. 905-315-0229. C H I L D C A R E a v a i l a b l e F/T, P/T, before and after school, in Oak Park. Ex- cellent references. 905- 257-8682 DAYCARE available. Oak- ville, my home. Hot meals, snacks, playground, Holy F a m i l y S c h o o l a r e a . French/ English speaking. Very experienced. 905- 849-8119 EXPERIENCED caregiver: Daycare avai lable in my home full-time, meals and receipts prov ided. Near Appleby & Fairview. Call Nina, 905-639-4449. FUN & Loving care in Riv- er Oaks, Oakville. Full-time spaces, any age welcome. Receipts. 905-842-0636 FUN Daycare, New/ Ap- pleby area. Full/ part-Time spaces. Meals, crafts, 10 years exp. School p ick ups. 905-681-3541. B A B Y S I T T I N G ( H o m e D a y c a r e ) E x p e r i e n c e d caregiver in loving home 7 :30am- 6pm M-F G len Abbey 905-582-1768 MRS. Doubt f i re S.O.S! ! Last minute "Special Occa- sion", week-end trip? Ba- bysitter cancelled? Nanny is here to help. 905-336- 7549. C E R T I F I E D t e a c h e r ava i lab le for tu tor ing in your home. K-10, Math, Engl ish, Exam help, es- says proof read... 905-407- 9305 DYNAMIC ESL Tuto r, 3 years experience in Korea Pagoda/YBM. Read ing , Wri t ing, Speaking, Rea- sonable Rates. Dave 905- 466-4637 FRENCH Tutor available to help your child w/home- work, reading, tests. Call 905-844-6807 B A L L R O O M a n d L a t i n Dance Lessons, pr ivate a n d g r o u p c l a s s e s ava i l ab l e . Ca l l S imp l y Ballroom: 905-510-7546. JAPANESE Lessons. Per- sonalized, fun materials. Qualified instructor. Rea- sonable rates. 905-257- 7107 PIANO Lessons for pre- schoolers. Limited space avai lable. Cal l Eric 905- 842 -3611 o r v i s i t u s a t www.pr is tud ios .com fo r more information. GIFTED Psychic, advice and insight on al l matters of life. 905-516-7528 10" Craftsman Radial arm- saw, $300; 9" Trademaster band saw w/stand $100.; 905-469-2805 4 L i g h t F i x t u r e s , i r o n , decorative cast. New. Din- ing room, Hal l , Ki tchen, Foyer. Cost $1350, Sacri- fice $675. 905-616-3945 42" wide screen Samsung TV, 2 years old, needs re- pair, $400. White leather c o u c h a n d l o v e s e a t , $100/pair. 905-315-1545 53" Hitachi HD TV 4-yrs. old, $1000 obo; Canadel square dining room table w/4 chairs, two-tone, $850 o b o ; r o u n d g l a s s t o p , cream colour rattan kitch- en table w/4 chairs, $300 obo. 905-635-2340. A bargain! Bed, luxury pil- l o w t o p m a t t r e s s , b o x - spring, new sti l l in wrap. C o s t $ 1 2 0 0 , m u s t s e l l $375. Can del iver. 905- 923-1434. A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dove- tail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567- 9459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacr i f i ce $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliv- er A1 Beds! New Orthopedic sets , 20-year Warranty, D o u b l e $ 2 4 0 . ; Q u e e n $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Wa- t e r b e d p a r t s . D e l i v e r y Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 A B O V E g r o u n d p o o l 16x32 feet, new pump and filter, liner 3yrs. old, great condition, $500. 905-632- 6263 A I R - D U C T C l e a n i n g equipment w/trailer. Excel- lent condit ion. Very rea- sonable. Must Sell! Any Offer Considered!!! 905- 690-7778 A L P I N E c a r s t e r e o c d / mp3, A lp ine M350 amp, 1 0 " s u b w i t h i n c l o s u r e $400. 905-331-2754 BAR s too ls , 4 , $75 /ea ; rowing machine, $75. All excellent condition. 905- 634-0868. BEAUTIFUL 22"HD rims w / 2 6 5 / 4 0 F a l k e n Z i e x S/TZ04 t ires. 4mos. old 5 , 0 0 0 k m s . P a i d o v e r $4000, sacr i f ice $2,500 obo. Dave, 905-464-7705. BED, amaz ing barga in , queen orthopedic pi l low top set, new in plastic war- ran ty. $250 . 905-567- 4042 B E D R O O M s e t , c h e r r y w o o d . B e d , c h e s t , d resser, m i r ro r, 2 n igh t stands. Dovetail construc- tion. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrif ice $1900. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM se t , doub le bed, 1 end, 2 large dress- ers, mirror, Dining set, cir- c a 1 9 6 0 , t a b l e ( l e a f ) , chairs, hutch, large buffet. Coffee table, 2 end tables, h i g h g l o s s . Ve r y g o o d condition, solid wood. Call 905-466-8285. B E D R O O M s e t s ~ 2 queen. Great price. For in- formation call Vivian 905- 631-7835 BEDROOM sui te, enter- tainment/ wall unit style, 2 armoire's. Beautiful condi- tion 4-yrs new, paid $5000, ask ing $3000obo 905 - 689-3913 BELLINI baby crib/ table/ dresser / chai r. Highest qua l i t y. Wh i t e . A l l f o r $850. 905-469-7591 BICYCLE bu i l t f o r two , tandem, made by Norco, 5-speed, very good condi- tion, $275. 905-865-4711. BLEACHED Oak Dining- room set, 6 chairs, leafs, buffet, hutch. $1200.; Ma- hogany complete bedroom set, $800.; Leather sofa set, $1400. 905-315-8675 BLINDS- white fauxwood 32"x48", $21.50; 36"x60", $ 3 0 ; 4 0 " x 7 2 " , $ 4 0 ; 48"x48", $32. Many other sizes. 905-855-9364 CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation (30 yards ) S teve , 905-633- 8192 C H I N A c a b i n e t , s m a l l darkwood, s i lver / l inens drawer, display & storage, $350; maple corner cabi- ne t f rom Quebec $350 . 905-681-2703; evgs. 905- 632-0659. CHINESE rug, pure wool hand knotted 8X10 $1900 obo; unique coffed table, ound glass top, black lac- quered w/ built-in seating. $250obo; matching accent table. $150/obo. All excel- lent condition. 905-825- 8253 COFFEE tables, 3pc dark w o o d s e t $ 4 0 0 ( p a i d $2400) 905-331-9128 D E S K & t w o m a t c h i n g book/ filing cabinets (Wood L-Shaped). $500. 905- 469-1344. See pictures w w w 3 . s y m p a t i c o . c a /pkdhupar DININGROOM set in oak country style includes; chi- na cabinet with hutch, 6- chairs and custom table cover, $450. Kitchen table with 4-chairs, dinette table with 2-chairs and rocking chair. All in excellent con- dition. 905-336-3179 DININGROOM Thomas- v i l l e so l i d pecan tab le , w/leafs/ table protectors, 6 chairs, side server, buffet, china hutch, seats 14-16. C o s t $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 , a s k i n g $5000 obo. Delivery nego- tiable. 905-646-8528. DRYER, l a rge capac i t y good working condi t ion, $ 1 0 0 ; y o u n g b o y s b i k e $45. Call 905-635-1842. FREESTANDING gas fire- place, built-in temp. con- trol. less than 4 years old, $600 obo. Call 905-331- 1742. FRIDGE white good condi- tion $150/obo Little Tykes p layhouse (new) $200 ; used manual wheelchair $200 905-849-0803. FRIDGE~ $45. Convection range, $125. Microwave, $ 5 0 . Wa s h e r & D r y e r , $ 1 5 0 / p a i r . H e a d b o a r d w/side armors, $265. 905- 580-5037 FUTON Pastel leaf print, 8" thick mattress. Black, m e t a l r o u n d f r a m e , 75"lx52"w open. Like new. $300./obo. 905-827-3026 G.E. white, fr idge/ stove self-clean $300/pair "Herty furniture" solid wood round table & 4 chairs $400 905- 333-4353 GE Prof i le Performance built-in white dishwasher, $150; 2004 Aruba Hottub, 22 je ts , sea ts 8 $2200. Both Excellent. 905-634- 1886 H O M E G y m - H o i s t V 3 Mul t i Gym. Commerc ia l quality. Full body weight training. Rarely used/ like new condition. Retail over 2K. Asking $895 or best reasonable offer. Day 416- 562-2045. Evening 905- 331-6930 o r ema i l p lay s o m e @ c o g e c o . c a f o r photo's and more informa- tion. HOT Tub (Spa ) Cove rs best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1- 866-585-0056 www.theco- verguy.ca HOT Tub - Hydropool Pre- mium Self Cleaning, Model 675 Limited Edition. Silver marble with grey synthetic c a b i n e t . F u l l y L o a d e d . Four months old with full warranty. Installation can be arranged. Retail 14K. Ask ing $8 ,900obo. Day 416-562-2045. Even ing 905-331-6930, email play some@cogeco.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/a l l op t ions , inc lud ing cover, 2006 model. Still in wrapper. Cost $10900. , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905- 971-1777 J U G S b a t t i n g n e t , 7 ' square screen w/sock net, like new, cost $400, asking $195. 905-332-8262. KITCHEN table w/leaf, 4 chairs, solid wood; large off ice desk, chai r ; cane loveseat w/cushions. 905- 842-6413. L A P TO P 4 0 G , 5 1 2 M B , AMD Sempron 2800, CD- RW, DVD, 15"4, year old, 3 year transferable warran- ty $475 905-845-2990 LARRIVEE electric guitar and Peavey amp $300 . M o m o R a c i n g s t e e r i n g wheel $50. Speaker box $25. 905-639-3940 LEATHER sofa set dark green, 3pc, like new $850 o.b.o. 4 chairs w/round ta- b l e , m i c rowave , co l ou r graphic scanner, 3 shelf kitchen cart 905-693-8665 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. L O V E s e a t ~ L i k e n e w ! brown/ gold $250 905-335- 0541 LOVESEATS, matching, green floral, excellent con- d i t i o n , $ 1 7 5 / e a . o r $300/pair. 905-865-4711. MATTRESSES++++ New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $455. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery. 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) themattressdiscounter.com M AY TA G w h i t e s t o v e , $200 ; map le c r ib $100 ; bassinette/ change table $ 7 5 ; s t r o l l e r / c a r s e a t $ 1 0 0 ; c r i b b e d d i n g s e t $30. Al l excel lent condi- tion. 905-634-8543. MOVING Sale: BBQ, up- right vacuum, kitchen ta- ble, highchair, toy chest. 905-845-7811. M O V I N G - r o u n d w o o d pedestal table (4 chairs), wood wall-unit, Panasonic microwave, treadmill, boy's bicycle. 905-844-7078. MOVING: 10" craftsman radia l armsaw, $300; 2- cannonbal l headboards, twin, $25. ea; Brass bed, doub le , w /head & foo t - board, spring frame $100; I r o n w / b r a s s k i n g s i z e head / f oo tboa rd , $125 ; maple k i tchen table w/6 chairs $300; obo. 905-336- 3765 MOVING: Priced to sell.... grandfather clock, fireplace w/accessories, livingroom i tems, chai rs , dressers, wicker, lamps, p ic tures, qu i l ts , b lanket boxes, 4 speake rs , m i r ro rs ; TVs w /s te reo sound , d ig i t a l boxes , s te reo w /60 CD p l a y e r ; m i s c . i t e m s ; c ream/ go ld wa l l un i t s . Good condition. 905-633- 7468; 905-634-8297. M O V I N G : S i d e b y s i d e fridge with ice/ water dis- p e n s e r , 2 5 c u . C e r a n Smooth top stove with self clean oven. Both white and 1-year old. Available Oc- tober 7th. 905-690-0216 MUSTANG (05-06) cold- air intake kit, Predator Pro- g r a m m e r, n e v e r u s e d , adds hp., $450. 905-332- 8262. NEW Sears Din ingroom table, navy & cherry stain, 6 chai rs , buffet , hutch, $1500. Kim 905-690-4541 N O K I A 2 0 5 / 6 5 R 1 5 ( 4 ) Snowtires on r ims. Only used 2 seasons. Excellent Condition $400. 905-257- 6873 OAK diningroom suite- ta- ble w/leaf extension, seats 8, 4 chairs, 2 armchairs, buffet w/glass doors & in- side light. Excellent condi- tion. Paid $2300.; Double bed w/oak head & foot - board, dresser w/mirror, chest of drawers, 2 night- stands, paid $1700. 905- 690-1142 ORGAN- Lowrey fruitwood finish, electric. Excellent condition. $370. 905-632- 9550 ORGAN~ Kawai DX900, excellent condition/ sound 3-Keyboards/ pedals/ up- ho ls te red bench / d raw- bars/ presets. Cal l 905- 315-1627 PIANO, Antique Dunham 1823, not in working condi- tion. Beautiful show piece, handyman's dream $1200. 905-634-5230 PIANO, Schubert excellent condition, wooden bench, $1700 obo. Call 905-643- 4 0 1 5 o r e - m a i l : g o u - let@interlynx.net PIANO: Mason & R isch c o n s o l e u p r i g h t p i a n o - $1100; single horse wag- on- $600; model 1902 oval cooks tove $1800; 1909 Queen Cook $500; 3 Euro Vapour s team c lean ing system $600 each. 905- 464-8235 POOL Table, good condi- tion, $250 obo. Basketball Net, good condition, $150 obo. 905-319-9706 POOL table Used/ New, Buy/ Sell/ Service. New slate table, $1599! Acces- sories/ Install. Fabi Foos- b a l l . 9 0 5 - 6 1 6 - 5 1 5 9 www.dynamicbilliard.ca POOL table, 8x4 solid oak mahoghany finish, 1" slate, turned legs, accessories, heavy duty cover, excel- lent condition, $2200. 905- 338-6520. POOL table, older model mint condition + snooker balls $1200 or best offer. You move. 905-634-5230 POOL Table, Professional S e r i e s , S o l i d W o o d , 1"Slate, All Accessories. N e w, S t i l l B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905- 304-9994 QUEEN Memory Foam S e t s & K i n g a v a i l a b l e . 13.5" Thick! New in plastic $1295/ $1495. Inc ludes delivery, set up, removal and 2 f ree pi l lows. 905- 616-1700 www.memoryopedic.com RAINBOW play structure~ l i ke new, l a rge s l i de , 2 sw ings , t i re and bu t ton s w i n g , t r a p e z e . $1500 905-842-6755 RAINBOW play system: tree house, monkey bars, slide, swings. Buyer to dis- a s s e m b l e . $ 1 4 0 0 o b o . 905-842-6028. RARE collectable carved C h i n e s e S c r e e n , w o o d wi th go ld leaf . Made by special order in 1987 of six panels (approx 110cm x 35cm ea) total of approx. 1.1m x 2.1m. Asking price min $11,000. Serious buy- ers call 905-467-9189 REFRIGERATOR, brand new Frigidaire air, still in wrapping $400. 905-845- 1297 RENO! White washer/ dry- er, 3-yrs. o ld, $450/set ; n e w p e d e s t a l s $ 7 5 / e a ; girl's dresser set $80. 905- 336-0985. RENOVATING Sale~ 28" Sony TV, l a rge an t i que French prov inc ia l ward- robe, brand new weight b e n c h w i t h b a r & l o t ' s w e i g h t s , h a r v e s t t a b l e +other small i tems. 905- 333-9268, 905-407-9268 R O L L - TO P d e s k , h a n d crafted Mennonite, Solid O a k . a p p r o x 2 5 y. o . , $400. Excellent Condition. 905-332-3267 S T R O L L E R S ( 2 ) , P e g Perego, plaid, thick tires. G r a c o , n a v y p l a i d ( b e i g e / b l a c k ) , m e d i u m weight. Wagon~ radio Fly- er, red, w/seat belt. 905- 337-9459 T O R O N T O R a p t o r L i - cense. Excellent platinum seats, plus season tickets. Will buy back some tickets if required. Regular license price is $20,000, plus tick- e ts , open to bes t o f fe r. 905-847-3168 T R A D I T I O N A L h a n d - craf ted sol id p ine hutch $700 obo; Citizen micro- wave $50 obo. 905-689- 3812. TRANSPORTER/ wheel- c h a i r, l i g h t w e i g h t a n d fo ldab le , used 3 t imes $150/firm. Commode near- l y n e w, d i s i n f e c t e d $65 905-335-5562 WASHER/ Dryer excellent condition, $600/pair; up- right freezer & fridge both s m a l l a p a r t m e n t - s i z e , $75/ea. 905-582-9229. WASHER/ dryer, super ca- pacity; fridge/ stove, dish- washer. Mint condit ion, wi l l separate. 905-335- 2059 WASHER/ dryer, Whirlpool almost new includes Sears e x t e n d e d w a r r a n t y $600/both 905-844-4126 WEDDING dress, size 12, strapless, beaded, short train, tiara, $150. Call 905- 635-4128. W I N T E R T i r e s ~ To y o , 185/60R14 on metal rims. Used 2 winters, good con- dition, $250. 905-844-5289 A fur coat, silver dollars .50 cent pieces, gold/silver coins and collections. Un- wanted gold/ silver jewelry. 905-633-7531 BEST Ca$h$ Pa id - Ar t , Antiques, Collectibles, Chi- n a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r , Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc , Esta te Spec ia l is ts , Top Cash. Call John/ Tra- cy 905-331-2477 FIREWOOD mixed hard- wood, 5 cords min imum $80/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628 ADORABLE Female Tea- c u p Yo r k i e A v a i l a b l e . Charm is gorgeous. She has a beautiful thick coat and t iny babydol l face. She has very loving per- sonality. She is current on all vaccines and deworm- ings, is fully guaranteed. Shipping. For more Infor- mation mico_moore@yahoo.com. CATS- due to a l l e rg ies one red & one sable Bur- mese need new home to- gether. Very social, atten- t i ve and l ov ing , m idd le aged and in good health. Perfect for retired or stay home family. Call 905-901- 9509. COCKER Spaniel puppies, $400. First vaccines done. 9 0 5 - 8 1 3 - 4 1 9 4 ( d a y s ) . 905-847-6130 (evenings). 1986 Jaguar Vanden Plas X J 1 2 , m u s t s e e ! O n l y 114K., p/windows, sunroof, dual tank, si lver on grey leather interior. Amazing condition! $7000 obo. as is. 905-635-2375. 1986 VW Cabrio~ black, g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $1200/obo. 905-333-9268, 905-407-9268 1988 Chrysler New Yorker excel lent condit ion, new snow tires. First 10 winters in Florida. $1400. 905-842- 6884. 1989 Nissan 240SX black, standard 5-speed, 1-own- er, 208K., new air, no rust, winter stored, $2500 obo. 905-827-4332. 1993 Ford Taurus station wagon, excellent condition, no rust, new brakes & fuel pump, automat ic , 200K. Certified. $2,000. 905-825- 9309 1 9 9 3 M e r c u r y To p a z 2-door Sport V6, p/s., p/b., a i r, 5 -speed, very good c o n d i t i o n , c e r t i f i e d , e - tes ted $1750 obo. 905- 639-2136. 1 9 9 6 F o r d C o n t o u r V 6 5-speed, 147K., loaded, CD, cer t i f i ed , e - tes ted , runs g rea t ! $2800 obo . 905-681-2003. 1998 Honda Civic EX- Air, auto, remote start, power w i n d o w s , d e a l e r m a i n - ta ined, 185K, Cer t i f ied. $6000. 905-331-9737 1998 Toyota Camry 4cyl., auto. , 194K. , new t i res/ brakes, excel lent condi- t i o n , $ 7 , 2 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 4 6 4 - 3635. 1998 Toyota Celica, GTS, au tomat i c , red , 160km, A/C, new brakes, incl. 4 snows. $10,900.obo., Cer- tified. Burlington 905-331- 8450 WANTED Used & Abused Autos & Trucks Also scrap vehicles. CASH PAID 905-690-6494 905-320-3287 1 9 9 9 C h r y s l e r To w n & C o u n t r y L t d . , 1 o w n e r, non-smoker, mint condi- t i o n , f u l l y l o a d e d 85,000km, $11,900. 905- 469-1705 1999 Plymouth Breeze, 4 cy l , 4 door, 147,000km, A/C, good condi t ion, a l l records. $3800.obo. 905- 681-7492 1999 Volkswagen Passat V6 2.8L, Tiptronic auto., black, p/w., p/l., p/sunroof, key less , ABS , Trac t i on control, air, heated mirrors/ leather seats, alloy wheels, 1 4 4 , 5 9 8 k m s . , $ 11 , 9 5 0 obo. 905-320-7420. 1999 Vo lkswagon Go l f , manual, tinted, A/C, key- l e s s e n t r y, a m / f m / c d . 161K. $5000. obo 519- 242-3989, Dundas. 2 0 0 0 F o r d F o c u s S E Wagon~ 114K, certified, 1 owner, clean, $6795. 905- 336-5402 2002 Grand Prix GT, Fully l oaded , m in t cond i t i on , 150K, wi l l cert i fy. $8500 obo 905-690-7799 2002 Honda Acco rd V6 special edition, black, mint c o n d i t i o n , L o a d e d 5 6 , 0 0 0 k m , N e w t i r e s 4-door, $18,500 905-825- 0913 2003 Dodge Ram SLT~ Quad cab, excellent con- dition, certified and drive clean. $17,500/obo. Bur- lington, 905-630-3821 2004 Echo, A/C, P/S, P/B, great on gas, low mileage, excellent condition. War- ranty Included. 905-639- 8985 2005 Honda Acco rd LX 4-door. Au tomat ic , p /w, p/dl, p/m, low mileage, ex- tended warranty/ road side assistance. Excellent con- dition. Save thousands by tak ing over lease . 905- 337-1367 evgs. VERY reliable 1993 Toyo- ta Corolla, 178K, 5 speed manual, ABS, no rust, PS, P B , A M / F M / C D , t i l t , cruise, runs great. Excel- lent winter car. E-tested/ Cer t i f ied. $3750. 905- 483-9177 1995 Ford F150 extended cab with camper, mint con- dition, fully loaded, $5000 bo. 905-825-3444 work!Cla ssif ieds call 905.337.5610 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, September 22, 2006 41

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