Oakville Beaver, 16 Jun 1999, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Halton Roller Hockey house league report (May 27-30) MINOR ATOM DIVISION VIPERS 13 (goals lo Michael McKcc 5. Bryan Lemay 4, Robbie Baker 2, Roy Pierce, Daniel Ricci. Assists lo McKcc 3, Lemay 2, Mark Tan 2, Paul Yager. Ricci); RIVER RATS 7 (goals lo Matthew Poriclli 3, Riley Moore 2. Jesse Martyn, Anthony Farrow. Assists to Alexander Guiry, Portclli). JACKALS 13 (goals to Jordan Rookyard 5, Jason Buckley 3, Andrew Thompson 2, Michael Joyce. Patrick Long. Ryan Usher. Assists to Long 2. Thompson. Usher, Matthew Gulliver); FIRE ANTS 3 (goals to Alexander Proksch 2, Dylan Falco. Assists to Jordan Larocquc 2. Kyle Howitt. Riley Pierce). CRUSHERS 4 (goals to James Kulla 2, Andre Gorham. Taylor Hodgkinson. Assists to Brandon Pasta, Stuart Mitchell, Pasta); JAWZ 2 (goals to Jonathan Lee 2. Assists to Christopher MacDougall 2. Skylar Richardson). STING 7 (goals to Kevin Burke, Spencer Jcnkin 2, Jake Shannon, Joel Adamo. Scott Donnelly. Assists to Donnelly, Adamo. Matthew Kemp. Jamie MacNicol. Lauren Burke); SOLAR BEARS 4 (goals to Robert Paradis 2. Scan Eastman, Spencer Morgan. Assists to Rick Carlcy, Scot Sobolcwski). PEEWEE DIVISION CRUSHERS 15 (goals to Taylor Jenkin 4, Brandon Taverner 3, Robbie Enns 3, Alex Prydc, Justin Vandcnburg 2. Corey White. Assists to White 4, Jcnkin 4, Taverner, Enns 3. Prydc, Vandcnburg. Casey Kingsland 2, Michael Neill); FOG 10 (goals to Mike Nadorozny 3, Burton Hcaslip 2, Chris Roberts, Geoff Miller, Kyle Anderson, James Bclliveau, Stephen Tyler. Assists to Miller 2. Bclliveau 2, Nicholas Brand 2. Hcaslip, Tyler, Kyle Anderson. Kevin Anderson). JACKALS 7 (goals to Neil Murray 2, Jamie Umphrey 2, Bryce Ross. Chris Hanson, Chris Veitch. Assists to Hanson 3. C. Vcilch 2, Kelly Veitch. Preston Hall, Tim Clevcrdon, Brandon Allen); MYSTICS 6 (goals to Jordan Kailing 4. Ryan Kurri, Jamie Lynam. Assists to Graham Smith 2, Lynam, Kurri, Matthew Mainvillc). FIRE ANTS 13 (goals to Geoff Aselstine, 4 Jeff Brownson 4. Steven Mills 2, Ken Kearney, Vincent Piconc, Scott Brownson. Assists to Bryan Whitney 5. Michael Kranz 3, Mills 2. Aselstine 2, Brownson, Picone, Luke Trcsham, Brendan W heatley); VIPERS 5 (goals to Alex Ferguson 2, Darryl Mason. Duncan Springcti. Joe Shearer Assists to Mason. Springcti, Shearer. Justin LaBranchc) RIVER RATS 6 (goals to Jason Miconi 2. Charlie Long. Michael Slater, Anthony Are you between 6 & 16 yrs of age? _. _. ias_of_Aucj ._3_1)_ 1999 4 # FOOTBALL REGISTRATION For BOYS & GIRLS Saturday June 19th 9 am - 3 pm Birth Certificate and Health Card Required A $50 fundraising commitment is required. ' o n ALL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED EXCEPT FOOTWEAR & SHORTS at LOCATION Equipment Centre (behind Nelson High School) =7 \ 1 STREET F.RX,*0 i FOOTBALLSTADIUM NELSONSCHOOL 1 BURLINGTON MINOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION For information please call 637-2055 R E G I S T E R EARLY DcNino, Taylor Aldcrson. Assists to Chris LaPointe 3, Andrew Fairclough, David Moody 2. Long, Miconi, Slater. DeNino, MacKcnzic Hudd); JAWZ 3 (goals to Reggie Carson 2, Justin Daly. Assists to Daly. Carson. Chris Cottick. Warren Reynolds. STING 8 (goals to Chris LcBlanc 3, Tyler Moc 2, Derrick Wood. Michael Zucchiaui, Travis Dorn. Assists to LeBlanc 2. Jonathan Reese 2, Wood, Zucchiaui, Moe, Scott McKay); SOLAR BEARS 7 (goals to Adam Lemay, Angelo Albcrga, Mike Collier 2, Jason Sasso. Assists to Scan Tompa 4, Lemay, Albcrga, Collier, Dan Weston, David Schramm, Jeff Chandler). (June 3-6) SQUIRT CRUSHERS 7 (goals lo Gavin Risi, Bruce Watson, Daniel Tomlinson, Sam Old, Justin Donelly, Alexander Strangemore, Joshua Rice. Assists to Watson, Tomlinson 2. Garrett Scruton, Old. Scott Thompson 2. Strangemore. Rice); FIRE ANTS 4 (goals to Kevin Quinlan 2. Grayson Douglas. Calvin Reynolds. Assists to Quinlan, Douglas 2, Mark Runciman). STING 6 (goals to Shawn Fitzpatrick, Brett Lee, Alex Short 4. Assists to Kevin O'Leary 2, Lee, Tommy MacNicol, Brock Battochio, Kyle Perry, Austin Jones 2, Short); RIVER RATS 4 (goals to Curtis Gamble 2. Patrick Irish, Dylan Cooper. Assists to Kimberlcc Falkcnstcin, Brandon Aldcrson, Gamble 2, Irish, Vanessa Savclli, Cooper 2). ATOM RIVER RATS *4 (goals to Michael Knowles, David Imbrogno 2. Patrick Kahnert. Assists to Dexter Jorgensen 2, Scott Emberley, Kahnert 2); STING 0. CRUSHERS 6 (goals to Christopher Macsai 2, Lawrence Edmonds, Ryan Carrigan, Scan Crawford. Assists to Macsai. Carrigan, Crawford. Andrew Beauchamp); JAWS 4 (goals to David Beamish, Greg Lecenski, Ryan Gamble, Nicholas Sobolewski. Assists to Beamish, Lecenski. Jonathan Oliver 2). FIRE ANTS 8 (goals lo Jeff Catania, Alex McAleece 2, Jimmy Dccairel, Arthur Diochon, Andrew Demers 2, Scott Nietvcll. Assists to Catania, McAleece, Scott Irvine 2, Mark Hildebrond 2. Sean Tollington, Michael Harrison. Diochon); SOLAR BEARS 4 (goals to Eric Joyce, Eric Park 2. Ryan Jurgen. Assists to Evan Hayman, Adam Silliphant 2, Park, Andy Killip). MINOR PEEWEE CRUSHERS 10 (goals to Mark Irish, Derek Fitzpatrick, Mario Mancuso, Jon Smith 2, David Dobrinsky 4. Assists to Irish, Jason Keen 2, Wesley Edward 2, Fitzpatrick 2, Mancuso 2, Smith 2, Dobrinsky 2. Graham Tough 5); JAWS 4 (goals to Marcus Pryde 2, Eric Murray. Assists to Jason Wood). STING 5 (goals to Scott Grimgmouth, Mike Galbraith 2, Brandon Smith. Assists to Grimgmouth, Josh Lee, Jeff Thompson); RIVER RATS 3 (goals to Tyler Alderson, Mark Harris. Doug Lecenski. Assists to Harris. Lucas Parnazone, Matthew Wood, Jordan Dcjong). FIRE ANTS 5 (goals to Ryan Wager, Bryden Hope, Brandon Acton, Ryan Shilling. Derek Steel. Assists to Wager 3, Hope 2); SOLAR BEARS 4 (goals lo Bryce RcxansolT, Tyler Gardner, Bryan Hawke 2. Assists to Gardner 2, David DcNino, Carson Jcnkin, Scott Brownson). JUNIOR SOLAR BEARS 5 (goals to Jeff Lewis. Brian Tyler, Ben Austin. Matthew Joubamc, Todd Evershcd. Assists to Tyler, Austin, Chris MacKay, Joubamc); RIVER RATS 3 (goals to Fraser Matthews, Mike Folland 2. Assists to Matthews, David Tclewiak, Jeff Brown, Mark Murray, Mike Ball). CRUSHERS 8 (goals to Ryan Fitxsimmons, Drew Kargcs. Mike Capaldo, Shaun Dakin, Trcver Slade 4. Assists to Fitxsimmons, Kargcs 2, Ivan Tompa, Alexandra Lcduc 2, Dan Wey. Jordan Pearson 3); JAWS 6 (goals to Lisa Robertson. Mike Ryzynski, Paul Thrasher, Greg Carr, Stuart Matheson. Assists to Jory Mcisncr. Robertson, Ryzynski. Thrasher. Carr 2. Matheson 3, Tyler Almond). FIRE ANTS 9 (goals to Cody Finney 2, Waylon Clay 2. Robert Carson, Ken Long, Brandon Calquhaun, Luke Domski 2. Assists to Garrett Powers 2, Finney 2, Clay, Long 2, Rob Friday 2, Nick Ball 4. Calquhaun, Domski); STING 4 (goals to Daniel Rosso, Terry Haavaldsrud, James Klakurka 2. Assists to Haavaldsrud, Matthew Murray 2, Peter Kranz, Mark Campbell 2). ADULT JAWS 7 (goals to Shane Labbelle 2. Nick Jackson 2, Jeff Maysuik 2, Mike Schillinger. Assists to Labbelle. Joel Hawkins 3. Jackson 2, Rich Orr, Schillinger. Scott Lorimer); STING 6 (goals to Pal Huffman 3, A1 Davis 2. Assists to Huffman, Graham Finney 2, Garry O'Donnell. Davis 4, Tony Sababtino 2, Brian Sherriff). JACKALS 8 (goals to Kevin Rutledge 2, Glen Inncs, Mark Gomcy, Murray Holmes, Andy Dryden. Assists to Rutledge, Colin Hooper, Innes 2. Gomey 2, Chris Tumstra, Blair Blackie 2. Jason Paradine 2, Dryden). FIRE ANTS 5 (goals to Chris Starcsinic, Ryan Gillis, Dave Agro, Graham Hilton, Brad Grant. Assists to Paul Gryglemincz 2, Dave Kelly 3, Chris Hilton, Graham Hilton, Grant, Andrew White). RIVER RATS 7 (goals to Jay Labcllc, Ron Peircey 2, Larry Alderson 3, Eric Pike. Assists to Labclle, Eric Anderson, Pike 2, Todd Anderson 2. Jeff Lee. Bryan Pryde 2, Mark Rowin); VIPERS 1 (goal to Jon Bradley. Assists to Chuck Steven, Brandon Paul. Peter Malinowski). CRUSHERS 7 (goals to Vincent Kingsland, Lindsay Abbey, Rick West. Assists to Mitch Rexansoff, Marty Fraser. Abbey 2, Mike Taylor 2. Scott Maynard 2, Pat Luchacko); SOLAR BEARS 5 (goals to Ryan Mahoney, Michael Purkis. Assists to Bill Schiavonde, Anthony Kravitz, Mahoney, Phil Fallone). Gatquatic Divers win the tier two provincial finals The Gatquatic Divers had an 18- member contingent competing in the recent Ontario Tier Two championships which they hosted. And the local club, comprised pri­ marily of Oakville and Burlington divers, finished as this season's champi­ ons with eight firsts, three seconds and two third places. "We have won meets before, over the years, but this is the first time Gatquatic Divers have won the Ontario Tier Two championship trophy which was donated by Webb Offset in 1987," said head coach George Tinnerman. "We are very proud of our divers and their tremendous effort at this meet and all of the others this season." Outstanding Gatquatic divers at the meet included Oakville's Esther Francoeur and Eric Desoursa, both with two first-place finishes. Kim Betker had a first and second place finish. And first place finishes were also turned in by Alex Edwards, Carolyn MacKenzie and Alyssa Randall. The Oakville contingent included four divers, and here are their results: Esther Francoeur competed in girls 16 and over, level two, and was tops on both the one and three metre boards. Kate Quinlan competed in entry level three and finished fourth on the one-metre board. Mauro Fazio competed in girls 12/13, level two, and she finished 14th on the one-metre board. Valeria Fazio competed in girls 14/15, level two, and she finished third on the one-metre board. Oakville Summer Hockey League report (June 7) NOVICE DIVISION FLAMES 11 (goals to Jordan Adams 3, Andrew Harvey 3, Taylor Ziesmann 2. Michael Baird, Mitchell Fillman, Zachary Holder. Assists to Bradley Tasker 4, Fillman 3, Baird 2, Holder 2. David Mitchell 2, Adams. Ziesmann, Harvey, Brittany Court, Nicholas Milder, Eric Lupton. Shutout to Brian Urquhart); COYOTES 0. HAWKS 3 (goals to Domenic DeBellis, Robert Lucciantonio. Assists to Duncan D'Arcy 2, Steven Parker 2, Nelson Dolcman, Briannc Jenner); PAN­ THERS 1 (goal to Joshua Ceccarelli. Assists to Justin Szolopiak, Jordan Haggart). (June 3) NOVICE DIVISION HAWKS 2 (goals to Dominic DeBellis. Matthew Jenkins. Assists to Kern OF Leary, Daniel Boudreau. Shutout to Conor O'Kelly); RANGERS 0. PEEWEE DIVISION CAPITALS 6 (goals to Jonathan Thomas 2, Christopher Irvine 2, Paul Derewonko, Michael Harrison. Assists lo Irvine 2, Harrison 2, Timothy Harrison); KINGS 1 (goal to Eric Jones - unassist­ ed). (June 2) TYKE DIVISION WINGS 12 (goals to Nate Mahrt 6, Bryan Campbell 3, Markk Cece, Erika Iosue. Assists to Raymond Gardner, Iosue 2, Dean Arcan 2, Ryan Arne 2, Darren Thompson); STARS 2 (goals to Ryan West, Bryan Ward. Assists lo Joshua Lundy 2, David Robinson). NOVICE DIVISION FLAMES 7 (goals to Taylor Ziesmann 4, Matthew Quigley, Michael Baird, Mitchell Fillman. Assists to Andrew Harvey 3, Fillman 2, Zachary Holder 2, Quigley, Baird, Bradley Tasker); COY­ OTES 2 (goals to Kris Dclnin, Patrick Duclos-nou. Assists to David Bums, Darren Weaver). PEEWEE DIVISION PENGUINS 6 (goals to Peter Cunningham 2, Brett Taylor, Joshua Drazilov, Kory Wirzman. Assists to Lambert Harrison 2, Brett Taylor. SUNS 6 (goals to Mattie Reed 5, Ryan Oakley. Assists to Neil Jain 3, Ryan Oakley, Ian McAIIan, Matthew Philpot, Stephen Book). CAPITALS 5 (goals lo Jordan Moore, Jonathan Thomas. Michael Molony, Christopher Irvine. Assists to Thomas. Molony, Irvine. Paul Derewonko, Michael Harrison); CANUCKS 3 (goals to Rodney Hall, Christopher O'Donovan. Assists to Dylan Storey, Michael Hollingsworth). (June 1) ATOM DIVISION DEVILS 3 (goals to Steven Hawke, Anthony Caminiti, Jenelle Stevens. Assists to Hawke, Ashley Moniz, Nathan Lovell); FLYERS 3 (goals to Traci Galbraith 2, Adrian Lischer. Assists to Kirk Johnson, Andrew Thompson, Nick Gvozden). BRUINS 12 (goals to Olaf Jones 5, Ryan Molony 2. Jeff Sanders 2. Biancca Mirabelli, Alex Tierney, Timothy Marshall. Assists to Paul Mitchell 2, Sanders 2, Jeff Campbell 2, Molony, Tierney, Marshall, Kevin Kotsopoulos, Michael Kavanagh); BLUES 4 (goals to Chris Law 2, Amber King, Sean McGuire. Assists to McGuire, Jesse Kirshenbaum, Torrance Mooradian, Troy Tucker). CANADIENS 11 (goals to Olivier Kaija 5, Michael Field 2, Tenille Clarke, Tyler Court, Andrew Kasza, Vincent Genesi. Assists to Kasza 2, David DeGeer 2, Corey Hall 2, Court, Jason Pcrsad, Genesi, Matthew Adams); AVALANCHE 0. (May 31) TYKE DIVISION WINGS 6 (goals to Bryan Campbell 6. Assists to Brad Johnson 3, Darren Thompson 3, Dean Arcari 3, Mark Cece); LEAFS 3 (goals to Zachary Smith, Kyle Moniz, Brent Palmer. Assists to Matthew Zarillo 2. Brandon Haggart, Andrew Darrigo, Michael Darrigo). NOVICE DIVISION PANTHERS 3 (goals to Joshua Cecarclli 2. Matthew Elliot. Assists to Patrick Murphy 2, Matthew Elliot, Kevin Degruijter). FLAMES 5 (goals to Bradley Tasker 3. Andrew Harvey. Michael Baird. Assists to Harvey. Baird, Christopher Laurignano, Eric Lupton, Briianny Court, Morgan Sims); RANGERS 1 (goal to Matthew Lorito. Assists to Matt Trenkler, Tom Hobson). (May 26) TYKE DIVISION WINGS 3 (goals to Ryan Arne, Nate Mahrt, Peter Copelan. Assists to Cooper Rush, Mahrt); STARS 3 (goals to Bracdan Russell, Kenneth Paguaga. Nicholas Kashty. Assisi to James Carmichael). ATOM DIVISION AVALANCHE 6 (goals to Trevor Irving 2, John Black, Bradley Riendeau, Dan D'Alimonle, Vincent Crocitto. Assists to Black, Justin Tang. Riendeau, Natalie Bazar, Andrew Crisostomo. Andrew Lupton. DEVILS 1. (See 'Oakville' page D5) Antoinettes results for Spring Classic The Oakville Gymnastics Center hosted the eighth Annual Spring Classic at the club on North Service Road, the weekend of May 29-30. There were 24 clubs from throughout Ontario and 430 athletes competing. This meet is held for pre-competitive and advanced recreational gymnasts. They train from 4.5 to 15 hours per week. The host Antoinettes were well repre­ sented and here are their results. Gymnaestrada Flight - six year olds They are not scored but are able to demon­ strate their skills ... Lianne Girard, Michelle Spencer, Catriona Russell, Sarah Gabura and Kate Brennan. Wednesday, June 16, 1999 vlt brs bm fir O/A Pre-competitive 7B All Melia 1st 1st 4th 1st 1st Hayley Milutinovic 6th 2nd 7th 5th 3rd Sarah Silva 4th 7th - 10th 8th Stephanie Heisz 6th 3rd - 7th 9th Pre-competitive 7C, Group A Eleanor Merry 6th 1st 3rd 9th 2nd Amanda Eldridge 5th 2nd 8th 5th 3rd Pre-competitive 7C, Group B Michelle Beck 6th 1st 3rd 9th 2nd Caitlin Santos - 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd Pre-competitive 8B, Group A Angela Schempp 3rd 2nd 7th 1st 3rd Mikaela Rodgers 4th 8th 4th 7th 5th Pre-competitive 8B, Group B Elyse McIntyre 4th 1st 5th 3rd 1st Tori Nixon 1st 3rd 1st 3rd ADVANCED REC RESULTS Mini 7C Alicia Knox 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 1st Erin Sellars 2nd 7th 3rd 6th 5th Kate Seagrove 7th 5th - 4th 7th Caroline Szwed 6th 7 th . 5th . Tiny 8 to 9 A, Group A Erinn Mistak 5th 5th 4th 8th 3rd Kalia Seipt 9th 8th 5th 5th 8th Tiny 8 to 9 A, Group B Alana Wood 5th 2nd 1st 5th 3rd Megan French 6th 8th 4th 5th 8th Tiny 8 to 9 B, Group A Nicole lantomo 7th 2nd 9th 3rd 5th Victoria Adams 3rd 10th 8th 2nd 8th Tiny 8 to 9 B, Group B Jessica Brasil 2nd 10th 1st 3rd 1st Suzy Bates 1st 8th - 7th 10th Tiny 8 to 9 C, Group B Coralie Salesse 8th 10th 5th 5th 8th Martee Mansueto 9th 6th 6th 6th 10th Ginny Bates 10th 5th - 8th - Tiny 8 to 9 C, Group C Ingrid Merry 4th 1st 1st 8th 2nd Kristen Anderson 6th 2nd 5th 4th 4th Shannon Geldart 2nd 5th 6th 5th 5th Cadette 10A Lizzy Bates 2nd 7th 5th 3rd 5th Jaclyn Charlton 5th 8th 6th 6th 8th Cadette 10B Kassy Birtch 5th 5th - 3rd . Argo 11-12A Jessica Wilson . 3rd 8th - 4th - Allison Gibbins 6th - 10th 7th . Argo 11-12B Tori Waugh 5th 2nd 6th 3rd 6th Tyro 13-14A Stephanie Koyanagi 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 1st Open 15+A Kariey Wulf 7th 7th 8th 9th 8th Open 15+B Kate Sienna 6th 9th 6th 3rd 6th Jennifer Lawrence 4th 7th 8th 5th 9th BOYS' RESULTS, SEE PAGE DS Halton Healthcare Services w as formed through the August 1, 1998 amalgamation of Milton District Hospital & Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Halton Healthcare Services Annual Meeting Wednesday June 23, 1999 7:30 p .m . RattleSnake Point Golf Club 5 4 0 7 Regional Road 25 M ilton , Ontario Mm The new by-laws for Halton Healthcare Services will be brought forward for approval. By-laws and audited Financial Statements will be available at the meeting or by calling the Hospital Administration offices at 338-4616. We want your photos! Get your team photo published in The Oakville Beaver! Soccer... Or lacrosse, or baseball or ball hockey or football .... The Oakville Beaver will help celebrate your teams season with a special section dedicated entirely to the boys and girls of winter sports. The special section will feature plenty of action shots snapped by our award winning photographers throughout the fields of Oakville. And we're also extending an invitation for teams to submit a colour team photo of themselves. We'll print all the names under the photo (list names right to left, back row to front row) and briefly tell us the highlights of the season so far and what the team has accomplished this year. And yes your photos can be returned to you. This is the fourth of many special sections The Oakville Beaver will bring to you, focusing on the wonderful world of sports at the grass roots level. Meanwhile, be sure to read the Oakville Beaver for regular reports on our house league and rep teams. Deadline to Submit: Wednesday June 23rd T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r 845-3824 Encourage Your Child To Read A Newspaper W e ow e o u r ch ildren the greatest ed u ca tio n w e can give th em , a n d e n co u rag in g th em to read a n ew sp ap er is a im p o rtan t p art o f th at ed u ca tio n . O p e n a d o o r o f en terta in m en t, w o n d er an d kn ow ledge fo r y o u r ch ild ren by e n c o u ra g in g th em to b eg in a p ractice they w ill en joy for the rest o f th eir lives. The Oakville Beaver It all starts with newspaper.

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