in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 2 9, 20 18 | 52 I k YourC lassifieds ca Notices (Public)ic) Notices (Public)ic) CALLING CANDIDATES CONSENSUS ONTARIO A newly-registering provincial political party ( is seeking two public-minded citizens of good standing with an interest in running as our party candidates in the ridings of Burlington and Oakville for this year's provincial election May 7 - June 7, 2018, to contact: Brad Harness via email at or telephone 519-851-2041 Careers 3 Careers JOBS....JOBS.... JOBS! CUSTOMER SERVICE TOOL & DIE MAKERS DIE SETTERS GRAPHIC DESIGNER SALES BRAKE PRESS PROGRAMMERS CLEANERS AND MORE FAX RESUME TO: 905-336-9428 EMAIL: Automotive 3 Automotive terrace ford lincoln SALES INC BURLINGTON Requires the following position: New Car Sales People Up to 40% commission Demo or demo allowance Must be customer orientated. O.M.V.I.C. Lic. preferred but wi provide training fo r the right individual. Interested candidates are invited to fax or email their resumes to: DAVE GRAY Sales Manager Fax: 905-632-1876 or Email: Dental 3 Dental Receptionist full time for a progressive office in Dundas. Amazing work environment where you will feel at home. Experience preferred. Email resume to: chaggerdental@ gmail. com G\assifiecfe M a w a How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! 1632-4440 email: classified® fc o c a lW iD rk c a YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Careers Careers Dl Careers Careers General Help General Help General Help General Help W E 'R E H IR IN G ! P r o v id in g in n o v a t iv e ra il s u p p o r t s e rv ic e s f o r 4 0 y e a rs . CANDO R A I L S E R V I C E S V is it o u r c a re e rs p a g e to v ie w th e se a n d o th e r o p p o rtu n it ie s • H e a v y D u ty /L o c o m o tiv e M e c h a n ic - C a m b rid g e , O N • Fork lift O p e ra to r - M ilto n , O N • L o c o m o tiv e O p e ra to r - V a u g h a n , O N • T e rm in a l O p e ra to r - H a m ilto n , O N L o o k in g fo r a r e g u la r s c h e d u le , o w n e r s h ip o p p o r t u n it ie s a n d c o m p e t i t iv e w a g e s ? C o n s id e r a c a re e r w ith C a n d o ! M o r e th a n a jo b . T h in k c a re e r . T h in k o w n e rsh ip . V I S I T IDORAIL.COM Your Best Source For Local Jobs LOOKING FOR WORK? •* metrolandmedia • * Connected to your community® WALK-IN INTERVIEWS FOR PART-TIME WORK Com e in M ondays from 2pm -4pm and you m ight be leaving w ith your N EX T JO B ! COME TO OUR LOCATION 901 GUELPH LINE • BURLINGTON, ONTARIO L7R 3N8 (CORNER OF HARVESTER & GUELPH LINE) BRING YOUR RESUME AND 2 REFERENCES **STUDENTS W ELCO M E** WE ARE CURRENTLY HIRING Assembly Line Team Members, Operators And Skidders The Following Shifts: Days, Afternoons, Midnights and Weekend SHIFTS AVAILABLE: Day Shift: 8am to 4pm M o n d a y , T u e sd a y , W e d n e s d a y a n d T h u rs d a y (possibility) a n d F r id a y Afternoon Shift: 4pm to 12am M o n d a y , T u e sd a y , W e d n e s d a y (possibility) a n d T h u rs d a y 4pm to 8pm F rid a y Midnight Shift: 12am to 8am S a tu rd a y , S u n d a y , M o n d a y , T u e sd a y & W e d n e s d a y (possibility) Weekend Shift: 8am to 8pm S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y Metroland is committed bo accessibility in employment and to ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for candidates, including persons with disabilities. In compliance with AODA, Metroland will endeavour to provide accommodation to persons with disabilities in the recruitment process upon request. If you are selected for an interview and you require accommodation due to a disability during the recruitment process, please notify the hiring manager upon scheduling your interview. Drivers 3 AZ & DZ Drivers req'd Full time at our busy construction company. We offer competitive wages & benefits. Clean abstract & CVOR a must. DZ drivers should have dumping exp. Exp'd AZ Triaxle with float exp. Exp'd AZ drivers with Live Bottom exp. Please send resume to christine@ or call 905-637-1966 ext 224 DRIVE FOR SUCCESS Independent Taxi Operators Wanted for one of the GTA's most lucrative markets. Vehicle leasing available. Contact chrisb@burlingtontaxi .com 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -0 0 7 7 EXT 2 2 6 or www.burlingtontaxi .com \drive-for-us PAID Work Placements and FREE Pre-Apprenticeship training. Employment Readiness Workshops, including Level 1 Training at Mohawk College. WORK as a Truck & Co ach Technician . No Experience Necessary! A career in demand! YMCA Employment Services Call 905.681.1140 to REGISTER TODAY! This project is funded by the Government of OntarioY Drivers DZ Road Sweeper Operator DZ Driver capable of operating Street Sweeper req'd immed. for busy asphalt plant in Burlington. • Min 2 years exp. • Valid DZ driver's lic with clean abstract. Please send resume to christine@ G\assifiecfc find us online at ! To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 http://www.burlingtontaxi