NEWS Council approves transportation plan review Town council has voted unanimously to approve the 2018 review o f the Switching Gears Transportation Mas ter Plan. The deci sion sets community transporta tion priori ties be tween now and 2031. Town staff say the plan en sures bal anced and sustainable transporta tion options moving forward. "Switching Gears offers efficient and sustainable transportation choices for people, goods and services to move around Oakville," said Oakville Mayor Rob Burton. "The updated transporta tion master plan offers a bal anced approach between strategic road improve ments and other transporta tion choices." Town staff said the plan looks at all modes o f trans- portation including public transit, walking, cycling and ride sharing along with stra tegic roadway improve ments to ensure a safe, con venient and efficient move ment o f people and goods. It identifies the transpor tation facilities, services and policies that the town will implement to serve a pro jected population of 246,400 people by 2031. It sets direction for the town's day-to-day transpor tation pro grams as well as long and mid-range implementa tion plans, provides a basis for bud get planning, area, and cor ridor trans portation studies and design guide lines. It also pro vides input into the town's Development Charge Bylaw. Launched in 2013, Switch ing Gears is the town's guid ing document for developing practical, sustainable, long term plans to guide the town's transportation sys tem to meet the needs o f its anticipated growth to 2031. "Switching Gears offers efficien t and sustainable transportation choices fo r peop le, goods and services to m ove around Oakville. The updated transportation m aster plan offers a balanced approach betw een strategic road im provem ents and other transportation choices. " OakviUe Mayor Rob Burton you grows we mow NOW Boom PROFESSiONALWEEKLY LAWN MAiNTENANCE PROGRAMS The Oakville Beaver Readers Choice Diamond AwardW inner 5 consecutive years. Book Your Spring Clean Up Today!!! Ca||TodayForaFreeQuote Leaf & Debris Removal, Garden Weeding & Edging, (905)467-1507 Soil & Mulch Installation, and Much More! www lawnbros ca • Sod Installation • Interlock* Garden Design & Build • Irrigation Systems 1200 Speers Rd., U n it 12, O a kv ille , O n t. L 6 L 2X 4 (905 ) 845 -1 4 0 8 | F ax (9 0 5 ) 845 - 5 9 3 1 1 r ic k y @ ric k y w o n g .c a R ick y W ong CPA, CA, MBA, B. Eng Voted Best Accountant by Oakville Beaver Readers for 11 Consecutive Years • Accounting • Auditing • Taxation^ For m ore in fo rm a tio n please check o u r website H / S T E V E N S O N W H E L T O N MacDONALD&SWAN LLP HAPPY 150™ CANADA i ' * * Experienced Trial Lawyers Serving Oakville, Milton and Burlington ^/"sW 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .3 8 3 8 540 Cornwall Road Suite 106, Oakville PERSONAL INJURY + MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Sam S p ad a fo ra - INJURY AND EMPLOYMENT LAW - O F F I C E S in O A K V I L L E a n d T O R O N T O For a free consultation call: Oakville: 905.842.2022 Toronto: 41 6.644.3999 email: D e n i e d D isabled Benefits? i n j u r e d ? I c a n h e l p . M y te a m o f e x p e r i e n c e d la w y ers c a n h e lp y o u w ith : - D is a b il ity C la im s* *Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, CPP - C a r A c c id e n t s - S lip a n d F alls - W r o n g f u l D ism issa l you d o n ' t pay unless I GET YOU m o n e y . Ol| O akville B eaver | Thursday, M arch 29,2018