Town holding meeting on gypsy moth aerial spraying April 10 NEWS Spraying intended to control gypsy moth and cankerworm populations Area residents are invited to attend an information session on an upcoming aerial spraying intended to reduce gypsy moth and cankerworm populations within Oak ville. The meeting will take place Tuesday, April 10 at the Queen Elizabeth Park Com munity and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Rd., and run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The information will also let residents know what they can do to help stop gypsy moth and cankerworm from destroying lo cal trees. "The town's tree canopy is one of our greatest assets. If left untreated, gypsy moth and cankerworm have the potential of damaging 409,000 trees across our com munities. That's 23 per cent of the town's tree canopy," said Oakville Mayor Rob Burton. "I encourage residents to attend the in formation session and learn what can be done to help protect our urban forest."The gypsy moth is a non-native insect that is considered a major pest in North America. The larvae of this insect can potentially devour every leaf of a tree's canopy. Cankerworm (also known as inch worm) is a native insect whose population increases every 10-15 years. They also feed on tree leaves and have a serious impact on tree health. Town staff said gypsy moth and canker- worm populations are expected to reach extreme levels in Oakville this year. Based on surveys conducted in 2017, 26 town woodlands were identified as high- risk areas that will likely experience seri ous tree defoliation and the potential loss of thousands of trees if no action is taken. As a result, the town will be conducting an aerial spray of biological insecticide to curb the populations in heavily infested woodlands, likely in May when the young caterpillars start emerging. Town staff said the biological insecti cide is made up of naturally occurring soil bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis kursta- ki) that is poisonous to certain types of cat erpillars when ingested, but is not harmful to humans or other insects or animals. The town is working with other munici palities to co-ordinate a co-operative population control program. For more information visit www.oak- Retail Opportunity RFO Registration Deadline! April 13,2018* O akville T rafalgar M em orial H ospital M E R X c o m For m ore in fo rm a t io n contact: bu s ine ssd eve lopm ent@ ha ltonhea lthcare .com w w w .H a ltonH ea lthca re .com N O N -FO O D RETAIL • Up to (3) non-food units available for retail lease. • Units range from 250 sq. ft to over 600 sq. ft. • Help enhance the patient and visitor experience at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. * Register to download RFO. OSC YOUTH SUMMER HOUSE LEAGUE SOCCER !IGN UP TODAY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! GRAND PRIZE : $500 VISA GIFT CARD! OTHER PRIZES: TFC TICKETS, OAKVILLE WILD GEAR kDLINl dO)0 SjA w ti The House League program offers the chance to make friends, develop skills, and most importantly, have fun! • Jersey, shorts, socks and ball included! • Midweek start times beginning at 6:00 p.m.! ABelTu&Eulil HOUSE LEAGUE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Provides players and their teams with one scheduled game and one practice each week! Ideal for players who would like to enhance their skills! Limited spaces available, sign up today!AieS 7iBI& • While q TO REGISTER, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT: WWW.OAKVILLESOCCER.CA OR CALL 905-849-4436 -v l | O akville Beaver | Thursday, April 5,2018 http://WWW.OAKVILLESOCCER.CA