THURSDAY APRIL 5, 2018 O A KV ILLE Get YourFREE FAMILY PASS! Inst look for the bright pink Insert In Today's Oakville Beaver. Don't miss our best show ever! APRIL 6-8 at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre (1415 Third Line north o f QEW) SHOW HOURS Friday 3-8pm Saturday 11 am-5pm Sunday 11 am-5pm $2.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM Enjoy live seminars featuring eagles, owls & Falcons presented by Canadian Raptor C onservancy The * " S A V I N G Y O U T I M E & M O N E Y C o m e E n jo y . . . A p r i l o ? / ,8 F riday , S a tu rd a y a n d S unday G le n A b b e y C o m m u n ity C e n tre 1415 T h ir d L in e - ju s t N o r th o f th e Q E W Two huge arenas fu ll o f savings! L o t s o f f r e e d r a w s a n d g i v e a w a y s ! ow E N T E R T O W I N $ 1,000 C A S H ! ! lo c a te d a t th e s h o w e n tr a n c e I P a d s ta t io n C om e S ee Local H om e Im p ro v e m e n t E xperts! -------------- Shop, C o m p are an d S ave O n :--------------- Landscapers Replacement Windows & Doors Roofing Rubberized Walkways Kitchen Designers Granite Counter Tops Cookware Costco Air Conditioners Furnaces Chiropractors Cogeco Renovators Solar Products Painters Insurance Investment Advisors Patio Furniture Garage Doors Lawn Experts Toronto Star Spas Photographers Northern Resorts Sheds Sunrooms Realtors Sod Bags of Earth Upholstery Mortgage Experts Garage Organizers Gliding Shelves Kitchen Refacers Oakville Fire Department • Lawn Professionals • Fireplaces • Leaky Basement Repairs • Big Screen TV's • Carpet Cleaning • Interior Decorators • Great Prizes! • Hand Crafted Furniture • Shutters Live Music Too! Befordfer always contact exhibitors at Enter online to win a 1500 romantic weekend at the historical Fairmont Royal York in Toronto! Lots of Free Parking • Additional Parking at Abbey Park High School Beside Arena P r o u d l y P r o d u c e d b y J e n k i n s S h o w P r o d u c t i o n s 9 0 5 . 8 2 7 . 4 6 3 2