6 in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 5, 2 01 8 | Acclaim Health p r e s e n t s P u rp o s e M A Y F O U R T H 2018 Sip on spark ling cockta ils , graze on de lic ious food stations, bid on exciting live and silent auction items, and dance the n ight away; all in the nam e o f raising funds to bring w ellness T p rog ram s, reduce socia l iso la tion and provide support fo r o lder adu lts in H a lton . T I C K E T S O N S A L E N O W S p o n s o r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s a re a v a i l a b l e . H a r b o u r B a n q u e t a n d C o n f e r e n c e C e n tr e O ak v ille C o c k ta i ls a n d R e c e p t io n a t 6 :3 0 PM T ic k e ts $ 1 9 0 .0 0 | J a m i e P au l 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 8 0 0 Ext. 2 0 4 3 w w w .a c c l a i m h e a l t h .c a / d o n a t e / p a r t y w i t h a p u r p o s e NEWS Businesses recognized during awards ceremony FCT gets Oakville Business Icon Award DAVID LEA dlea@oakvillebeaver.com Local innovators, game changers and business icons got a chance to shine Tues day, March 27 during the 23rd Annual Oakville Awards for Business Excellence (OABE). The sold out event, which was held by the Oakville Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club Oakville West, drew an audi ence of around 560 members of the local business community to the Oakville Conference Centre. Eleven companies, from a total of 56 nominees, walked away with awards, which covered a variety of categories from Restaurateur of the Year to the Charity/ Not-for-Profit Excellence Award. Kerry Colborne, former Oakville cham ber chair and chair of the OABE's 15 mem ber judging committee, said the judges looked at multiple areas when considering an award recipient including the compa ny's social media presence, their record with customer satisfaction, their commu- nity involvement, their financial sound ness, their vision and strategies for growth, their employee engagement and retention and more."These awards are no cakewalk to achieve," said Colborne. "Competition is always tough. It was neck and neck in a number of categories and picking a winner is not easy, but ulti mately we had to narrow it down to just one in each category." Naylor Building Partnerships Inc., re ceived the Royal Bank Large Business of the Year Award for its employment practic es and commitment to training and innova tion. iCare Home Health got the Small Business of the Year Award for leveraging cre ative and innovative patient centred solu tions, which allow Canadians to recover from medical procedures in the comfort of their homes. Florence Meats took home the Bell Midsize Business of the Year Award. Organizers said Florence Meats, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary, differ entiates itself from the larger chains by ap proaching each customer with products of • See FLORENCE, p age 41 Spring is a great time to check in on your auto insurance! After you take off the sn o w tires, c h a n ge your oil and visit the ca r w ash , take a lo o k at your current auto in su rance policy. Have your driving habits changed? Is your coverage still right for you? Are you getting value from your current policy? Our licensed Insurance Agents can help to make sure your auto insurance policy is right for you. Get a policy review, plus great savings and perks from CAA Insurance. Call or visit for a quick, no-obligation review today! CAA Store - Oakville 360 Dundas Street East Saadia Jamali 905-845-0877 Auto and Property Insurance are underwritten by CAA Insurance Company. Certain conditions, limitations and underwriting guidelines apply. ®CAAtrademarks owned by, and use is authorized by, the Canadian Automobile Association. (1886-03/18) Insurance http://www.acclaimhealth.ca/donate/partywithapurpose mailto:dlea@oakvillebeaver.com