Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2018, p. 14

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 12 ,2 01 8 | NEWS Legalization of marijuana will keep police on alert for impaired drivers No pot luck if caught driving while high TIM WHITNELL twhitnell@metroland.com Halton Regional Police is reminding motorists that impaired driving is impaired driving, whether your ability to operate a vehicle is compromised by alcohol or marijuana or some other drug. Halton police says there has been "significant me­ dia attention" concerning the legalization and regu­ lation of recreational mar­ ijuana in Canada with fed­ eral legislation (Bill C-45) possibly in place by the end of this summer. "Our community has expressed concerns about how this legislation will impact the incidence and enforcement of drug-im­ paired driving in Halton Region," said Halton police Sgt. Ryan Snow, head of Traffic Services. "We know this is an is­ sue. It's becoming more commonplace for motorist to mix drugs and alcohol, which leads to unpredict­ able consequences of im­ paired driving," he added. "This is why we contin­ ue to train officers in spe­ cialized areas regarding drug recognition. We are in a position to accurately identify symptoms related to drug-impaired driving, even when in conjunction with alcohol." Halton police notes im­ paired driving is impaired driving, whether the im­ pairment is by alcohol or by a drug. The Criminal Code of Canada does not differen­ tiate between alcohol-im­ paired driving offences and drug-impaired driving offences. "Driving while im­ paired by any drug is a criminal offence, and has been since 1925. In fact, over time, the Criminal Code has evolved in such a manner as to enhance the ability of law enforcement to detect drug impair­ ment," said Snow. Impairment by alcohol or by drugs affects infor­ mation-processing, hand- eye co-ordination, judg­ ment, concentration, com­ prehension, visual acuity and reaction time, says Halton police. • See LIFE, page 45 LOVE. YOU. Oakville Saturday, May 26th, 2018 Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Breckon Shelter JNfor OMEN. 5KRUN/WALK O 1 0 K M N R eg is ter now a t ru n fo rw o m en .ca Proceeds in support of @runforwomen 0 O O mailto:twhitnell@metroland.com

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