EDUCATION T e m p e r s f la r e o v e r c h a r i t y b a n , t r u s t e e s le a v e C a t h o l i c s c h o o l b o a r d m e e t in g in p r o t e s t NATHAN HOWES The Halton Catholic school board may be taking a step back from its recent charity donation ban - at least for the time being. The issue of the injunc tion, which has received significant public backlash in recent weeks, came to a tipping point at Tuesday's Catholic school board meeting resulting in its abrupt end after several trustees left in protest fol lowing the dismissal of a motion related to the ban. Presented in February, the ban prohibits financial donations to charities and nonprofits that support, di rectly or indirectly, abor tion, contraception, steril ization, euthanasia or em bryonic stem cell research. Parents were then mailed a list of charities that had received dona tions from schools within the board in the past, stat ing it was reviewing which charitable organizations may continue to receive do nations from its schools in light of the new decision. The list initially consist ed of 100 groups including the Halton Women's Place, Toronto's SickKids Hospi tal and the Princess Mar garet Cancer Foundation, but was shortened to 30 af ter the March 20 board meeting. The list was then posted on the HCDSB web site, briefly. On April 3, chair Diane Rabenda disallowed a mo tion that included publica tion on the board website of a list of approved charities and nonprofit organiza tions supporting research that proves their compli ance with resolution 61-18 and any documents that may undermine the ap provals, among other items. This led to a heated dis cussion between Rabenda and Oakville trustees Paul Marai, Anthony Danko and Anthony Quinn. As Rabenda attempted to move to the next agenda item, the three Oakville trustees intervened to ap peal her dismissal of the motion. They cited bylaw procedures in an effort to get a vote on it by the gov erning board. "Our bylaws state we must on vote on overturn ing your ruling and a sim ple majority carries. That's what our bylaws state. It's the governing body of our organization," said Marai. Rabenda responded to • See WE, page 42 Rick Madonik/Toronto Star HCDSB chair Diane Rabenda speaks at a recent board meeting held at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. you grow we mow NOW BOOKING PROFESSIONAL WEEKLY LAWN MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS I 2017c--- DIAMOND The Oakville Beaver Readers Choice Diamond Award Winner 5 consecutive years. B o o k Y o u r S p r in g C le a n U p T o d a y III Leaf & Debris Removal, Garden Weeding & Edging, Soil & Mulch Installation, and Much More! • Sod Installation • Interlock • Garden Design & Build • Irrigation Systems Call Today For a Free Quote ( 9 0 5 ) 4 6 7 - 1 5 0 7 Denied DisabledBenefits? Injured? I C A N H E L P . My te a m o f e x p e r ie n c e d law yers ca n h e lp you w ith: - D isability Claims* *Short-Term D isab ility , L o n g -T e rm D isab ility , C P P - C a r A cc id en ts - Slip a n d Falls - W ro n g fu l D ism issal YOU DON'T PAY UNLESS I G E T Y O U M O N E Y . O F F IC E S in O A K V IL LE a n d T O R O N T O F or a fr e e co n su lta tio n call: O akville: 905.842 .2022 T oronto: 416.644 .3999 em ail: ssp a d a fo ra @ slsp c .ca i S a m S p a d a f o r a B 3 L HAPPY 150™ * ■ INJURY AND EMPLOYMENT LAW - CANADA INSTALLATION SALE PLUS WE PAY THE TAX! T NOW OFFERING i FREE WHOLE HOME DESIGN SERVICE/ CONSULTATIONS Furniture, Lighting, Paint, Draperies etc.* Concept Lighting & Furniture Group *See store for details Oakville Store Mississauga Store Burlington Store 243 Speers Rd. 5980 McLaughlin Rd. Unit 3 1515 North Service Road Oakville, ON L6K 2E8 Mississauga, ON L5R 3X9 Burlington, ON L7P OA2 +1 905 849 LITE (5483) +1 905 712 4548 +1 905 331 7444 Shop online w w w co | O akville Beaver | Thursday, April 12,2018