General Help General Help General Help General Help General Help ^ H a l t o n ( 311 Youth Job Connection A re y o u 1 5 -2 9 y e a rs o ld a n d : • c u rre n t ly u n e m p lo y e d ? • lo o k in g fo r a jo b o r ca re e r? • n o t a tte n d in g o r re tu rn in g to fu ll-t im e sc h o o l o r t ra in in g T h e n e x t s e ss io n s ta rts in M ay. S p a c e is lim ite d , c o n ta c t u s to d a y . VELUX Canada Inc., a nationwide distribution company o f skylights and sun tunnels is seeking a Junior S h ip p e r/R e ce iv e r fo r an immediate fu ll tim e opening. The id e a l c a n d id a te has b o th previous warehouse experience and a c u rre n t c e r t i f ic a t io n fo r c o u n te r balance fo rk l i f t . Read/ w rite /speak p ro fic ien t English w ith People Skills (customer service). Reliable/Energetic, w ith strong w o rk ethic and be very d e ta i l o r ie n te d to ensu re o rd e r accuracy in a fast paced warehouse se tting lo a d in g /u n lo a d in g tra ile rs . M ust be able to l i f t up to 50 lbs. C om pu te r experience is an asset. Located in O akville , w ork ing hours are 8:00 to 4:30 pm. Please send your resum e by em ail to velux-cdn@ or fa x it to 905-829-8209. Only candidates granted an interview will receive a reply. O ffice/ O ffice/ Administration Administration Warehouse Shipper / Office Assistant - 2-3 day a week. You are reliable, work hard & are on point. You are well-organized. You are someone that is always willing to lend support wherever the need arises. As a member of our team, you will be capable to pick & pack received orders, make required labels & take care your work is done to perfection. This will be a role that will req. an individual who can be relied upon to "get the job done" with a min. of supervision. KSM Ltd is a 18 year old privately owned toy company. We take pride in our long term relationships. This position offers flexibility of the day and hours. Compensation negotiable. Contact us: Warehouse is located in Burlington, Office in Mississauga. Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Proficient Marketing - Hamilton SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Average Representative makes $25+ per hour with commission. Are you tired of the same boring work environment with no room for growth? Guaranteed base pay $15.50/hour. Unlimited commission. We are looking for future industry leaders to join our team and learn the skills to succeed. In this role you will promote a leading Canadian based media company and its residential services. You will approach people, explain available options and educate about benefits. Directly influence your com pensation w ith your hard work, and build a career you can be proud of ! The Basics • Full-time and Part-time hours • Promote the services of one of the largest names in the Media Industry • Work on-field (door to door sales) • Commission on every sale • Fast paced, fun environment • Smart Phone (required) • Must be over the age of 18+ Why work for Us? • Be a part of a constantly growing company • Gain transferable skills to develop yourself into becoming an industry leader • Work your way up into a leadership position. We love to promote internally! • Learn from some of the top sales reps in Canada • Ability to influence your compensation directly PHONE INQUIRIES ONLY PLEA SE CA LL 1-866-855-9868 Retail Opportunities RETAIL MANAGER Burlington Location 5 years management experience required Retail experience a m ust in the Footwear Industry. Excellent Com puter Skills Required. Salary Compensation based on Skill Set. Email Resume to craig@ home improuement/seruice professionals MORTGAGES 1st & 2nd M ortgages Debt Consolidation *L o w Rates, *N o Fees Bad Credit W elcom e CREDIT A P P R O V E D * te rm s a n d co nd itio ns a p p ly L ic# 1 0 1 5 4 M o r t g a g e G enie w w w .m o rtg a g e g e n ie .c a 416 - 667-9834 Domestic Help Available SPRING IS c o m in g if you have a garage, base ment, kids play area that n e e d s to be c le a n e d and/or organized please call Linda 905-320-3917 Special Services PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 25 plus years experience serving property owners of Single Residential, Commercial, Retail and Industrial Property. Consulting, Inspections, Capital cost projects, Insurance matters, (H&S training) One call fo r all your property needs - free consultation Contact Don @ 905-510-2882 Decks & Fences 0 ALL decks built in 1 day. Highest quality. Spring discount! Free design and estimates. Call Mike 416-738-7752 ALPINE DECK DECKS, DECKS Seasonal Specials! 25+ yrs experience. Reliable family business. Free Estimates Photos, references. 905-338-0665 Electrical ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ DG ELECTRICAL SERVICES Call (416)357-1729 or find us at ECRA/ESA # 7011330 Grindstone Electric Master Electrician Residential/ Commercial Licensed & Insured Trouble shooting, upgrades & reno's Backup generators & sump pumps All jobs, big & small ECRA/ESA#7010208 Call for a free estimate 905-320-9941 MASTER ELECTRICIAN Fuse panel upgrades to circuit breakers 100 Amp, $1000. Job start up in as little as 2 busi ness days. We do ALL electrical work, home electric car charging stations; NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Titan Elec tric for details 905-979-9779 Testimonials @ www.titangener- ECRA License: 7011197 Flooring & Carpeting^ CARPET AND v in y l. In stallation, sales, repairs. Shop at home. Free esti m a t e s . C a l l 4 1 6 -2 7 1 -8 7 1 2 . V is i t Flooring & Carpeting^ FLOORING: HARDWOOD laminate and installation call today 647-223-5353 R & E F lo o r in g L td . Q ua lity Is My P r io rity . General Contracting, Excavating SPECIALIZING IN Caulk ing- Small Concrete and M aso nry R es to ra tions . Commercial & Residen t ia l. G uaranteed W o rk m anship. Fully Insured. Free E s t im a te s . C a ll John 90 5 -5 9 2 -9 8 5 6 or 905-808-0346. Handy Person BRITISH HANDYMAN Reliable handyman available fo r odd jobs, painting, trim work, caulking, m inor plumbing and much more, indoors or out! Call Dave 289-795-2371 MAN WITH TRUCK Junk removal, brush removal etc. Call John Neil 905-464-2781 SAM'S HANDYMAN. Best prices fo r all your h o m e im p r o v e m e n t needs. From roofing, t i l ing, p lum bing, electrical e tc. A ffo rd a b le p rices. Call Sam: 647-919-6352 Home Renovations ' ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE Drywall Taping Painting and F in ish C a rp e n try Small Job No problem Call 416-417-9151. • Chimneys • Porches • Sidewalks • Block and Stonework Free Est.~Licensed 25 Years Experience C A LL ROB 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -8 9 4 3 f Digging Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Trenches, Garden beds f Soil, Concrete Removal f Post Hole Drilling f Grading f Topsoil, Gravel Delivery F Pool Fill-ins Foundations 9 0 5 -3 3 4 -4 0 2 8 FENCES, DECKS and Renovations. Free Estimates. Call Megan, 905-466-2315. Mike, 905-630-0606 . GLENN'S JUNK REMOVAL Hot tub, shed & deck removal 647-530-5911 Don't Delay, Call Today! * HNH RENOVATION * Door and windows, bath rooms, kitchens, base ments, tiles, hardwood, laminate, trim work, paint ing. Free estimates. Call Moe 905-630-7212 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Have you pu t o ff that repair/ upgrade? Has your D IYproject become a little much? We specialize in: Drywall, trim, flooring, painting, furniture assembly general repairs and updates. Call or Text for a FREE Estimate 905-452-2025 J. Canon Interlocking Interlock Specialist NEW INSTALLATION • driveways • patios • walkways • pool surrounds • steps • masonry • retaining walls DESIGN • BUILD • MAINTAIN Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. Call John, 289-922-8754 Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 2186 Mountain Grove Avenue, Burlington FILA'S CONSTRUCTION Finished Basements, Kitchens & Bathrooms. Smooth Ceilings. All Flooring Including Tiling. Painting (Interior/Exterior), Refinishing Stairs. All Carpentry Jobs! 19+ Years Experience. 289-242-4273, 905-632-5298 KARMI INTERLOCKING Concrete, Landscaping, D r iv e w a y , W a lk w a y s , Patio, F lowerbeds. Low P r ic e s . Fencing and Decks. Free Design/ Es t im a te s . S a t is fa c t io n G u a ra n te e d . O ve r 21 Years Experience. Call 647-895-3435. Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies AFFORDABLE TREE c u ttin g , sh rub s / hedges and tree pruning, spring c le a n -u p , l a n d s c a p - ing /ga rden ing , fenc ing , deck re fin ish in g , reno v a t i o n s , p a in t i n g , d e m o lit io n s . F u lly L i ce n se d and In s u re d , Best prices and satis faction guaranteed. Call R itch ie 4 1 6 -8 2 0 -2 5 2 6 o r 647-270-1084 ALL SEASON Garden Maintenance. Clean ups. Weekly grass cutting starting at $30. Maintenance $35. 20 years experience. Call Paul 647-898-2461. TOTAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS: Basements, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Hardwood/ Laminate Floors, Additions, Offices, Carpentry, Drywall Repairs, Painting, Plumbing. Residential and Commercial. Insured. 25+ yrs experience. Geoff 905-842-1449. Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies 0 ALL Landscaping, lawn care. Spring clean up. Sod installa tion, weekly grass cutting, property clean-up. Garden beds, Mulching. Trimming, Tilling. Property Maintenance. Fully insured, owner operated. Oakville/Mississauga. 905-279-5614. B&G PROPERTY Maintenance Lawn Cutting 20 years experience. Fully insured. Free Estimates 905-630-7609 Burlington Area NEED HELP? NO TIME? Services include lawn cutting, wedding, trim ming, planting and fertilizing. Call 905-518-1357 O i | O akville Beaver | Thursday, April 12,2018