Sunday, May 23, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .... a 9 .1 99 9 You will automatically be entered as an Oakville Beaver subscriber to O a k v i\ 'e B e a g e r C irc u la tio n M anay M t . D o h e rty m e t r i p ® , ,0 ^ m u c h to . w a s to out My rt'eu® l* she came a ° 0teneYvjorW 5 S K » s r . C S « ' Vd love to. itNN travel voucher valued at $1,000! All current subscribers, and any new subscribers up to May 30/99 will be entered to win! Draw to be held July 2,1999. Winner will be contacted by phone. S in c e re ly Subscribe today and immediately choose your thank you Gift! m . r2 Golf Passes to H idden Lake «m* fltoto - ' r-• ■■'••■A v'.'X : "V .• i-t . r^- ■ A " . i Set of Blue Jays T ickets I |-- |U C Q / would like to receive *The Oakville Beaver 3 days a week for only $721 I-- I ■ (48% off the newstand price) and select my thank you gift PaymentiCheque D VisaD Master Card □ American Exp. □ Card #:_____________________________________ Exp. Date: Name:______________________________ Signature: Address:. Phone: _ I hereby authorize The Oakville Beaver to bill my credit card each month until instructed otherwise. I understand that should the yearly rate change my monthly billing will automatically be adjusted Please send to: The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. L6K 3S4 842-9742 f a x 337-5568 *New Subscriptions only Payment must accompany order form. Offer expires M ay 30/99 *1 would like □ Blue Jay □W onderland □ Hidden Lake □ Playdium Postal Code: The Oakville Beaver Much more than a newspaper. I