Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2018, p. 56

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in si d eh al to n .c o m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T h u rs d ay , A pr il 1 9 ,2 0 1 8 | • GET CONNECTED Visit insidehalton.com/events to subm it your own com m unity events fo r on line publishing. Metro Creative photo Acclaim Health's bereavement walking group for adults meets weekly on Thursdays from 10 until 11:30 a.m. in Oakville. Registration required. New members can join at any time. Contact npage@acclaimhealth.ca for more information. EVENTS • Friday, April 20 L ittle S hop o f Horrors W HEN: 8:00 p.m -10:30 p.m W HERE: Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 130 Navy Street, Oakville CONTACT: Oakville centre for the Performing Arts, 905-815- 2021, info@botg.ca COST: $33. Musical Theatre for the whole family • Saturday, April 21 R a n g -e -B a h a a r W HEN: 12:00 p.m -11:00 p.m W HERE: St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas Street West, Oakville CONTACT: Munee- zah, 647-828-6222 COST: Maple Bazaar presents Colours of Spring. Featuring food, fun and shopping at more than 45 vendor booths, a reptile show for kids and raffle prizes. • Sunday, April 22 W a lto n w e lcom es S co tt M a c In ­ tyre W HEN: 9:30 a.m W HERE: Walton United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON , Oakville CONTACT: 905-827-1643 COST: Oakville native Scott MacIntyre, a former American Idol contestant, will lead the music and share his testimony of trusting God amidst adversity during Walton United Church's 9:30 and 11 a.m. servic­ es. He will also sing his no. 1 hit song, Look Up! • Monday, April 23 G uest N igh t fo r M en W HEN: 6:30 p.m - 8:00 p.m W HERE: Kinark Syl Apps Youth Centre, 475 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakville CONTACT: Sam Weller, 905-634-4089, j_h_weller@hot- mail.com, http://www.TheEnter- tainers.ca COST: A program of six Monday evening guest nights, April 23 to May 28. Come out for five evenings, then sing on stage with us at our show on May 28! • Tuesday, April 24 Im p a c t Inves tm ent P resen ta tio n W HEN: 6:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m W HERE: Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Black Box Theatre, 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville CONTACT: Chanel Anderson, 905-844-3562, cha- nel@theocf.org, https://the- ocf.org/news/posts/investment- impact-presentation/ COST: How can we invest better? These are some of the questions the Oakville Community Foundation is exploring. Each year, the Founda­ tion hosts an evening event, lead by leading experts in the in­ vestment field, to share ideas and ways in which we can invest to support our community needs - long-term - strategicaIly.This year's topic is Social Impact Investing, featuring expert in­ vestment fund managers plus a charity who has received and benefited from this unique meth­ od of investment. Details about the speakers available at www.theocf.org. • Thursday, April 26 O akville Toastm asters C lub M e e tin g W HEN: 7:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m W HERE: St. Simon's Anglican Church - Oakville, 1450 Litchfield Road, Oakville CONTACT: George How, ghow08@gmail.com, h ttp :// www.oakvilletoastmasters.com Educational evening to develop communication and leadership skills. • Friday, April 27 Ladies O ut Laughing Com edy N ight W HEN: 6:30 p.m -11:00 p.m W HERE: OE Banquet and Confer­ ence Centre, 2245 Speers Road, Oakville CONTACT: Claudia Connor, 905-257-1988, clau- dia@wellspring.ca, h ttp :// www.ladiesoutlaughing.ca COST: Tickets are $100 and tables are available for $1000 Gather your girlfriends and join us for the ultimate girl's night out in support of Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House. This year's show will feature some of Canada's brightest and most celebrated comedy personalities. • Monday, April 30 Euchre and B ridge Party W HEN: 6:30 p.m W HERE: St. Dominic Church Hall, 2415 Rebecca St., Oakville CONTACT: 905-827-2373 COST: $10 Fun euchre and bridge party. Enjoy sweets table. First prize: $30, second prize: $20, several door prizes also up for grabs. Please arrange your own bridge table. Tickets available at the door. • Saturday, May 5 0 C 0 2 0 1 7 Y outh C oncerto W HEN: 7:30 p.m - 9:30 p.m W HERE: St. John's United Church - Oakville, 262 Randall Street, Oakville CONTACT: ephraim fernandez, 647-988-3939, ephraim.fernandez@oakvillecham- ber.org, http://oakvillecham- ber.org COST: Adults $30, Se­ niors $25, Students $20, Chil­ dren 12 and under FREE This is the final concert of the season. Soloists are Grand Prize Winners of the 0C0 2017 Concer­ to Competition. Dale Jeong is a cellist and Lynn Sue-A-Quan plays viola. The program includes pieces by Bruch, Saint Saens, Hindemith, Mendelssohn, Faure and Brahms. Tickets are available online. • Sunday, May 6 O akville M an d a rin M S W a lk W HEN: 9:30 a.m -1 :00 p.m W HERE: Central West Specialized Developmental Services, 53 Bond Street, Oakville CONTACT: Bonnie Phillips, 1-800-268-7582 MS walk is a community fundrais­ ing event bringing thousand of Canadians together to raise funds that go towards both world class research and innovative programs and services across Canada. Participants come together to walk, enjoy food, prizes, enter­ tainment and, most of all, the feeling of being united by a common goal: a future free of MS. • M P E N T A C O S T A E akville Pentecostal Apostolic C e n tre SUNDAY Bible Teaching & Worship Service, 12:30-2:30pm (SOUTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 1051 Glenashton Dr. Glenashton & Eighth Line FRIDAY Teaching & Youth Service 7-8:30pm Tel: 416-892-8123 Pastor: Elder M.J. Brissett Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD fT W J If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature L LA lU U please call J E N N IF E R G O U L D 289-293 0683 E A I T E » GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE Come experience Church Your whole family will enjoy! THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd: 19:30 Coffee, Cookies and Conversation 10:00 Worship Service and Sunday School NEW MEMBERS SUNDAY Message: GHOSTS DON'T EAT FISH! Scripture: Luke 24:36-49 Here you will find Church the way you wished it could be! Friendly people, Great Music Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit! p 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville ( > 905-825-5292 www.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com i r \ r n : » Walton W e lc o m e s Y o u Everyone Welcome Sunday, April 22 Scott MacIntyre Sings and Speaks at 9:30 am & 11:00 am Services Children's Programming at 9:30 am Live Auction Sale Saturday, April 21 10:30 am- 3:30 pm Snack Bar Rev. Jim GUI C oordinating M inister WALTON UNITED CHURCH http://www.waltonmemorial.com 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. f * jfc 8* ^ 0 P R E S B Y T E R I A N K N O X PR ESB YT ER IA N C H U R C H Sunday, A p ril 22nd Jo in us a t 1 0 :0 0 a .m . fo r S u n d a y W o rs h ip , a ll a re w e lc o m e . C h u rc h s c h o o l a n d n u rs e ry s e rv ic e s a re a v a i la b le d u r in g th e s e rv ic e . O n W e d n e s d a y A p r i l 2 5 , c o m e a n d e n jo y o u r m id -w e e k D in n e r W o rs h ip a n d F e l lo w s h ip s e rv ic e . D o o rs o p e n a t 6 :0 0 a n d a ll a re w e lc o m e . M a rk y o u r c a le n d a rs : A pril 23: J o in us fo r th e la s t "G r ie fs h a re p ro g r a m " in th is s e rie s . T h e s e ss io n s a re s ta n d a lo n e so it's n e v e r to o la te to jo in ! D o o rs o p e n a t 7 :0 0 p .m . A p ril 27: M e s s y C h u rc h - fa m ily , fu n a n d fo o d w i th d o o rs o p e n in g a t 6 :0 0 - m o re d e ta ils to c o m e . A pril 28: J o in us fo r an e v e n in g o f m u s ic : "S tra ta 's S p h e re " w i l l s h o w c a s e a v a r ie ty o f s o n g a b o u t th e s u n , m o o n a n d s ta rs . D o o rs o p e n a t 7 :3 0 p .m . M ay 5: P la n n e d G iv in g S e m in a r - d o o rs o p e n a t 9 :3 0 - m o re d e ta ils to c o m e . See our website at , . knoxoakville.com for details M y on all events and more!((j K nox OAKVILLE Lakeshore & Dunn 905.844.3472 KnoxOakville.com mailto:npage@acclaimhealth.ca mailto:info@botg.ca mailto:j_h_weller@hot-mail.com mailto:j_h_weller@hot-mail.com http://www.TheEnter-tainers.ca http://www.TheEnter-tainers.ca mailto:cha-nel@theocf.org mailto:cha-nel@theocf.org https://the-ocf.org/news/posts/investment-impact-presentation/ https://the-ocf.org/news/posts/investment-impact-presentation/ https://the-ocf.org/news/posts/investment-impact-presentation/ http://www.theocf.org mailto:ghow08@gmail.com http://www.oakvilletoastmasters.com mailto:clau-dia@wellspring.ca mailto:clau-dia@wellspring.ca http://www.ladiesoutlaughing.ca mailto:ephraim.fernandez@oakvillecham-ber.org mailto:ephraim.fernandez@oakvillecham-ber.org http://oakvillecham-ber.org http://oakvillecham-ber.org mailto:mjbrisse@yahoo.ca http://www.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com http://www.waltonmemorial.com

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