Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2018, p. 62

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s in si d eh al to n .c o m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T h u rs d ay , A pr il 1 9 ,2 0 1 8 | i YourClassifieds.ca home improuement/seruice professionals Domestic Help Available Domestic Help Available Polish C leaning Service Cleaning ladies available fo r houses, apartments and offices. Excellent rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates. Jola: 647-8 87-2154 CONSOLIDATE YO UR DEBT HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage Arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. We are creative mortgage specialists! N o p ro o f o f incom e 1st, 2 n d , & 3 rd 's u p to 85% fggrrgvv'- pay- ^ $25,000...........$105.40/mth $55,000...........$237.11/mth $100,000.........$474.21/mth $200,000.........$948.42/mth LARGER AMOUNTS AND COMMERCIAL FUNDS AVAILABLE Decrease monthly payments up to 75%!! Based on 3% APR. O AC __________ (888) 307-7799 Ontario-Wide Financial (FSCO Licence # 1 2 4 5 6 ) www.ontario-w idefinancial.com ~ Let us HELP, ask for Lee ~ M O R T G A G ES 1st & 2nd Mortgages Debt Consolidation *Low Rates, *No Fees Bad Credit Welcome CREDIT APPROVED * te rm s a nd co nd itio ns a p p ly L ic# 1 0 1 5 4 Mo r t g a g e Gen ie www.mortgagegenie.ca 416- 667-9834 Domestic Help W anted Live in Caregiver We are looking for a full time live in caregiver to look after my wife and our mother who suffers with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I work from 6 a.m. till 4 p.m. and then weekends are off. My wife needs someone to drive her to Hospital and Dr appointments. She also has to have weekly trigger point injections. She has to start meditation classes in April. We need someone that could look after my wife some nights when not even sleeping pills work. She also has Fibromyalgia Brain Fog which she forgets what she did for a day or two. Has fallen down the stairs a few times. Giving her medicines daily. If you are interested please call. 905-467-8476. To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 M ortgages/Loans M ortgages/Loans Decks & Fences 3 Decks & Fences 3 DECK REFINISHING ALL DECKS SANDED, STRIPPED & REFINISHED BY HAND H ighest Q ua lity N on-pee ling o r F laking, Sta in Sealers. v ■ Spring Special 30% OFF NOWOFFERING One application preserves & seals all wood from decay, for a lifetime. tYpfeiitcShal § Services lifted. Call 519-774-8277 905-616-6588 0 ALL decks bu ilt in 1 day. H ighest quality. Spring d iscoun t! Free design and estim ates. Call M ike 416-738-7752 w w w .griffindecks.ca ALPINE DECK DECKS, DECKS Seasonal Specials! 25+ yrs experience. Reliable family business. Free Estimates Photos, references. 905-338-0665 w w w .a lp inedeck .com B&C POSTS Fences/ Posts /H o les Fence repa irs/ Pergolas, Concrete Footing. Call us fo r a free estim ate. Nelson: 416-505-2700 . 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Call Dave 289-795-2371 SAM'S HANDYMAN. B e s t p ric e s fo r a ll y o u r h o m e im p r o v e m e n t needs. From ro o fin g , t i l ­ ing , p lu m b in g , e lec tr ica l e tc . A f fo rd a b le p r ic e s . Call Sam: 647-919-6352 HOME IMPROVEMENTS H a v e y o u p u t o f f th a t re p a ir / u p g ra d e ? H a s y o u r D IY p ro je c t b e c o m e a little m u c h ? We specialize in: Drywall, trim, flooring, painting, furniture assembly general repairs and updates. Call or Text for a FREE Estimate 905-452-2025 J. Canon Interlocking Interlock Specialist NEW INSTALLATION • driveways • patios • walkways • pool surrounds • steps • masonry • retaining walls DESIGN • BUILD • MAINTAIN Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. C a ll J o h n , 2 8 9 - 9 2 2 - 8 7 5 4 Est. 2001. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 2186 Mountain Grove Avenue, Burlington jcanoninterlocking@gmail.com f Digging Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Trenches, Garden beds f Soil, Concrete Removal f Post Hole Drilling f Grading f Topsoil, Gravel Delivery F Pool Fill-ins Foundations 9 0 5 - 3 3 4 - 4 0 2 8 3 ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE D ryw a ll Taping P ain ting a nd F in is h C a rp e n tr y S m a ll Jo b No p ro b le m Call 4 16 -417 -9151 . FENCES, DECKS and Renovations. Free Estimates. Call Megan, 905-466-2315 . M ike, 905 -630 -0606 . FILA'S CONSTRUCTION Finished Basements, K itchens & B athroom s. Sm ooth Ceilings. A ll Flooring Including Tiling. Painting (Interior/E xterior), Refin ishing Stairs. All C arpentry Jobs! 19+ Years Experience. 289 -242-4273 , 905-632-5298 find us online at yourclassifieds.ca WINDOW CLEANING Britenbaugh W indow s & Eaves W indow and eaves- trough cleaning. Contact us today for yo u r free estim ate. B ritenbaughw in- dow s.com 905-483-4082 0 ALL Landscaping, lawn care. Spring clean up. Sod insta lla ­ tion , weekly grass cu tting , property c lean-up. Garden beds, M u lch ing. T rim m ing , T illing . P roperty Maintenance. Fully insured, owner operated. O akville /M iss issauga. 905-279-5614 . SPRING HAS SPRUNG? G rass c u tt in g , 40 yea rs e x p e r ie n c e , la rg e and s m a l l l o t s . S e r v ic in g B u r l in g t o n a re a . C a ll Tom 905-638-1883 Landscaping, M asonry & Concrete M asonry & Concrete Lawn Care, Supplies ' ' AAA-TREE SERVICE. T r e e / s tu m p r e m o v a l . E a v e s tro u g h c le a n / re - pair. P ro p e rty c le a n -u p . G arbage re m o v a l. D eck a nd fe n c e re p a ir . Free E stim ates, hedge rem o v­ a l, w e e k ly la w n c u tt in g 647 -222 -3249 AFFORDABLE TREE c u t t in g , s h ru b s / hed g e s and tree p ru n in g , sp ring c le a n - u p , la n d s c a p - in g /g a rd e n in g , fe n c in g , d e c k re f in is h in g , re n o ­ v a t i o n s , p a i n t i n g , d e m o l i t io n s . F u lly L i­ c e n s e d a n d In s u r e d , B e s t p ric es and sa tis ­ fa c t io n g ua ran teed . Call R itc h ie 4 1 6 -8 2 0 -2 5 2 6 o r 6 47 -2 7 0 -1 0 8 4 ALL SEASON Garden Maintenance. Clean­ ups. Weekly grass cutting starting at $30. Maintenance $35. 20 years experience. Call Paul 647-898-2461. B&G P R O PE R TY M A IN TE N A N C E KARMI INTERLOCKING Concrete, L a n d sca p in g , D r iv e w a y , W a lk w a y s , P a tio , F lo w e rb e d s . Low P r ic e s . Fencing and Decks. Free D e s ig n / Es­ t im a te s . S a t is fa c t io n G u a ra n te e d . O v e r 21 Y ea rs E x p e r ie n c e . Call 647-895-3435. L ow rates. F u lly in s u re d . % F r e e E s t im a t e s 9 0 5 - 6 3 0 - 7 6 0 9 Burlington Area NEED HELP? NO TIME? Services include lawn cu tting , weeding, tr im m in g , p lanting and fertiliz ing. Call 905-518-1357 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Year Round Services • Spring clean-up • Fertilizing • Lawn cutting • Garden/ leaves • Tree removal • Aeration 905-639-2984 lawnworks.co M asonry & Concrete AP General Cont. Ltd. Concrete, In terlocking, Pool Fill or Insta lla tion. Basem ent leaks, Drainage, Fence & Decks 905-792-7778 ap.genera l@ hotm ail.com PEYO MASONRY Ltd. For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 905-842-0945 BRICK, B LO C K NA TU RAL STONE Chimneys/ Flag Stone. For Free estimate, call Roman 4 1 6 -6 8 4 -4 3 2 4 www.fadom constructioninc.ca Insured/ Licensed BRICK, NATURAL STONE & C H IM N EY W O R K Flagstone, T uck Point­ ing, W indow sills & Much More! For Free Estim ate C a ll P e te r: 6 4 7 -3 3 3 -0 3 8 4 w w w .s ta rd u s t c o n s tru c tio n .c o m |^ a w n w o r k s | 416-889-5167 www.Aleksmoving.ca Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free Es­ tim ates. Family Owned Business. Senior & student D iscounts e AC MOVING & Storage & Delivery: Experi­ enced Residential, Commercial, Piano Movers. Local and Long Distance. 24 hours. Please Call 416-949-2117 or 416-616-2995 or visit www.acmoving.ca PECI MOVING - DELIVERY Insured & Bonded, Residential & Commer­ cial Moving Service. Free Estimates on site. Flat and hourly rates. Local mover. 905-320-9379 www.pecimoving.ca CHIMNEY REBUILDS and re p a irs . A ll B r ic k , B lock , S to ne / S tone Ve­ neer w o rk , R e s to ra tio n , Tuck P o in t, F ounda tion P arg ing, Fireplaces, Spe­ c ia liz in g in C o m m erc ia l v e h ic le , im p a c t re p a irs . 3 0 Y e a r s E x p . 905 -616-4264 . S P E C IA L IZ IN G IN co n c re te , s tu c c o , s tone , t i le s and b r ic k re s to ra ­ tion . C h im ney repa ir and a ll c e m e n t f in is h w o rk . P r o fe s s io n a l a n d r e ­ l ia b le . Free E s tim a te s . Call Evan 905-921-5226 Sam's MOVING & DELIVERIES Big or Small Moves Pickup & Deliveries Dispose Furniture Physical Help 20 Yrs Experience CALL o r TEXT Adam 905-633-6880 Painting & Decorating M oving & Storage Moving & Storage Plumbing 3 .UMB Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all. Lez (905) 271-1783. Burl - Oak - M iss. Roofing $$ AAA ROOF! A ll types, n e w r o o f in s ta l ls and repairs. L ife tim e w arranty on s h in g le s . A va ila b le 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estim ates !! ! ! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950 . Tree/Stum p Service 3 O r e a f W m k l FEMALE INTERIOR Paint Specia lis t- In te rnationa lly Trained, Canadian Pride, R e a s o n a b le R a te s , L ice nse d . Ready to R o ll. A p r i l th ro u g h O c to b e r only. 905-483-3398. PERFECT-PAINTING & Repair High-end C raftsm anship A ffordable Im provem ents W allpaper removal, w ater-dam age ceiling repairs, d ryw all, pain t­ ing, sta in ing, crow n m ould ing, baseboards, w a inscoting and much more. Excellent references. Seniors d iscoun ts/free estim ates. 647-702-9502 PROFESSIONAL PAINT­ ERS. 2 0 y e a rs e x p e r i­ ence . In te r io r / e x te r io r p a in t in g . W a ll / c e il in g p re p a ra t io n , w a llp a p e r re m o v a l. G re a t p r ic e s , q u a l i t y w o r k . Q u ic k , c le a n a n d r e l i a b l e ! * * F r e e E s t im a t e s * * Halton 416-841-8421 ELITE TREE S e r v ic e spec ia liz ing in rem ova ls , p r u n in g a n d c a b l in g . Firewood sales. P roviding q u a l i t y w o r k t o Halton/Peel reg ions. Fair P r ic e s . F u lly In s u re d . Ca l l V i n c e f o r f r e e estim ate, 905-330-4446 . HALTON PEEL TREE SERVICE Large or small & hazardous tree removals. Dead wooding, pruning, stump grinding, hedge pruning & removals. Call John Neil 905-464-2781 KELLEY'S TREE SERVICE SAVE ON ALL TREE W ORK! Lot Clearing, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Stump Removals. F u lly In s u re d . 2 8 9 - 3 3 7 - 4 2 6 6 M. R ILEY T R E E CA R E Tree Pruning & Removal, Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Stump Removal, Fully Insured. Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -4 8 3 - 2 9 3 0 http://www.ontario-widefinancial.com http://www.mortgagegenie.ca http://www.griffindecks.ca http://www.alpinedeck.com http://www.bcposts.ca http://www.dgelectrical.ca http://www.cvfflooring.com http://www.hnhhomereno.com http://www.reflooringltd.com mailto:jcanoninterlocking@gmail.com mailto:ap.general@hotmail.com http://www.fadom http://www.stardust http://www.Aleksmoving.ca http://www.acmoving.ca http://www.pecimoving.ca

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