Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2018, p. 63

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63 7 ' k n e v / S x classifieds Death Notices J Death Notices DE GROOT, Frans It is w ith g re a t sadness th a t we a n n o u n c e th e p a s s in g o f o u r beloved fa th e r and husband. Frans De Groot born June 17, 1936, passed away peace fu lly on the m o rn ing o f A p ril 2, 2018 in the presence o f his fam ily . He is survived by his lov ing w ife o f 57 years Adrienne, as well as his fo u r devoted sons M ark, Peter, Paul, and N icholas. He was a born g e n tle m a n and a e xce lle n t doctor. He w ill be g re a tly missed by many people. There w ill be a ce lebra tion o f his life on Saturday, A pril 21st at 4 p.m. a t St. Judes Anglican Church, Oakville a t 4 p.m. FRENCH, Vera (nee Field) July 16, 1931 - April 16, 2018 It is w ith h ea vy h e a rts th a t th e fam ily announces her passing a fte r a long jo u rn e y w ith A lzh e im e r's , on A p r i l 16, 2018 a t th e W a te r fo rd Long Term Care. S urv ived by her lo v in g fa m ily ; husband G eorge o f 65+ years; son Robert (Bob); daughter in la w H e a th e r, g r a n d c h i ld r e n ; M eaghan (B rad ), Elysia (G raham ), Joshua (Ana); g re a t g ra n d ch ild re n , Everley and Diem, also many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her daughter Lynne 2012; parents W illiam and Jeanette Field; sister Nellie Gosse (F ie ld ); b ro th e rs A lf , B ill and Sid Field. A Service C elebrating Vera's L ife w il l be he ld a t 1:00 p.m . on Monday, April 23, 2018 at the Church o f the Epiphany, 141 B ronte Road, O akville . Reception to fo llo w . We thank the sta ff a t the W aterfo rd fo r th e ir w o n d e rfu l care and co m fo rt. In lieu o f flow ers dona tions to the C hu rch o f th e E p ip h a n y o r th e A lz h e im e r 's S o c ie ty , 8 -4 3 9 1 Harvester Road, B u rling ton , ON L7L 4X1 w o u ld be a p p re c ia te d by th e fa m ily . V is it o u r g u e s tb o o k a t koprivataylor.com GORDON, Neely W illiam On A p r i l 16, 2018, a d ay o f his c h o ice , B ill passed a w a y in th e com p an y o f his b e lo ve d w ife Pat a nd h is f o u r d e v o te d c h i ld re n Alison, Susan, Gordon and James. He is survived by five grandchildren and one g re a t-g ra n d c h ild . His b ro th e r a nd th re e s is te rs w i l l m iss h im dearly. Bill w o rke d in the fina nc ia l se rv ice in d u s try and w as a w e ll respected and successful man in th a t industry. Bill's main ob jective in life was to provide a safe and secure life fo r his fa m ily . He n ever fa ile d a t th a t and if you were a friend o f Bill's you tru ly were a fr ie nd fo r life . Bill w ished to th a n k Dr. Robert Gabriel, Dr Pham, Dr. Kazem and his team fo r th e ir tende r care. A donation to O a k v i l le H o s p ita l F o u n d a t io n (Palliative Care) w ou ld be his wish. A s w e e t f a r e w e l l to a w a rm , generous and gentle man. LEMAY, Brenda W ith great sadness we announce the sudden passing o f Brenda on A p ril, 8 th . She leaves beh ind a husband Robert and m other June, and siblings Michael, Danny, Wayne and Gail, and s tep-ch ild ren Eric, Jason, Jacob and Shannon. Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices SCHWINDT, Ernst George December8, 1929 -A p ril 11, 2018 E rnst 'E rn ie ' S c h w in d t passed aw a y peacefully a t the age o f 88 on A pril 11, 2018 at Del Manor Retirement Residence, Oakville, Ontario. Ernie was born in Saskatchewan and lived and was educated in rural M anitoba. As a young a d u lt he headed to Vancouver and then to O n ta rio w here he lived in Toronto, W indsor, Tecumseh, Chatham, and Oakville. Ernie is predeceased by his lov ing w ife o f over 40 years, Eva (2016), his parents The R everend G eorge S c h w in d t and M arie Beitch, his fo rm e r w ife Novarre M a rie B e llin g e r (2000), b ro th e r Paul, sister Helena Trapp and niece Paula Schwindt. Dear Fa th e r to Barbara Helen (B e llin g e r-B e n tle y ) and s o n -in - la w Guy Cameron Bentley. Beloved and proud Grandpa o f Caroline Lauryn Bentley and V ic to ria N icole Bentley and grand dogs Lucy and Gracie. Caring Step­ Father to Karen (Tim) Shelton, Gary Kuzak (Lynnda) (and late Irene), Danny Kuzak and proud G randfather to th e ir children and grandchildren. B rother - in-law o f Shirley Schwindt and Carroll Ann T ro tt (Bellinger) and Peter Trott. Uncle Ernie to Richard (Nina) and Paula (Ron) Schwindt (2012), Johnny Trapp, Anita Bottino-Trapp and Charles Trapp and the ir children. Ernie w orked fo r many years a t N orthern Electric in To ronto and la te r a t Chrysler in W indsor. He made m any fr ie n d s th e re in c lu d in g his life lo n g friend Ronald "Ron" Thompson and his dear w ife M artina "M arty ". A lover o f nature and the great outdoors Ernie enjoyed camping and fishing in H a libu rton and A lgo n qu in w ith Novarre and Barbara. On a t r ip to Lake St. Peter he became fas t frie nd s w ith Robert "B e rt" Dunn (Jean) and his fam ily w ith five daughters--a w on de rfu l friendsh ip th a t w ou ld last 60 years. Later Bert and his lovely w ife Helga w ould plan and enjoy many trips, cruises and adventures w ith Ernie and Eva. An avid g o lfe r w ith Eva they spent w inters in Southern Florida w ith friends fo r tw e n ty years. When they lived by Lake St. Clair and in Chatham they kept active outdoors in th e ir b ea u tifu l garden and enjoyed reading o r spending tim e w ith th e ir fr ie n d s p la y ing cards, b illia rd s , g o lf and b o w lin g . Ernie enjoyed his tim e in Oakville w atch ing birds and nature fro m his suite near th e p u t t in g g reen and spe nd ing t im e w ith his d a u g h te r Barbara and g ra n d d a u g h te r C aroline. He also loved read ing in the lib ra ry o r p lay ing Bridge and Bid Euchre w ith his many new friends at Del M anor Glen Abbey. Special thanks fro m o u r fa m ily to : Dr. Healy, Joyce Tam ondong, Christina and all the Nursing Staff, PSWs and the S taff fro m Del M anor Glen Abbey and Acclaim Health and Dr. Pyle and the Oakville Palliative Care Team w ith nurses Linda, Angela and Myra and M ike and Brad from the Acclaim Health Team fo r the ir extraordinary kindness and compassionate care provided. To respect Ernie's wishes, m em oria l services w ill n o t be held. Ernie's fin a l resting place w ill be in Chatham, Ontario. Memorial contributions can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. MacLEAN, M. Giovanna November 4, 1928 - A pril 14, 2018 Passed away peace fu lly a t O akville T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o sp ita l. She w ill be rem em bered by her fam ily , friends and caregivers at a memorial service A p ril 30th, 11:00 a.m. to be he ld a t W ard F unera l Hom e, 109 R e y n o ld s S t r e e t , O a k v i l le . A reception a t the Funeral home w ill take place fo llo w in g the service. In lieu o f flo w e rs , d o n a tio n s may be made to Doctors w ith o u t Borders. Please visit the Book o f Memories at www.wardfunera lhom e.com The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. VINCENT, W illiam "B ill" Passed a w a y p e a c e fu l ly a t Ian Anderson House on Friday, A pril 13, 2018, a t th e age o f 75, a f te r a courageous b a ttle w ith cancer. Bill w ill be forever loved and cherished by Stella, his w ife o f 54 years, daughters Lisa V incent (Brad), and Cathy Scott (D a n ), g ra n d so n s Zac, Josh, and Noah. Survived by his sister Jean and niece Louise, o f England. Also w ill be missed by e x te n d e d fa m i ly a nd frie nd s and his loya l dog Chase. A special thank you to all o f the nurses and c a re g iv e rs a t Ian A n d e rs o n House, and e s p e c ia lly Dr. Lynne Benjamin w ho supported Bill on this journey. M em orial donations in Bill's name to Ian Anderson House w ou ld be deeply appreciated by his fam ily. Cremation has taken place. Please visit our Book o f Memories at www.wardfunera lhom e.com Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. Call 905-632-4440 or \em ail classified@metrolandwest.com. WOOLARD, Ronald Norman P e a c e fu lly a t h om e in O a k v il le . B e lo ve d h u sb a n d o f A n n f o r 54 years, proud fa th e r o f M ark (Teresa) and M a tth e w (H e id i) . C h e rishe d grandpa o f Kyle, Breanna, Mackenzie and H u d so n . S u rv iv e d by s is te r W in n ie (E d in b u rg h , S cotland) and predeceased by sister Christine. Ron w ill be missed by extended fam ily in Edinburgh, Scotland and Yorkshire , E ng land . A p riv a te c re m a tio n has taken place. Friends and fa m ily are w elcom e to a tte nd a C e lebra tion o f L ife on May 5 th , fro m 2-4 p.m. at Glen Oaks Funeral Home. WYNDHAM, Marjorie Anne A f te r a lo n g and w o n d e r fu l l i fe , passed away peacefully a t Muskoka Landing, Huntsville, on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 in her 98th year. Anne was the be loved w ife o f th e la te John S teen "J a c k " W y n d h a m . L o v in g m o th er o f John (Lois), Andrea Ross (G e o ff) , and th e la te Cam (M a ry Rothfels). Cherished g randm other o f M orna W atts (Chris), G regory W atts (M elissa), Colin W yndham (Sarah), Je n n ife r Ross, T revor Ross (Jenny), M artin Wyndham, and Lee W yndham (N a th a n ). G re a t-g ra n d m o th e r o f C o n n o r, G r i f f in , O w e n , Spencer, C am eron , R ow an, Oscar, F e lic ity , and Chelsea. Anne is predeceased by her th re e sisters and one b ro th e r. She leaves behind countless memories o f lo v e , la u g h te r , a n d f in d in g som e th in g specia l in every day. A celebration o f life w ill be held in the s u m m e r. I f d e s ire d , m e m o r ia l c o n tr ib u tio n s may be made to the A lz h e im e r Society. A rra n g e m e n ts e n tru s te d to R eyno lds Funera l Home, Bracebridge, ON. Personal condolences may be sent at www.reynoldsfuneral.com <zf^zyno[d i ^ J u n zra T < e H o m z -- Turner Cliapcl --A DM*, of V. Bu. T™. E LAW. Ul Butina* E«uMMh»MtCo4* SO I n L o v in y M e m o r y LANG, Max November 1, 1938-February 15, 2018 ~ Never fo rgo tte n ~ ~ W ife Liz, 2 sons, 2 grandchildren and sisters Dolores, Connie, Lynda, and Janie In Loving M e m o ry o f Betty Tripp November 22, 1930 - April 22, 2013 Easily remembered, hard to forget, missed by many.. - The Tripp Family Remembering on Mother's Day We will be publishing a special Mother's Day In Memoriam Feature on the week of May 7, 2018. Special 25% discount applies on all memoriam placed in this feature. For verse suggestions or more information call our Lifenews department at 1- 800 - 263-6480 classifieds@metroland.com Tributes for this feature must be received by 10 a.m. on May 7th. \ rn e tro la n d m e d ia • * Connected to your community® ILLE Beaver* The O akv ille B eave r w o u ld like to e xp re ss s in ce re and hea rt-fe lt c o n d o le n ce s to th o se w ho have lo s t th e ir loved o n e s . 0) I <D >■a CD NOO OO 3tf) E CD 310)7*O 3 http://www.wardfuneralhome.com http://www.wardfuneralhome.com mailto:classified@metrolandwest.com http://www.reynoldsfuneral.com mailto:classifieds@metroland.com

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