WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1999 Page D4The Oakville Beaver CLASSIFIED To place an ad please call 845-3824 or 337-5610 Fax 632-8165 Mon- Fri. 8:30 am - 6 pm REAL ESTATE RENTALS LEISURE LIVING MERCHANDISE 100-165 170-196 200-265 300-375 AUTOMART 400-465 HELP WANTED 500-599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 6 p .m . for W ednesday Issue. Wed. 6 p .m . for Friday Issue. T hu rs . 6 p .m . for Sunday Issue. ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publication date. AH dassified ads must be prepaid We Accept Cheque or Cash houses for sale apartments & flats tor rent apartments & flats for rent shared accommodation health & fitness health & fitness auctions, sales auctions, sales $188,000- River Oaks (Margot Street-walk to school!). Bright & beautiful home loaded with extras; 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths, professionally fin ished basement and deck, wood FP, 5 appliances, Cl A, C/Vac, new broadloom, piano and more! Flexible possession. (905)842- 4551, or (905)403-4359. N. Oakville on 1 acre, 3 bed-room with nanny suite, 3 car garage. $529,900. 257-6179 RENT or Buy. By owner, ground floor, end unit, 2 level 3 bdrms, minutes from QEW/ 403. Many extras. Excellent condition. $97,900. or $1,100./mo.. 338-0420_______________ 2-BEDROOMS. $155,500. North Oakville, near Upper Oakville Village Plaza. 3- baths. 5-appliances, window coverings, excellent condition, easy access to QEW/ 403. (416)626-3922. RIVER Oaks- Freehold townhouse, end unit, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, dou ble driveway. Asking $189,900. (905)257-2621 700 Dynes 'The Empress* 1-bedroom, eat-in kitchen. 4-pce. bath, living/ dining combo, 4 appliances, fire place. storage, laundry, balcony. Near all amenities, $800/mo. Available June 1st. 634-9608.___________ OAKVILLE-Lovely 1 bed room apartment, newly decorated including carpet in well maintained building. 3 minute walk to GO $114,000. private. 844- 9316____________________ UNIQUE 2 storey condo in Oakville. Close to buses, Go train. Shopping. 3 bed rooms, 1.5 baths. F/P. Newly renovated, decorat ed throughout. Call 845- 7587____________________ BEAUTIFUL 1-bedroom on Lake. Royal Vista, 5280 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. Freshly painted, updated bathroom w/ceramies, 11th floor. $135,000. 681-7881 WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor. 338-4347, 827-7728 PLEASE Help! My pur- chasor is still out there try ing to find a 2-bedroom in downtown core Burlington. If you're thinking of selling... please give me a call, Mar ilyn Palmer, Sales Rep., Royal LePage, 335-3042 (I'm not kidding!) IT W rin d u s tr ia l /commercial space I mortgage, loans CANADA'S EXCITING FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE HOME FASHION INDUSTRY! Canada's largest lighting retailer, 30 years exp., ongoing training & support, marketing programs, national buying power. Opportuni ties available in the Greater Toronto Area and other select markets throughout Ontario. Gary Taylor: 416-661 -9916. Canadian Franchise Association Member apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent B u r l in g t o n T o w e rs The H otel A ltern a tive FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES » Furnished D esigner A partm ents • Fully E quipped Kitchens » M agnificent Indoor Pool > Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. 639 • 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm Sat. & Sun: lOam-bpm w w w .o n tim .co m • b tow ers@ lara .on .ca GLEN ABBEY: two-bed room, private walk-out, laundry, one parking only, jacuzzi bath. No smok- ing/pets. May 1. 847-6831. ON the Lake Bronte: 1- bedroom, all inclusive. Parking, cable, u tilities. $1,250/mo. Suit mature single. (905)-827-2266 or (416)-533-4157. ★ ★ ★ Welcome Home to 297 Queens Ave., Oakville NEWLY RENOVATED 3-BEDR00M APTS. Available May & June. Full rec. facilities. From $1,050/mo. (905) 842-8338 Professionally managed by Canadian Apartment Management Inc. ★ ★ ★ INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 14,000 sq.ft, or less. Truck level acces. Oakville. Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597 AVAILABLE in attractive downtown Oakvilles Mews, retail/ commercial/ medical units, 850sq.ft. & 11,000 sq.ft. Contact: (905)845- 6160____________________ OAKVILLE- Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime retail/office space. 1100sq.ft. + full basement + parking. $1280/mo+ hydro. 842- SI 96 BAD Credit??? Let us Help! Absolute Credit Re pair. 335-8851 (24 Hrs) CLEAN 1300sq.ft. 3 bed room apartment in Burling ton. With Heat- A/C con trols. 2 balconies. In-door pool, sauna, gym. Rec. ac tivities for adults/ children. Security officers. $1,165./ month. Available July. 1. 631- 2866________ FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and prices..... (905)524-3000___________ BURLINGTON: 2-bed- rooms, 1-1/2 baths, new appliances. Available June 1st, $850/mo.+ parking. U tilities included. 639 - 3301____________________ 1,243 Bedroom Apart ments available July from $750/mo. (+ up). Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 844-1106________________ SPACIOUS basement- Bronte. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove and cable in cluded. Available imme- diate. $700/mo. 825-1813 LARGE 1-bedroom apart ment in small, clean build ing near lake, (Bronte). Available immediately. Parking included. 827- 9153____________________ OAKVILLE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2 bedroom, 4 appliances, parking. $995/mo + hydro. (905)842-3196___________ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S/E Oakville 2-bdrm, main floor, house, F.P., 5 appls, private treed yard, side deck, circular drive. Walk to lake. Suit single/ couple. $1250/mo. (incl. heat). Al- bert, (905)844-5000 BURLINGTON Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 142 Bedroom Apart ments with scenic views. 632- 1643________ TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. 243 bedroom 2- level apartments, May/ June. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 336- 0015, 336-0016__________ BURLINGTON. 142 bed rooms available now from $690/mo. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321________________ ONE Bedroom lower fur nished flat. Includes naughty pine bedroom and living room. Separate kitchen, bathroom, and en try. Utilities, laundry, cable, gas fireplace. Good loca tion. $600/mo. June 1st Non-smoker, 338-167$ BURLINGTON- 1 & 2-bed room apartments. Well-lo cated, quiet building. Near downtown, buses, high way, lake. Call 333-0869 QEW/ Kerr. Oakville. Bachelor, from $659/mo. 1- bedrooms, from $759/mo. 2-bedrooms from $869/mo. Includes 2% discount for prompt payment. Excep tionally well-m aintained highrise. Fitness room. (905)845-9502____________ 142 BEDROOM available Ju ne ls t. from $645/mo. Conveniently located Woodward/ Guelph Line, Burlington. 681-9061 bet- ween 9am-6pm___________ BARKLEY Towers, Burling ton. 243 Bedrooms avail able immediately 4 June 1st. Starting at $720/mo. Hydro, heat, fridge, stove. Parking available. No pets. 632-0961, M-F, 9-5 & 6-9, Sat. 9-5._________________ SPACIOUS 1,243 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Well- maintained. Convenient lo cation. (905)333-9846, Noon-8pm ★ 2-BEDROOM Apart ments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 REFURBISHED Apartments. Downtown Burlington. Eliz abeth Manor, 477 Eliza beth Street. 142 Bedroom Apartments with spectacu lar view. 634-9374 WATERDOWN: 50 4 75 John St. W. Walk to every thing. New appliances & windows. Large 1 ,2 4 3- bedrooms from $675/mo. Brenda: (905)690-4454; or, Mike: (905)689-1647. LARGE 1-bedroom, (ground floor of home). C/A, C/V, shared laundry, cable, one parking. N.Burl. $795/ mo. inclusive. Ju n e ls t. 336-7292________________ 1363 Lakeshore, Down town Burlington. One 1- bedroom 4 one 3-bedroom apartment available June/ July. U tilities paid. (905)637-8431____________ TWO bedroom apartment for rent immediately. $750/ mo inclusive. Kerr at Washington St. Call (416) 741-3358. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Premier Court • Oakville • Luxury 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments. Air conditioning, and pool! Please Call for Info! (905) 338-3342 ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ FURNISHED Luxury! 1- bedroom+ den condo with solarium, 5 appliances, rec, centre, pool, security, 5 star building. From $1495/mo.l Bronte.... 3 bedroom, 3 bath townhouse, fireplace, sky lights, 100 yards to lake, garage. Immediate. From $1995/mo.l S4L Term... 681-RENT (7368)_________ ^ condominiums for rent GEORGIAN Apartments. May/June/ July: 1,243 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M- F:9-4+ Tues.-Fri., 6:30- 8:00pm, Sun: 11-3pm 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. Available May/ June. 1-bedroom apart ments from $695/mo. Call (905)632-0129____________ CANA DIANA.Quiet build ing on lakefront. Spacious 1-bedroom, 1100 sq.ft. July 1st. Call (905)632-5486 for appointment._____________ BLUEFIELDS Drive. Bur lington. 3-Bedroom town- home, no dogs, hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. Ju ly lst. $839./mo. 336- 7207. , v* •P-A-fclAMT Downtown On-The-Lake BURLINGTON PLACE 1 , 2 &3BDRM SUITES F itness fa c ilit ie s • O u td o o r Pool CALL TODAY FOR AN APPT. TO VIEW: 333-9141 Minto Management Ltd. Luxury Living on the Lake DIPLOM AT I & I I 5166 & 5170 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES (Breathtaking lake view & Utilities Included) Billiards • OUTDOOR POOL • BBQ Area Call to View: 333-9533 or 333-9522 Professionally Managed by Minto Management Limited DORVAL/ Rebecca. 2- bedroom apartment. Clean quiet building. Parking in cluded. $740/mo.+ hydro. Immediate. Call (416)-499- 2580.____________________ OAKVILLE- 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated Suites. 1&2 Bedrooms from $775. 844- 5474________ OAKVILLE: 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. Walk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $775. 845- 0910________ 2- BEDROOM apartments, well located, quiet building. Near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call 634-3635 QUIET, Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Very spa cious 1-bedroom, Imme diate. From $775./mo. 637- 3921_____________________ BURLINGTON. 243 bed room apartments. Prestigi ous area near Tyandaga golf course. Park-like set ting. Must be seen to be appreciated. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. July/ Aug. 1 st/99. (905)335-3001 BURLINGTON. 2 bedroom apartment, use of yard, c/a. $720/mo + utilities. May 1 st- June 1st. No pets. (905)333-0211____________ BURLINGTON- Large 2 bedroom apt. (900 sq.ft.) Guelph Ln 4 New, steps to lake, conveinently located, $780/mo + hydro. Available immediately. HMS Man agement. 634-0865 or 333-3272________________ BURLINGTON- 1-2 bed rooms, clean, quiet build ing, bus route. Available May. 1st, June. 1st. Starling at $625./all inclusive. 639- 1346 9am-6pm only_______ BURLINGTON, Lakeshore. 3- bedroom, newly renovated, very private, backs onto park, parking, no pets, available immediately. $1475/mo. -futilities. (905)691-8313. BURLINGTON Lakeshore area. Prestigious, newly renovated 1-bedroom, $850/mo. 4 2-bedroom $950/mo. includes heat/ hydro/ parking. Immediate. 637-6701________________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. Large 1-bedroom, a/c, in door pool/ parking, exer cise room, sauna, $878/mo. inclusive. Immediate. 631- 5351.____________________ DOWNTOWN Oakville 1 bedroom, avail immediately or June 1st. $800/mo. Call Forbes 842-9275, 416-420- 3952____________________ 2-BEDROOM apt. Marine Dr. Oakville. Available im mediately. 4 appliances. View of lake. $1250/mo. in cludes u tilities. Contact Scott B.Prior Re/Max Blue Springs. 878-7777 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean adult building, down town Burlington. Available June 1st $695/mo includes utilities. (905)631-0191 or (905)643-8979___________ 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Starting at $600./+ utilities. No pets. Free parking. 330-4771:631-6210. SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ months. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities. Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur lington Towers. 639-8583 ■ f f j rentals ★ ★ 1460 Ghent Avenue ★ ★ (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts * Studios • 1&2 Bdrms • 1 Bdrm + Den • All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths • Indoor pool & saunas • Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl." • Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access' B U R LIN G TO N SQUARE Tel: 639-4677 • Weekends: 639-4798 Mon-Thu., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 I houses for rent houses for rent Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., Realtor TAKE YOUR PICK FROM: 7 Oakville houses for lease $1550/mo.+ up 6 Mississauga houses $1300/mo.+ up Call 338-1130 BRONTE: 1-bedroom, en- suite laundry, a/c, parking, pool, tennis, steps to lake and conveniences. $975./ mo. inclusive (905)827- 3680 and (905)510-3680 Available June 16.________ OAKVILLE-LOVELY 1 bedroom apartment newly decorated, including car pet, in well maintained building. 3 minute walk to GO. $1,000/mo. 844-9316 BURLINGTON. Grand Re gency. 1-bdrm, w/ solari um, 5 appliances, pool, gym, 24-hrs security, walk ing distance to lake. June 1st. $950./mo. includes utilities. 637-5812________ GORGEOUS low-rise con do. 2-bedrooms, 2-baths, cl a., 7-appliances, loads of upgrades, Upper Burling ton, Ju ly l, $1240/mo. +util- ities. If you appreciate quality call (905)854-0604. NORTH Burlington, short/ long-term, 3-bedroom house w/garage, double driveway, finished basement, c/a, deck, fenced, near shopping, bus, all amenities, $1075/mo. ^-utilities. 335-8379; 849-6311 BURLINGTON- Cottage on Lakeshore. Available July & August. 2 bedroom, w/ fireplace. $1000/mo. 632- 0697____________________ $1.425./MONTH. Avail able June.1. 3 bedroom bungalow with finished basement. Deane Ave, Oakville. Call 827-6133 $ 2 5 0 0 /M 0 -E x e c u t iv e home in Glen Abbey. 3100 sq. ft., 10 rooms, applianc es. 2+yrs. lease preferable. Call Victor Saric, Re/Max AboutTowne Realty Corp., 842-7000.________________ BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom flat with applicances, $850./includes heat/ hydro. Plus l(one ) bedroom $600./inclusive. Available immediately. No pets. 333-1507, 631-7660 3 BEDROOM bungalow. $1,150/month. Completely renovated. Possible f u r nished. Also 1 bedroom furnished basement apart ment $1,100/includes utili- ties. (9Q5)-331-6071 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelli- gan. Sales Rep, (905)575- 5478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor________ 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. 2 car garage, central air, avail May 1. $1,225 plus utilities. 844-3865 LARGE 3-bedroom, July 1st. $1089/mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park- like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 BRANT/ MT. FOREST. 3- bedroom townhouse mai sonettes, laundry facilities, 1-parking included. Ju nelst. From $735/mo. + utilities. 319-9104._______ BURLINGTON. Brant 4 Prospect. 2-bed room town- house, 1-1/2 baths, finished basement, hardwood floors, u tilities included. Suit adults. June/ July. No Dogs. 639-7805, to view TRAFALGAR/Kelsey Court - 3 bedroom townhouse (end unit). A/C, 5 applianc es. Available June 1st or July 1st. $1300/mo. 567- 6269____________________ OAKVILLE/ Bronte. Spa cious 4-bedroom near Lake. Separate living- di ningroom, deck, 5 ap pliances. $1260/mo.+ utili- ties. 827-8768___________ HEADON Forest, 3-bed- rooms, 2-1/2 baths, all brick, garage, C/A, ap pliances. fireplace, June 5th. $1345/ mo.+ utilities. Anne Duff, Broker, Pride Realty Ltd., 332-9705 or 825-3505 BURLINGTON- large 3- bedroom Bluefields Dr. Fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $831/+ utilities. Immediate or June 1st. 336-9922________________ BURLINGTON: Available Ju ly ls t, 2-bedroom from $892.85/mo.+ utilities, 3 appliances. 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park like setting; Also, 3-bed room, $959.18/mo.+ utili- ties. 333-1190____________ PALMER/ Guelph Line area. 3-4 bedroom, finished rec-room, 1-1/2 baths, garage, pool, playground in complex. No appliances, $1200/mo+ utilities. Junelst. 332-4472 WALKER'S/ Hwy.5. Brand new 3-bedroom, 2-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, fire place, $1275/mo.+ utilities. May15th or Junelst. Refer ences. Non-smokers. 333- 5506, Ext.53, Active Man agement Ltd. LAKEFRONT Oakville. Ex ecutive, 4-bedrooms, spec tacular views, 2 fireplaces, spacious end unit, appliances, $2300/mo. -^utilities. 827-8768. BRONTE HARBOR 3-bdrm, 2+2 baths, finished basement. All appliances/ dishwasher/window coverings included. C/A. Skylight. $14007+ heat/ Hydro 825-0364 message UPPER Middle/ 9th Line, room, share kitchen/ bath room, ample parking, laun dry, quiet person $400. (905)849-5511.(416)536- 2430. SAUBLE Beach- 3-bed room- 4-piece bath. Sec onds to water, July 3-10, Aug 14- 21 & 28 Sept- 4 Greg. 637-1430. I Items under $100. PROFESSIONAL couple looking for 2-3 bedroom house. In Halton Hills or Flamborough area. No basements please! Call Kim or Brett at (416)588- 4427 FURNISHED rooms. Share livingroom. Kitchen 4 laun dry privileges. Non-smoker. Near Oakville Place. Imme diately $400. 842-8282 or 842-3896, leave message. FURNISHED room for rent. On bus route/within walking distance of Sheridan Col lege. Non-smoker. Available May 1. Call Helen (905)849-7733.___________ OLDE Oakville comfortable large, furnished room, separate entrance, shared bath and kitchen, air. walk- in closet. parking, $103.weekly. Ladies only. 338-7492.________________ ROOMS available, share facilities- kitchen, laundry. Responsible working per son, non-smoker, $325/mo. North Burlington. 319- 3398.____________________ UPPER Middle/Dorval, Glen Abbey, Large furnished room, 2nd floor. Share bath. $400/inclusive. Immediate. First/last. 847-5040._______________ RIVER Oaks, large bed room private ensuite & L/R. Cleaning lady, hot tub, ca ble, +++. No pets/ non- smoker. $650./month. (905)-257-7285___________ WANTED in Oakville. Quiet, furnished room/suite. June 99, for short term or long term (if suitable) rental. Non-smoking female (41) with clean, declawed in door cat. No car. Prefer close to downtown. Excel lent tenants. Judy 681- 2453 leave message. m sharedaccommodation NORTH Burlington home- to share room, kitchen, bathroom, downstairs liv ingroom, parking. $500/mo. Immediate. First/last. 331- 8900____________________ SHARE large 2-bedroom apartment, New/ Guelph Line, a/c, balcony, available immediately. $386/mo. inclu-sive. 333-5707. RESPONSIBLE female to share 4 bedroom town- house. First/ Last. Ime- diately $575/mo.+ half utili ties. (905)-467-2220 Oak ville BRONTE- backs onto con servation area. Mature male/ female, non-smoker, to share large 4 bedroom house with owner. 2 pri vate rooms and bath, un furnished, $600/mo inclu- sive. June 1st. 465-0363 E.OAKVILLE- Beautifully landscaped, 3-bedroom executive home to share with one other professional. Very bright, lots of wind ows, walking distance to downtown, near lake. A/C, pool, parking, laundry. Available immediately. First/ last, $600/mo inclu sive. 844-2111 MOTHERS Day GfT CERTTICATES To celebrate their opening in Oakvlle, A Urea m a s interna tional Salon Is ottering to new clients over $100. ol hair care and esthetic services tor only $24.99 w ll delv- er no charge In Oakvlle Net Avalable at Salon. Cal Barry (905) 842-2487 ext#1 Please leave message Do you have an open skin area below the knee? Join us fo r a s tudy w ith a new artificial skin. Call: Dr. R.G. Sibbald & Associates at 9 0 5 -2 7 3 -9 0 0 9 " WEIDER" Home Gym- Resistance from bands. New condition. $100. OBO. 632-5647________________ •EVENFLO', Toddler bed, white. $60. Phone 333- 0623____________________ 'GERRY', Highchair. $30. Phone 333-0623_________ 'GRACO', Playpen, full size, 'Pak 'N Play', $90. Phone 333-0623_________ 1 year old Peg Perego •Domani* stro ller $85. 333-0136_______________ 2 overhead fans. $20/ea 333-0136_______________ BACKYARD gym set w/ slide, swings, monkey bars, trapeze bar, rings. $50. 845-7531._______________ BEVELLED mirror in wood frame, 26x32, new, $45. 318-0985.________________ BIKE (Girl's) 16* Raleigh. $40. Very god condition. 632-3587_______________ BIKE (men's) Raleigh 10 speed. Very good condi- tion. $75. 632-3587_______ BIKE (women's) Raleigh 10 speed. $75. Very good condition. 632-3587_______ BIKE for sale- Youth's, good condition, $25 obo 632--4571________________ BIKE Girl's 20*- 5 speed. $40. 339-1226___________ BIKE, Ladies, 3-speed, good condition. $30. 632- 4788____________________ BIKE- (Girl's) 24* 10 speed, green, good condition. $95. 339-1226________________ CHINA 8 place settings and matching pieces, $100. 689-4672________________ DOC Martens mens size 9, black, excellent condition, $50 obo. 335-6373. ELECTRIC lawnmower, good condition, $50/ obo.637-6023____________ EUREKA vacuum cleaner, in-cluding tools, $40. Call 632-1822._______________ FRIDGE and stove set. Al mond. Excellent working condition. Call 825-1461. FISHER Price infant/ child bicycle seat carrier, $45. 825-9305________________ GAS BBQ- new burner/ grills. $75. 332-9843 GOLF bag and cart, ladies, new, never used. $75. 318-0985.________________ GOLF club- never used, no. 5, Titanium, over sized driver, graphite shaft. $65. 385-2887________________ GOLF clubs- 5 pee Junior set, all new $75. 572-7166 HOCKEY Cards- 15,000 hockey cards, variety. $99. 645-8078________________ KITCHEN table, 4 chairs good condition. $50. 689- 4672____________________ LOVESEAT, blue floral, with matching ottoman & pillows. $100. 319-2655. MIRROR 6 panel. 23*x 35* wood frame, like new $50. 385-2887________________ NEARLY new Prego um brella stroller. ($200 new), sell for $65. 849-1975. NEW GOLF club. Number 7 metal. Fairway driver, shallow face. $65. 572- 7166____________________ STOVE- GE, green, needs oven element, $50. 634- SUITCASE, Ladies, 14*x21* with pull-out han dle & wheels, $25. 632- 4788____________________ TOP line (new) Michelin tire, 225/60/15 worth $150. selling for $75. Fits Mus tang/ Camaro. 827-5277. TUXEDO- British made, Gabardine, 44 reg.. $85. 825-2359_______________ WRESTLEMANIA Videos. Volumes 1 thru 13. $75./all. 645-8078________________ ORNAMENTAL wrought iron porch railing. 8 ft., $40. Call 634-0007. POWER Macintosh 6500/ 200 Work Station: 4GB HD, 64MB Ram, 32X CD Rom, 56K GV Flex internal mo dem, 10 BASE-T Ethernet. Extended keyboard, mouse, 27* ViewSonic monitor, Epson 700 colour inkjet printer. Apple Laser Writer 4/600 PS printer. Ya maha speakers. $1800/ firm. Jay, 827-5917 articles for sale 2 seater tan reliner love- seat. Cost $1350. Asking $500. 319-8316__________ ANCHOR. 30lb. plow style $100. Call 827-9078 BABY Fisher Price carrier, FP Pop-Up playseat/ mat, 5-pce. Pooh crib set. Each $20. Perego pram/ stroller, FP portable soothing bassi nette. manual & Medela au tomatic breast pumps, car seats. 336-6559. I pets, supplies auctions, sales A PUBLIC AUCTION TOMORROW FRIDAY 7 p.m. (Preview 6 p.m.) 2475 Truscott Drive Mississauga, (Clarkson Comm. Centre) Ttoo good Estates of quality antique and tradi tional household furnishings; Rattan & metal Sunroom furnishings; 10 R.D. figures. Dinner services, Prelude sterling, lots of plated wares, Old Swarovski figures; Minor Cdn. & Euro, pic tures. About 500 lots. Del. available. Cash, cheque, Visa, MC & IA, 10% BP. Richards Auctioneers (905) 848-4872 BED, King, Extra thick or thopedic mattress, box & frame. Unused, still in plastic. $675. Call 304- 7775 Will Deliver!_________ BRAND new 18 foot x 52* round Resin pool. Firm price, $1400. Call (905)681-7973.__________ BUGGED by big phone bills? Save Long Distance. Flat rate $10/mo/ area in and around GTA. Unlimit ed talk time. Reverse call ing. Ability Tel, (905)842- 3738, (905)631-8202 SIT On It- Don't Sit In Itl Replacement foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632- 9090____________________ FREE Estimates... Got wobbly chairs...weak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ furniture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ CARPETS, thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/DR for $319. including under pad, installation. Warranty. 510-0589 ____________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 CEDAR Trees for hedges, 2' to 7'. Also potted ce dars, spruce & pine. 1' to 2'- rockery stone, flag stone and fence posts. Small landscaping jobs. 1-519- 853-5694 after 6 p.m. CENTRAL Air- Furnaces- Fireplaces. Payments from $39/mo. on gas bill. Call 331-9371, Free Estimates CRAFTSMAN 12.5hp rid ing lawn mower, 38* cut. Like new. (905)689-6716 DESK, large office. $225. Bike (men's, mountain) $150. Wall unit bookcases (two) $175. (905)825-5369 til 5pm, 332-5734 after 6pm.____________________ DININGROOM table solid wood w/leaf, 4 chairs, buf fet, hutch, $800; new Whirl pool washer, $500. 335- 6242.____________________ DININGROOM table (oval w /leaf opens to 72*) 6 newly upholstered chairs, buffet w/hutch, pecan. $495/set. 639-1076. ESTHETIC equipment. Steamer, high frequency, pedicure stand, manicure table, wax pot, lamp, $1,300/all. (905)337-7699. FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove. 30*; Automatic Washer, Dryer, Also apartment size. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)549- 1911____________________ GARAGE Sale items 21,000sq.ft., Ontario's big gest selection- The Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri- 12-8pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun- 1-4pm.__________________ GO-KART, off-road, needs engine. Well built. Call 632- 0068____________________ HOME Gym, York Mega Max 3001, 210 lb stack. Excellent condition. $425. Call 845-5637____________ REMODELLING our kitch en- cabinets (various sizes), sinks, faucets, refrigerator, stove, all in excellent condition. (905)844-1586. LITTLE Tykes & Step II toys, crib, strollers, play pens, excellent condition. Two professional massage tables. Black ash enter tainment centre. 847-1048 leave message.___________ MOVING. Apartment cont ents: bedroom suite, dining room furniture, lamps, dish es, older livingroom furniture, etc. 337-9868. PATIO furniture for sale. 8 piece set. $500. 847-8872 POOL, above ground. 18' round, with deck, filter, cov er, brand new pump, excel- lent condition. 469-1922. ROUND patio table. Bi- nachi 18 speed bike & car rier. 3 Olivetti JP250 print er. Smith Corona word pro cessor. 634-7429 SOFA, 3-seater, blue & pink floral print, excellent condition, $400; ping pong table. $50. 319-3924, SPRING Price Break!! No GST. Want a Great New Look On Your Furniture? Give Fields a Call! Sofas from $598. Loveseats from $487. Chairs from $198. Senior Discounts. Fields Custom Upholstering. 632- 9090, 9-9 daily___________ UTILITY tra iler- custom made, box size 5'x7'. ask ing $100. 319-2146 ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727 WANTED: Antique Barber Chairs. (905)336-1036 AUCTION SALE Treadmills, Persian- Oriental Carpets Sunday, May 9 -1 pm. Preview 12noon • MARRITT HALL • Ancaster Agric. Fairgrounds 625 Hwy 53E, 6km West of Upper James, Hamilton TREADMILLS- 3,2.5,2,1.5,1 hp. Vitamaster, Diversified Products, Master Cycle; EZ fold; Healthmate; Trainium many other models. These machines have 5-6 window display speed, dist., calories, incline +many also w/electric manual or hydraulic lilt, soft, wide, Long track. Many fully programmable. Lots of models, many assembled, OTHERS STILL IN BOXES. ALSO MANY EX. BIKES. PERSIAN CARPETS Antique, sem i-ant., Old and new All unique hand knotted, wool, small and large (up to 14'). Examples of fine city rugs-Nains- 10'7"x6 '10"(white, blue,taupe); 9 '6 "x 6 '4 \ 8 '2 "x 5 T (greens),; Isfahans-J 9'8"x6'6 ' (blues, ri/sts);12'x8'6' ; Tabriz 9'10"x6'4" Bakhtiar 10'5'x6'9"; Ker- iz11 'x5 ' x 7 '7 '; Kashansftraditional co lours); 1 1 '8 'x8 '2 '; 13"l0 "x10 '2 ';| 13'8'x9 9'. Featuring Tabriz, Silk & Kurkwool 11'6"x8,4" & 2 art silk Bokhara rugs 4 ,x6',3'5'; In addition over 60 TRIBAL TOWN AND VILLAGE RUGS incl: Baluch, Sanjan, Bidjar, Hamadan, Gebeh, Qoltuq, Afshar, sizes inclu: 3 'x5 ', 4 'x6 ', 5 'x7 ', 5 'x9 ', 5'x1 O' +others up to 12'. Also Nepal Heriz 17,x10,,x11'3"; Sino Heriz many fine chainstitch, needlepoint rugs and Indian Dhurries. • Will fax complete rug list before auction Note: Auction of carpets, not a sale. All carpets sold to highest bidder. No reserves .No buyers premium. Terms Vi, MC, Int, Ca. Auction of exer. equip, at 1pm Sharp. Rugs auctioned at 2pm Robert Blackbeard Sr., Auctioneer (905)-894-2984 CENTURY FARM AUCTION SALE Of 105 Acre Farm Plus Tractors, Equipment, Household & Antiques S A TU R D A Y , M AY 8 at 10:30 AM Sharp for Garnet Colling Cone. 3 Nelson Township, Pt. Lots 4 & 5, Halton County. Located at 5615 Blind Line, R.R. #3 Campbellville. (The Blind Line is one concession west of the Guelph Line and runs only between the Colling Road and Britannia Road). Watch for signs. Tractors & Equipment, Household & Antiques. Please Note: Ladies & Gentlemen this is a six generation farm from 1821 and there has never been a sale in this property until now. This farm backs onto the Lowville Heights Golf Course and the majestic view of the surrounding countryside is awesome. There will be a lunch booth on the grounds. Terms are cash or cheque with proper I.D . Only. A $30,000.00 deposit required by successfu l b idder on p ro p e rty day o f sale. Auctioneers, P.O.T.'s, owner, not responsible for accidents day of sale. AUCTIONEERS: JIM McCARTNEY & DON COLLING (905)689-8778 (905)877-0117 ☆ C O IN S H O W i^ held at Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington Sat. May 8th, 9am-4pm Ancient & current coins & paper money. •Free admission»Door prizes •Refreshments 2300 Duncaster Dr. (off Brant between Upper Middle & Hwy. 5) cars for sale 1988 MAZDA 929 5-speed, loaded with equalizer radio, good condition, $1700 obo., as is. 337-3427.__________ NISSAN Sentra, '89, 87K. Rare, 5-dr AWD sedan, white. Used as occasional winter runaround. $6,900. 849-8059_______________ 1994 HONDA Accord EX auto, starter/ alarm, p/w, p/ I, 4-door, non-smoker, ex tended warranty, certified, $12,600. 338-3634. 1996 Caravan mini-van, 130K, good condition, re cently certified and emis sion tested. $11,500.257- 3457____________________ JAGUAR- showroom con dition, everything new, 117K, never winter driven. $12,500. obo 631-8407 1987 Mazda 323, 5-speed, 2-dr hatchback, 166K, good condition. $1700/obo. View in Burlington. (905)607- 2099, after 5pm I cars wanted pets, supplies DOBERMAN'S- Puppies now available. Uncompre- mised breding from select Eurorpean lines. Bred for temperment, working ability and show. They make wonderful family compan ions. Please call (905)-512- 0117____________________ RARE breed- Pedigree Curly Coated Retrievers. Very good fam ily dogs. Similar looks, temperment to golden retrievers but black curly coat which does not shed. Puppies are mi cro-chipped, insured by PetCare Ins. but not regis tered. Ready to leave mother June28. 519-653-1815 I | T I I cars for sale 1996 Mystique V6. 60K, $12,995. 1997 Explorer V6, XL, 68K, $20,850. 1997 Explorer V8 XLT, 59K, $25,950. 1997 Explorer V8 Ltd. 49K, $27,850. 1996 4Runner 4x4, 48K, $27,900. 1996 Z28 Camaro Convertible, 34K, 24,900. Fairview Tire; Days- 632- 8151, evgs.- 317-6515 1998 Mazda MPV- 2,700km. Forest green, beige interior. Loaded. Complete with wheel chair lift. $24,500. 631-3199 af ter 5pm 1990 Honda C ivic DX hatchback, red, 5 speed, air, rust checked annually. 115K, must be seen. Certi fied $5,250. days 416-866- 2821, evenings. 905-8494791 1997 Ford Escort LX se dan, white. 24K, 5-spd, A/C. AM/FM cassette. Certified. Asking $9,900. 338-0056 1975 Fiat Spyder- Running condition. $2,500. as is, Or best offer. 336-3639 after 6pm E U I U cars for sale 1986 OLDS Cutlass Su preme auto., running condition, as is. $600 obo. Call Wayne, 465-1105. 1993 Crown Victoria LX 4.6litre, V8, power every thing, 110K, great condi tion, safety inspected. $9,500. 845-7967________ 1986 Camaro- red, must sell, V6, auto, excellent condition. Certified, best offer. 335-9454___________ 1997 Toyota Tercel 5-spd, 4-door. Dark Green. A/C, 35K. Excellent condition. Certified. $12,900. (905)257-0668___________ 1993 DODGE Shadow 5- door, excellent condition, orig inal owner, 103,000 kms., certified, emission tested. $5300.469-0186. 1996 Pontiac Grand Am SE. 1 owner, black, fully loaded, immaculate, V6. Certified, $10,899/obo. 845-5353 $$$A-1 Top Dollar paid for Cars and Trucks. Dead, Alive or Smashed. Cellular (905)301-4882; (905)819- 0934. ASSUME lease- 1998 Maz da MPV, All Sport, Fully loaded 4-wheel drive. Great deal. (905)331-8187, (905)330-7496 Send us the FAX 632-8165 I career training 45 and over? Unem ployed? Find out more about the no-fee course called Experience Works! Contact Donna (905)333- 3499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re sources Development Ca nada. NO Fee. 3-Week Course available to help you plan your career. "Career Explo rations* is sponsored by Human Resources Devel opment Canada. If you are unemployed call Grace: j career training for Skills Development and Training. MICRO DENTAL COMPUTER COMPUTER COURSE COURSE• DAY & EVENING CLASSES •EXAN, ABEL • START WEEKLY •CERTIFIED • CERTIFIED • START JUNE 5 HALTON HALTON BUSINESS BUSINESS INSTITUTE INSTITUTE 637-3415 637-3415 careers HiH careers 505 BICHON, 1-year old male, neutered, house-trained, great w/kids, $250. Please call Pete, 333-5034 after 5pm. COCKAPOO- 15 months old, white w/black. Neu tered and all shots for 99. Trained, must sell due to allergies, asking $200. 631-7422, leave message. GERRIE ELECTRIC W H O L E S A L E L IM IT E D Gerrie Electric, O ntario 's largest independent electrical d istribu tor has an opening for a m otivated individual to join our grow ing team. C U STO M ER SERVICE M AN A G ER You w ill be responsible for establishing a service group in our B urling ton location that w ill prov ide the follow ing functions: □ Inside sales for a nu m b er of w holesale branches and our au tom ation group. □ C oordination of the technical su p p o rt g roup and inside sales g roup to p rov ide h igh degree of service to customers. □ O versee B urlington counter sales. You w ill develop the concepts, procedures and the team for a central o rder desk at G errie Electric. Exceptional custom er service skills, p revious leadership experience and know ledge of the electrical d istribu tion industry will ensure success in this role. In terested applicants please forw ard your resum e in confidence to: H um an Resources, 107 M anitou Dr., Kitchener, O N N2C1L4 Fax: (519) 893-4462, E-mail: