Oakville Beaver, 16 May 1999, p. 33

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Sunday, May 16, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 33 B u sin ess WANT TO ENHANCE RETURNSIN YOUR PORTFOLIO? C h a n g e h a b i t s WANT TO INCREASE YOUR YIELD? t o b o o s t s a le s By Dave Anderson SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Have you ever had the feelin g there were a lot m ore sales out there; y o u can see them; you can feel them; you can alm ost reach out and touch them , but there is som e kind o f a barrier betw een you and those sales? If you have been in your ow n business or se lling positive in ex ce ss o f 18 to 3 6 m onths, that scenario w ill ring a bell. The go o d n ew s is those sales you see are out there and available to you . T h e bad n ew s is so is the bar­ rier. O b v io u sly , i f y o u cou ld rem ove the barrier, it w ould T h e .-- B u s i n e s s --. D o c t o r ^ be to your benefit. T he primary agenda o f this wonderful com puter w e have betw een our ears is to create habit patterns. Habit patterns are good . T hey g iv e us the ability to m ove into other areas o f learn­ ing. For exam ple, i f w e had to relearn how to tie our shoes every day, w e w ou ld never get to work. There is a dow n side to habit patterns. W hen you store a habit pattern, you store a fixed skill level. W hen y o u operate on a fix ed skill level, y o u get fixed results. Your brain's agenda is to create habit patterns. It d o es that w ith absolutely everything. W ithin 18 to 3 6 m onths o f starting your business, your brain decided you now kn ew how to run the business and it habitualized the process. Y ou now operate your business on that program autom atically and habitually 99% o f the tim e. T h o se fixed habit patterns g iv e you fixed results. (You can't exp ect different results i f you keep doing the sam e things.) In business, w e call it plateauing and it can kill you. That habitual w ay you run your busi­ n ess is the barrier betw een you and get­ ting at those extra sales you see . I f you w ant sales to increase, begin analyzing everything you do. W hy are w e doing this? W ho said this w as the best w ay to do this? H o w e lse can w e d o it? W hat's the advantage to the custom er? To us? G ive m e three other w a y s to d o this? H ow do our com petitors do this? G et your people involved . L et them re-analyze every business system . They w ill soon find new and better w ays to do things. You w ill be am azed at how quick­ ly you can change results by changing habit patterns. T he gam e starts w ith your decision to get o f f your habit patterns and d o som ething. P.S. T he on ly goal y o u can set that your brain cannot habitualize is to be constantly learning. Dave Anderson is available for sales meetings and annual conferences, 705-526- 7661. We will show you how. Call us to reserve your place at our Oakville seminar series starting in May, or contact us for private, no obligation consultations at: (416) 867-3538 Mark Carroll and Graham Speers Rampart S ecurities Inc . Street Sm art Service Sensitive Member o f all leading Canadian Stock Exchanges, the Investment Dealers' Association o f Canada and CIPF. Life is full of choices. Right up to the very end. And there is a way to make a difficult time easier for you deal with the realities of death. We promise we'll listen and give you clear answers, and clear ROYAL BANK IN V E S T M E N T A N D R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g 40 YEARS OF FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE ED KIMBERLEY (905) 849-1724 everyone. Start the dialogue now, with an Open Dialogue Funeral Home. We are an independent family of caring men and women, who can help W A R D Funeral Home 109 Reynolds Street Oakville, Ontario TEL. (905)844-3221 choices. So call now for our free booklet which will answer your questions about pre­ arranging funerals. It's your life. It's your choice. And the dialogue starts with you. c x D I A L O G U E * The dialogue starts with you. -- still family owned since 1914----- G > OAKVI L L E "KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY" W o n t e d ! I The Town of Oakville is pleased to present our "Know Your Community" contest! To celebrate Oakville's new corporate identity and promote awareness of Oakville's I history, heritage and landmarks, residents have the chance to win a Town of Oakville Gift Pack that includes 2 TICKETS TO THE OAKVILLE CENTRE AND A $50 DINING CERTIFICATE TO AN OAKVILLE RESTAURANT! Look for clues in the next 6 editions of the | Oakville Beaver. Save the clues until contest How the name " Oakville" came to be... William Chisholm, Oakville's founder, was an exceptional business man who worked as a shipbuilder, exporter and timber merchant. As one of his lucrative endeavors, Chisholm traded white oak staves (a narrow strip of wood forming part of the sides of a barrel) with the Native peoples who consequently nicknamed him "White Oak." The name stuck and soon his friends and business acquaintances were also calling him "White Oak" as a tribute to his honourable character. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, a Commissioner of Crown Lands, and a friend of William Chisholm, is credited with suggesting the name "Oakville" for the new settlement at the mouth of sixteen Mile Creek, he chose the name to mark the abundance of oak trees in the area, and also to honour the founder, William Chisholm, "White Oak" . details are revealed on Friday, May 28, and you could be a winner! Save the hints to improve to Win! May 28 P : LOOK FOR HINT # 3 IN THE MAY 19TH EDITION! ! L----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 1 Wild A Town of Oakville Gift Pack that includes 2 TICKETS TO TH E O AKVILLE CEN TRE AND A $50 DINING CERTIFICATE TO AN OAKVILLE RESTAURANT! SPONSORED BY THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE 1225 Trafalgar Road • Oakville L6H 2L1 • 845-6601 The Oakville Beaver

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