Oakville Beaver, 1 Aug 1973, p. 16

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16 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Dance boosts drop-in centre hopes August 1, 1973 Youthful hopes for a drop-in centre got a much needed boost last week as Oakville teenagers held a fund-raising dance at Elmwood Public School. On hand to offer encouragement to the approximately 30 area youngsters were mayor Harry B arre tt, and c o u n c i l l o r s L a u r i e Mannell and Adeline Ward. Mrs. Ward, who has been the p r i nc i pa l supporter of the drop-in project, said the dance I ■ I j i ■ i i j white oaks opticians Hopedale Mall 827-441 4 : GLASSES REPAIRED Oculist's prescriptions filled O D E Ik l M on. Thru Fri.T ill 9 :3 0 p.m . ---- ■ C H Saturday Till 6 p.m . ■ Go FAMOUS CHINESE FOOD 845-6611 FREE DELIVERY -- PICK UP 10% OFF was held, in part, to encourage the kids to keep on working to find a suitable place for the centre. "They've been working very hard on this, but t hey t end to get discouraged about things when the results aren't immediate," she said. Plans for the drop-in centre which will be used by 14 to 17 year-olds, received a setback last week when their attempt to obtain the building housing the old Abinash coffee house was turned down. "Everything else we've looked at," said Mrs. Ward, " is either too expensive or closed up for the summer." " The kids want a place to go where they can do what they want without m e s s i n g up the recreation room at home. The outside can look the way the parents want it to, but inside, it'll be the kids' place." Mrs. Ward says she is hopeful that some of the parents who were also invited to the fund-raising dance will take turns chaperoning at the centre. " We don't want any drinking-age kids there," she said. The teenagers who have been working to raise funds for three weeks now, are going to do most of the work on the centre themselves. Mayor Barrett said he thinks " the kids have done a great job in cleaning up Kerr St.," and he is hopeful they'll find a suitable place for their centre very soon. front row JUS L b y r ic h a rd m o s e s ^ P ROSS GARNER HOCKEY SCHOOL July 2 -- Aug. 24 $40.00 -- 2 weeks at Oakville Arena .Contact Gerry Gobel 844-2266._ T T Te e A r e y o u a BLO O D DONORP I f n o t , w h y n o tP GIVE BLOOD6 GIVELIFE Up in Oaktown Plaza on Kerr Street the other day- observing the new stop fo r th e Library- Bookmobile when I decided to beard the tentacled octopus in its den, to wit, yclept, Oakville Cablevision: where's our local access TV channel -- the thing that seems to go along wi t h c a b l e TV everywhere but here? I entered brandishing my string sword, stated my mission and was killed softly on the spot by the gentle news that September would bring the long-awaited Oakville channel to the cable. Chatting with Dave Allen a bit later, he, the proprietor of the cable shop, allowed as how the outfit had been so busy thus far in its short history just building the network and installing cable (now about 7,500 homes wired up) there had just been no time for ordering and buying equi pment , f inding studios, locating talent and local content. Now his board has given the go-ahead; he is ready to roll. TARGET DATE This means of course that Oakville itself -- its people and politicians, its s e r v i c e s and entertainments -- can see itself and, as Allen says, Salad sale Buyonel6fl.oz.salad get another 16 f l.oz.salad of your choice FREE OFFER GOOD AUGUST4tol2 ONLY STARTS FRIDAY The further adventures of Hermie, Oscy and Benjy. Class o f ' / i / t S ADULT ENTERTAINMENTThey've come a long way since that summer of 421 Showing at 7:15 and 9:00 P.M. LAST 2 DAYS -- WED. A THUKS. ■ Burt Reynolds as SHAMUS at 9 P.M. DIRTY LITTLE BILLY at 7 P.M. Recommended o\ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT u P LA Z A T H E A T R E (5131 SP EER S RD . O A K V IL LE . 8 4 5 -5 5 5 3 " t a l k to i t s e l f ' ' . September is the target d a t e . P r o d u c t i o n facilities will be shared w i t h B u r l i n g t o n , equipment to project one inch video tape, 8mm and 16mm film, and slides is almost all here now. Program sources are being sought, creative energies are tooling up. Already in gear is a weekly session for pre - school kids, a calendar of local events, a possible film reaction show and even Oakville's own 4 Under Attack hosted by a local fire-.. brand. Stan Squires in co­ ordinating TV production fo r th e O a k v i l l e libraries; he might even like to hear your ideas for a show. Catch him at the White Oaks Branch. STILL NOT APPROVED CRTC a p p r o v a l remains as the last obstacle for OCV to vault; that accomplished we're in business at last. Plans call for Monday to Fr iday programming from 4:30 to 6 p.m. sha r i ng t i me wi th Channel 17 (Cable 8). Allen hopes to fill the 17 Vz hours weekly with solid content and avoid the we a t h e r - t i me sl ide business. Funny thing. Allen confided that every couple of months or so, the CRTC would ring up to remind him they still had on file a letter from one E.H. Buckerfield writing on behalf of the Oakville Public Library Board urging local access cable TV. Sure enouglr B u c k e r f i e l d , n R ) chairman of the library- board, dashed off the letter more than two years ago and there it sat burning a hole in •everybody's file cabinet unti l ( fanfare) the chickens are roosting at last -- all over our living rooms. ONTARIO PLACE If you haven't taken the family to Ontario Place this year, forsooth, don't miss the new (last year) children's play area under the big orange tent, particularly the new (this year) giant water fun stuff. Genius is the only- word for wh o e v e r designed that whole business. Somebody knew that every kid loves just to play in water; they have simply flooded a grossly uneven piece of topography, made the water run from hither to yon, with little dams and waterfalls, plus great b i c y c l e - l i k e w a t e r pumps, even a little row of faucets so the toddlers can stand there and turn 'em all on, and turn 'em all off again. I t's the greatest wet spot I 've ever seen -- you'll have a tough time resisting it yourself. A swim suit for the kids is nice, but failing that, there's a huge "kid drier" where the tads walk in through a big mouth and get blown at by hot air -- sounds like our house. Concert is a hit with all ages It isn't often anymore that the older generation and the younger crowd see eye to eye on things. One pl easant and n o t a b l e e x c e p t i o n occurred last week when the band concert at Lakeside Park brought all the generat ions together with a varied musical program offering everything from Glenn Miller to Mozart. Ranging in age from senior citizens to pre­ schoolers, the music lovers gathered on lawn chairs, picnic tables and A Colonel S a n d e rs ' R ec ipe A ja -- - fried m e m , ™ ^ ^ " B r A C A N A D IA N CO M PA N Y Colonel Sanders and his boys make it " finger lickin' good" R E N D E Z V O U S % mm mr&wm Burlington, Famous Chinese Hospitality. C h i n e s e F o o d A , T A K E O U T P L A C E 2290 Lakeshore Rd. W . BRONTE PLAZA OAKVILLE " W DRIVE-INS 1134 Plain* Rd. W., Burlington 528-6363 330 South Sorvka Rd., OakvIM* 845-800© TAKE HOME STORES Mount Royal Plata, at Brant St. 632-3931 226B Lakashara Rd. W.( Branta 827-4125 T A K E OUT O RDERS CAN BE PLACED _____IN A D V ANCE____ PICKUP A DELIVERY SERVICE blankets to listen to the enjoyable sounds of the Hindoo Koosh Grotto Band from Hamilton. The band, under the musical direction of Elgin Corlett, got things off to a lively start with a marching tune called Hamiltonian. . They then proceeded through their program, offering some oldtime favorites in a Gershwin medley which included Strike Up The Band, Embraceable You, and I Got Rhythm. A selection from the classics, Symphony No. 40 by Mozart, added a pleasing variety to the evening, . as did a flashback to the big band days with a tribute to Glenn Miller. And of course, warm summer breezes from the lake lent the crov^ng touch to the concert which was sponsored by the Hamilton Musicians Guild in cooperation with the Oakville Parks and Recreation Commission. 827*4183 Oakville 632*3154 Burlington A n C H daily 4 p.m. to 12. SUNDAY 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Z l l F S I l fr i. & SAT. 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. RED DRAGON C H I N E S E - F O O D Pick-up, Prm Delivery 3 4 5 * 3 8 6 8

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