Oakville Beaver, 12 Jun 1974, p. 21

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June 12,1974 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER T V Self-improvement the goal of Special Olympics The enthusiasm and determination on their faces says it all. It says that just 24 hours from now 10 pupils' from the Bruce Lyn School for the .Trainable Retarded will Fbe a part of something special that could breathe a new feeling of worth into their lives. As of tomorrow, June 13, those 10 anxious youngsters w ill be winging their way to Winnipeg for the 1974 Special Olympics. Three months of steady coaching and training have gone before, and now only the feverish excitement of the real competition remains. The Special Olympics program began in 1968, and with it began a new chapter in the lives of many of this country's retarded children. Its purpose above all, was to offer the retarded child a chance for a c c o m p l i s h m e n t , a chance for success. It was a chance to replace the life-long feelings of failure and frustration w i t h a s e n s e of confidence and worth. It was the belief of the founders of the program that by holding out this chance for success on the playing field it could e n c o u r a g e g r e a t e r confidence within the retarded child, and at the same time, aid the child in developing physical coordination. There is one significant difference, however, between the Special Olympics to be held this week and the Olympic Games with which we are all so familiar. When each retarded child takes his place at the starting line, he will not be seeing visions of national anthems and glory. For him, the dream of victory will be a very personal one. He will strive not for a shining piece of gold around his A group of 13 ladies f r o m H o p e d a l e Presbyterian Church is really making itself heard in the Oakville area. Known as the Hope neck, but to better his own record. This is the real purpose of the Special Olympics. It is emphasized to each child at the outset that his real purpose is self-improvement. And although awards are given to those who finish at the top of their event, t h e y a r e m o r e importantly given to those who can improve their own record. Group, the ladies travel around delivering their message in song, with a contemporary style. Recently, the group has entertained at the service With that in mind. Bruce Lyn's 10 Olympic hopefuls have been practising five days a week for the past three months. Guiding them through thei r dai ly sessions has been Mrs. Ruth Clouse, a volunteer worker with the mentally retarded who will also accompany the children to Winnipeg. Mrs. Clouse has been there to clock and record of the constitution of the newly-formed Glen brook Presbyterian Church in Erin Mills and at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Port Credit. 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Encouragement too, has been given by a number of Blakelock High School students and their physical education i n s t r u c t o r Ch a r l e s Osborne, who have trained with the Bruce Lyn students each week on the track behind their school. Tomorrow, as the children board their flight to Winnipeg for the f o u r - d a y S p e c i a l Olympics, they will all be garbed in the blue and green colors of their school. Their strivings, however, will not be to represent Bruce Lyn or Oakville, but to achieve a personal success which their lives have rarely known. BRAND NAM E HEALTH AN D BEAUTY AIDS TO SAVE YOU MUCH MORE Here's Proof... Adorn Hair Spray 13 oz Regular. Extra Hold. Unscented or Ultimate 12 FI HI Soft & Dri Deodorant 9 8 oz. Regular. Unscented or Powder Your Choice Tame Creme Rinse 12 oz. Text. With Body or Lemon 11 oz. Foamy Shave Regular. Menthol. 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