Oakville Beaver, 12 Jun 1974, p. 63

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June 12,1974 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 63 8 9 . f u n e r a l d ire c to rs MORDEN Funeral Chapel You w ill find it is not necessary to buy an expensive service to be w ell satisfied. 109 Reynolds St., Oakville 9 0 . c o m in g e v e n ts HALTON Centennial Manor will be holding • its 5th Annual Lawn Party on Saturday, June 22nd commencing at 1:00 p.m. -- Official! opening of our new band St a nd . E n t e r t a i n m e n t , refreshments and games -- Bring the family and have a picnic. OAKVILLE BEAVER ROUTES AVAILABLE APPLY GEOFF HILL OAKVILLE BEAVER 845-3824 WELCOME WAGON BRIDAL SHOW is p lann ing a special p a rty fo r a ll brides-to- be who live in O akv ille . If you a re p lanning a w edd ing in this a re a a fte r Septem ber 15th, 1974 you a re invited Date: June 23 ,1974 Time: 2:30 p.m. Place: Holiday Inn, Iroquois Shore Rd., Oakville There w ill be fash ion shows, dem onstrations, special d isp lays , exciting g ifts fo r a ll brides-to-be, and num er­ ous door p rizes . As ad m ittance is by invitation fo r you an d you r m other. C a ll the W elcom e W ag o n Hostess fo r the p a rty -- 8 4 4 -1 0 9 4 , M a rc ia D av is . The O a k v ille C a n a d a M an p o w er C en tre has vacancies in the fo llow in g occupations. Stenographer -- M ust h ave a good typ ing ab ility . Should have 2-3 ye a rs ' experience and have own tran sp o rta tio n . C la rk so n a re a . Clerk Typist -- To type techn ical reports fo r an e lec­ tron ics com p any . M ust have a know ledg e of e lectrica l com ponents. Cafeteria Supervisor -- Required b y a la rg e com ­ p a n y . M ust have superv isory ab ility an d good e xp e r­ ience in food services. S te ad y a ftrnoons 4 .3 0 to 1 1 .0 0 p .m . M o n d ay - F r id a y . Should have ow n tran sp o rta ­ tion . $ 3 .7 8 /h r . Janitor -- Exp erience req u ired . S te ad y afternoon sh ift. M ust have ow n tran sp o rta tio n . $TB A to 4 .0 0 /h r . Tractor-Trailer Driver -- Exp erience req u ired . To d rive on lo ca l ca rta g e routes. O ccas io n a l evening w o rk . 15<t sh ift prem ium . $ 4 .3 0 /h r . Detail Draftsman/Woman -- To design specia l equipm ent. Pneum atic an d h yd rau lic backg round nec­ e ssa ry . $ 1 0 -$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 /y r . Quantitv Surveyor -- P rim a rily responsib le fo r checking o tt q uan tities , i ra in in g in construction eco­ nom ics, q uan tity surveying an d m athem atics requ ired . $ TB A to 2 0 0 /w k . Nurse's Aid -- N ursing o f senior citizens. Sh ift w o rk . N o experience req u ired . $ 1 6 -1 8/sh ift. Carpenter -- W e ll q u a lif ie d on rough and trim w o rk . $ 5 .5 0 h r. Electrician -- Licenced and trouble-shooting e xp e r­ ience req u ired . $ 5 .4 7 /h r . Plant hands -- Som e positions p rov ide tra in ing . $ 3 .5 0 /h r p lus. 14 CanadaManpowerCentre Manpower and Immigration Centre de Main-d'oeuvre du Canada Main-d' ceuvre et Immigration Can you find a $2.00 bargain like this Can you reach almost 70,000 readers for your pro­ duct or service. WHY Haven't you called the "ac tion " number to get rid of all those unwanted household items WHEN Are you going to start that spring cleaning and get CASH fo r those unwanted household items. 15 SELLING WORDS ONLY $200 WE HAVE THE RIGHT COMBINATION CLASSIFIED ADS AN D THE ARTICLES YOU N O LONGER NEED. CALL N O W 845-3824 o r 849-7885 Oakville Beaver

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