♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 16 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 9, 1999 'Kaleidoscope' will feature art show and sale, dem onstrations, and hands-on activities The Burlington Art Centre's Kaleidoscope will take place at 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, today (Friday) from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. This annual open house, show and sale will feature original hand-crafted works of art by more than 60 artists and artisans. Visitors are invited to browse through the gal leries and halls and to talk to the artists or watch them as they work. These artists and artisans will also be show ing and selling their paintings, photographs, pot tery, quilts, hooked rugs, sculptures, textile art (hand spun and woven), and wood carvings. A special exhibition of art by members of the Burlington Association for the Intellectually Challenged will also be featured, and hands-on activities for all ages will be available. Guests can glaze their own Japanese tea cup and watch as it is raku fired; design and make their own photogram in a real darkroom; try their hand at weaving on a wooden-floor loom; or stitch part of a large quilt. (Call 632-7796 for activity times.) The opening reception will take place at 7 p.m. tonight, followed by the official opening and awards ceremony at 8 p.m. in the Main Gallery. Parking and admission are free throughout the Kaleidoscope weekend. A uctions offer a rt fo r a ll tastes Don't forget the Oakville Art Society's Art Auction on Saturday night. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the auction beginning at 7:30 p.m. Over 100 works of art will be featured in Centennial Gallery, 120 Navy St. (on the ground floor of Central Library), with previews tonight (Friday) from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds from the auction will go to the OAS to provide art educa tion programs to people of all ages. There is also an art sale and silent auction on April 12th, begin ning at 7 p.m. in the Granary on Robinson Street, featuring over 100 works of art that have been appraised at $35,000. Numbered, titled and signed prints by such artists as A. J. Cas- son, Heather Cooper, Dave Beckett, Peter Stoyan, Elsie Underwood, Claudio D 'Angelo, Leslie A. Parkes, Jake Vandonbrink, Michael Dumas, Richard Victor Stanley, Cyril Cox, and Robert Victor Pow will be available. All proceeds will go to the work of Straight Talk, a local organiza tion that promotes abstinence as a positive alternative to the prevailing sex-related problems among youth. La-Z-Boy® Full Reclining Sofas From La-Z-Boy® Chaise Rocker Recliners From La-Z-Boy® Rocker Recliners From La-Z-Boy® Living Room Sofas From • doors to another brand new La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries® and we're celebrating with y low prices. Stop in during our "Grand Opening Sale" and experience the La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries difference. Wfe offer the widest selection o f Genuine La-Z-Boy home furnishings in Ontario. All the latest styles featured in six distinct galleries- recliners, leather, living room, bedroom, dining room and family highly trained sales staff will provide professional B T design assistance and help you work with o u r exclusive Screen Test V ideo C ata logue. So fo r a D eligh tfu l Shopping Experience come to La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. But hurry in. An event this grand won'i NO INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR' NO DOWN PAYMENT room. BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE I Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET g (905) 331-7600 Mon.-Fri. 9:30am - 9pm, Sat. 9:30om - 6pm, Sun. 10am - Spm •Offer does n « apply to Doned/Ffeer/Cfearancr merchandise. See store for details. O n approved credit only on your La-Z-Boy Charge Card. Applicable taxes, delivery charges and $29,99 administration fee due at time o f purchase. 12 equal monthly payments, commencing 30' days from date o f delivery/pick up. Limited time offer. O u r G r a n d O p e n i n g C e l e b r a t i o n W il l K n o c k Y o u O f f Y o u r F e e t . SWt UP H> U(Y% ON 0 \ | VKIoN I.VKG1S1 S llK HONOI ClMIIM L w M V n llIRMIURl l.ovM s i P r k t (iiiM vY M F F o n v u l . \ - / - B o \ H o m i F u r n i s h i n g s ! Innovative art show at Sheridan The Creative Act, a celebration of youth in the visual arts, opens at Sheri dan College on April 12th at 6 p.m. The Ontario Secondary School Stu dents' Association of Central Niagara Region will present this innovative art show. The show will feature original, cre ative works submitted by talented stu dents from across the region. The evening will include a guest speaker, refreshments, and awards for outstanding students. This art show will continue at Sheridan until April 19th. The Ontario Secondary School Stu dents' Association (OSSSA) is a not- for-profit organization which has acted as a liaison between the Ontario government and Ontario Secondary School students for over 20 years. The main objective of the organi zation is to provide leadership, resources and training to students while promoting communication and co-operation amongst all students in Ontario. The public is invited to attend the opening ceremony and is encouraged to visit the art exhibit. Your Adventure Waiting to Happen A p r i l 16 t o A p r i l 25 • Over 106 park destinations • Outdoor Exhibitors (accomodation atenatives, carrprg eqijment and more) * New Reservation Service Information • Famfly Attractions (Prds of Boy Schod Pus Theatre Great Qjtdoor fashion Show) • Sommer Employment Opportunities O n t a r io a a *. P a D V Q Bronte Creek Provincial Park is located between Burlington M / J 1 A I n IV Z ) and Oakville, north of the QEW, exit 109 (Burioak Drive). 1 M i E 5 m www.region.halton.on.ca WE GRASSCYCLE ! The Region o f H alton in p a r tn e rs h ip w i th T o ro a n d C l i f fs L a w n a n d G a rd e n E q u ip m e n t L im ite d in O a k v il le , w a n t to g iv e lo c a l re s id e n ts an o p p o r tu n ity to t r y a T o ro " R e cyc le r" la w n m o w e r fo r th re e m o n th s , FREE! To b e c o m e a p a r t ic ip a n t, se n d us y o u r n a m e , a d d re ss a n d p h o n e n u m b e r a lo n g w i th a b r ie f e x p la n a t io n "W h y I w o u ld l ik e to ta k e p a r t in th e g rasscyc ling p ro je c t" . R es iden ts c u r re n t ly re c e iv in g c u rb s id e y a rd w a s te c o l le c t io n a re e lig ib le . A m a x im u m o f 5 h o u s e h o ld s p e r m u n ic ip a l i ty w i l l b e c h o s e n to p a r t ic ip a te . A p a n e l w i l l c h o o s e th e b e s t su b m is s io n s . Entries m ust be subm itted by A p ril T h e R e g io na l M u n ic ip a l i ty o f H a lto n G rasscycling Project 11 51 B ro n te R oad , O a k v il le O n ta r io , L 6 M 3L1 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -0 2 6 7 e m a il: m ile s d @ re g io n .h a lto n .o n .c a 23, 1999 YOU* EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST http://www.region.halton.on.ca mailto:milesd@region.halton.on.ca