22 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B A P T I S T CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-4157 Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m . Praise and Worship Service' Message "Turning Your Cave Into A Cathedral" By Dr. Roy Lawson Concurrent Children's Program & Nursery Care Family Night programs Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 pjn. Youth Night, Friday at 7:00 pjn. jq CHARTWELL BAPTIST CHURCH 228 Chartwell Road 844-2801 "People Who C are" W orship Services 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. at 228 Chartwell Full learning centre provided for children of all ages. •WORSHIP •TEACHING • CELEBRATION Pastoral Staff Roy Matheson Ross Macdonald Peter Roebbelen Bob Chambers Glenn Cordery Andrew Gordon David Morrison Janie Robertson Pastor Gordon H. Phillips 1415 TVafalgar Rd. 842-0938 Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. M orning Service "The Man Who Missed The Meet ing" John 20 6:30 a.m. Evening Service "War In Heaven" Revelation n ni2 p a I f ih i i i i p i i i l A im 'n U N IT E II MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 257-8434 Sunday, April 11 10:00 a.m. Second Sunday of Easter "Decoding The Message: Jairus Daughter" N ursery & Sunday School Provided U N IT E D ST.JO H N'S UNITED CHURCH Dunn St. & Church St. 905-845-0551 Sunday, April 11 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Sermon - Rev. Jim McKnight Sanctuary Open For Private Prayer Noon to 1:00 pan., Mon. - Fri. Sunday School - Nursery - Creche Rev. Jim McKnight - Minister Elaine Morris - Minister Brian L Turnbull - Dir. o f Music TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 1250 McCraney St E 845-3152 (1 block W. of Trafalgar) www.trinityunited.com Reverend Andrew King Director of Music: Carole Falconer Sunday, A pril 11 10:00 a.m. Youth Service "G race In The W oods" Support, Self-Help Group for Bereavement Available Sunday School, Nursery Care, Youth Devotions A ll W elcome WALTON UNITED 2489 Lakeshore Rd.W. 827-1643 Com er of Bronte & Lakeshore Rds. Walton Welcomes You on Sunday, April 11 9:30 a.m. Larger Family Service Full Sunday School & Nursery Care 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Message: "Don't Play Favourites" Rev. Gill Special Congregational Meeting to present the recommendations for expansion & renovation of Walton Sunday, April 11,12:15 pan. in Bronte Hall Advance Notice Auction Sale Saturday, April 17,11 am. - 4 p.m. All W elcome ST. PAUL'S UNITED 454 Rebecca S t 845-3427 IN V IT E S Y O U TO SUNDAY W O RSH IP 10:15 a.m. Church School Nursery Coffee Hour Ministers: Bill Dearborn, Barbara Curzon Dir. Music - Michal Rozycki A n g l i c a n i, i u s i : m i t i \ > ST. LUKE'S PALERMO Hwy. No. 5, West of No. 25 825-3364 Sunday Service Holy Eucharist Church School 10:30 a.m. Rev. Linda Corry PENTECOSTAL a m n a n m r c h u r c h SUNDAY at 10:00 am Worhsip Celebration at the River Oaks Recreation Centre (2 400 S ixth Line) * Children's Church and Nursery * Pastor Bruxy Cavey invites you to come join us at "a church fo r people who aren't into church!" 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Services Commencing this week: Hot Potato Sundays! "Are There Moral Absolutes?"I Iroquois Ridge High School 1123 Glenashton Dr. at Grosvenor St., Oakville Weekly small groups for Youth and Adults F o r m ore inform ation call U O C C 's C hurch O ffice 827-3266 N ursery Facilities C hildren & Youth Program s | HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 827-3851 Minister: The Rev. Peter D. Ruddell The Rev. Susan Sheridan 10:30 a.m. Sunday M orning W orship C hurch School • N ursery Provided ALL W ELCOM E KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 844-3472 Rev. Harry McWilliams 10:30 Morning Worship Sacrament of Holy Baptism Friday, April 9 Grade 7, 8 & 9 Dance 7 - 1 0 p.m., $5 Saturday, April 10 Rummage Sale 9 -1 1 a.m. Nursery and Toddler Care Full Church School Program Weekly Small Groups fo r Youths & Adults TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks Blvd. E., N. on Litchfield) Rev. Feme Reeve 842-2800 Sunday Services 9:15 a jn . & U :00 a jn . Small Groups for Kids, Youth & Adults Sunday School and Nursery provider! at both services. Air Conditioned. WEEKDAYS: TLC H o m e B ib le Studies fo r A d u lts and Youth (Call Office for information) Co-Pastors: Blake Davidson Paul Mittelstaedt (905) 257-3864 - A ffiliated w ith the Pentecostal Assem blies o f Canada - BRETHREN I \ CHRIST SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN!... SALVATION ARMY THE SALVATION ARMY "A Church in Your Community " 1225 Rebecca St. 827-5324 (Just W. o f 4th Line) Corps Officer: CapL Vida Prichett 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 6:30 p.m. Evening Service Variety o f styles a t quilt show A Stitch in Our Time, the bi-annual show of the Halton Quilters Guild will be held on Thursday, Friday and Satur day, April 22nd, 23rd and 24th at St. Volodymyr's Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas St. W. Among the 200 items on display will be full-sized bed quilts, wall hang ings, miniatures, and items of clothing. The quilts range from traditional applique and pieced work to ultra modern art quilts created by fibre artists. Most have been made using a combination of hand and machine work, but a few have been made com pletely by hand, and others completely by machine. Of particular interest will be those quilts that were created with intricate machine quilting using the newest techniques, as well as those that have been embellished with decorative threads, beads, ornaments, etc. More and more quilts are now being made with the use of up-to-date computer ized sewing machines to create unique and unforgettable effects. Three panels of the Canada Friend ship Quilt will be featured at the 1999 show. This monumental work was completed in 1991 and contains blocks, both traditional and original, from every province and territory across Canada. It is anticipated that this will be the last showing of the quilt, an example of the art of Canadian women, in this area before it finds a final home in Ottawa. The Halton Quilters Guild is a non profit organization founded in 1977. Its 150 members are dedicated to preserv ing quilting as an art form, establish ing, maintaining and upgrading quilt ing standards, encouraging the exchange of methods and ideas, and enhancing the knowledge of quilting among members and the community. As part of its goal to participate in community projects, the guild has donated several hundred 'Cuddle Quilts' to local organizations for the needy, including Halton Women's Place, the Salvation Army and the Hal ton Mississauga Ambulance Service. Friday, April 9,1999 Qigong These Ancient Chinese exercises are a com bination of movements, breathing techniques & visualizations w hich target m ind-body balance, spiritual development, self healing, and increased energy for radiant good health, while achieving serenity. Morning & Evening Classes available on Tuesdays. Advanced registration required 828-7337 ? Cynthia Battridge, D.Ac. Acupuncturist - Th e Doctor's Office, J Upper Oakville Shopping Centre § Certfied with The Cirtadan Academy of Chinese Traditional Health Sciences § AdSULUTcLT STUfiNlNu! 2061 Shady Glen 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, natural gas fireplace, cathedral ceiling. Don't miss out! Call today! Only $219,900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r o y a l Le p a g e ■MMMMIII!!ll!l!l!l!!!!llll!lil 3 3 5 -3 0 4 2 MannSales Rep http://www.trinityunited.com