Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 1999, p. 29

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Friday, April 9, 1999 685 personals 715 moving & storage 770 daycareavailable MASSAGE- Studio 37 -- 37 Barton St. East. Hamil­ ton 525-3053. 5 attendants Hiring. 693 PRETTY, slender, green eyed blonde wishes to meet Mr. Special. 50+. 632-4851 PARTNERS Burlington now open! The best choice of who to meet is yours, based on accurate biogra- phies/photographs. Free information:(905)632-7500 696 FOUND- Small exotic bird. Please call Oakville Hu- mane Society. 845-1551 FOUND: Ladies watch, Bur­ lington Mall parking lot, Apr.1 . Call to identify, 632- GOING to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 847-0178 1 +1sAdvantage Movers/ Storage/ Packing. 18'-42' trucks. Mid-month rates $39.99..... Free wardrobes. Local/ Long distance. (905)-338-2306, 1-888- 712-7199. www.mover.to RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in ­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733 CUSTOM-MADE valanc­ es, draperies, sheers, com­ forters, bed co-ordinates, fabrics, table/chair acces- sories. Sherry, 634-6706. DRAPERIES- interiors, great ideas, your fabric or ours, re-design existing drapes, since 1978. Judith, 632-4124. CARING mom would love to care for your children in my home available immediately. Lakeshore/ Chalmers area close to Bronte & Burlington call 827-0076 I daycare wanted BABYSITTER for 2 young children in my Speers/ Kerr home. Mon. 4-5pm; Wed. 7:30-8:30pm; Thurs. 4-8pm (additional evenings/ wee­ kends) References re- quired. (905)338-0115. REQUIRED immediately- Loving daycare in my home for girls 6 & 12, Mon-Fri 6:30-8:30am & 3:30-6pm. Non-smoker with own transportation. References required. Nottinghill/ Monks Passage area. 847-9348 (Andy).__________________ RELIABLE mature caregiv­ er wanted, my Burlington home. Two children 4&7, part-time, own transporta­ tion required. References. 681-3593. LOST Black long haired cat with white feet and chest Aldershot area. 639- 9906 FOUND: female tortis cat, Royal/ Mountainside. We call 'G eo rg ina '. Call 637-7325. FOUND- set of keys- George St. at King- Oak­ ville.* Kokanee fob/ GM ig­ nition key, call to identify, 849-4230 FOUND- Black female cat, Francis and North Shore. We call 'Maggie" 637-7325 FOUND: glasses in case, Burlington Heights Plaza, approx. A pr.1st. Call to identify, 332-1582.________ FOUND: injured torbi & white, Mountainside/ Indus­ trial area. We call 'Alexis'. 637-7325. LO ST & FO UND Found S o m eth in g ? P lace your "F o u n d "a d FREE o f charge . B url 6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 O ak 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 F la m 6 8 9 -2 2 3 2 Fax: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 FOUND: cream, male cat in Shell Park vicinity. Disc- tinctive features. Call to identify (905)825-9147; (905)529-1831. FOUND: Budgie on Bridal- wood. Call 639-1218 LOST: boy's BMX blue Mongoose bike w/serial#. River Oaks area, Apr. 3/99. 257-1393 (leave message). LIMOUSINE for hire. Casi­ no runs, weddings, night out on the town. Call toll- free, (877)335-1526. ABLE Renovations. Base­ ments, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ceramics, Fences, Decks. Free Esti­ mates. John, 637-5340, Pgr: 847-4392____________ DECKS, Decks, Decks, Only Decks! Professional Workmanship. Photo's, Free Estimates! Family business. 12yrs experi- ence. (905)-828-1320 VAUGHNS Installations. Siding, soffits, roofing, re­ placement windows, seam­ less eavestroughs. Resi­ dential/ commercial and in­ dustrial. (905)388-7328 or (905)973-5347. I handyman ABANDONED Rubbish Re­ moval- Clean-ups. Dispo­ sals. Demolitions. Tree Cutting. Bobcat services. 8 yrs experience. Ted- 905- 781-5585 710 painting & decorating 100% Quality Pro painters= 100% Satisfaction Guar­ anteed. Interior/ exterior. 905-277-1793 or 416-575- 6676 or toll free 1-877-724- 6847. 734 MILLGROVE Gardens- top soil, triple mix, black loam, pine mulch, and manure. We deliver & apply. 1 yard tote bags available. Please call (905)689-5527 gardening landscaping RIVERSIDE Property Maintenance. Spring clean­ up, rolling, aerating, sodding, fertilizing, top soil, power washing, weekly lawn contracts. (905) 679-1577. GREENER Edge Landscape services. Grass cutting, aerating, dethatching, spring clean­ ups, garden design. 10% Senior discount. 510-6666 (24Hrs)__________________ LAWN Maintenance- Spring Clean-ups; Grass cut weekly & trimmed. 10yrs experience. Free es­ tim ates. Reasonable. (905)-681-0283___________ WEEKLY cut & trim, spring clean-ups, aerating, garden maintenance. Senior dis­ counts, reliable, 8 years experience. Kevin (905)616-5296. 770 JOIN our daycare family. Loving 'k id environment". Baking, Storytime, songs, artwork, outside fun. Smoke-free. Appleby/ Burloak. 639-9580._______ LAMBS N' Ivy home day­ care, 2 mothers, 10 play centres, monthly calenders, weekly themes, CPR qual- ifed, 10 years exp. all hours. Call Lori 332-9997 1 /2 D ay P rogram s: • Nursery School • JK & SK ★OPEN HOUSED Wed. April 14 6:30 to 8:00 PM Register for September 1999 Burlington Children's Centre 1600 Kems Rd » Burl. (905) 332-3971 REGISTERED daycare available, King/ Plains Rd. Any age. Crafts, activities, huge backyard, nutritious meals/ snacks. 681-9593 ALDA'S daycare Walkers/ Mainway area, full-tim e part-tim e for ages 2-5. Home-cooked meals, crafts/ nature trips. 336-8257 EXPERIENCED childcare worker now providing pri­ vate daycare. ECE/ teach­ ing diplomas. Nutritious lunches/ snacks, craft/ large play area. Lots of TLC. Full/ part-time. Palmer/ Walkers area. 336-2293. EXPERIENCED daycare available (full or part-time) in my home, Newlands/ Palmer area. Babies wel- come. Call 332-9568. CARING mom has P/T F/J openings for children 3+. 9- yrs. experience working w/ children, Registered H.C.C.R. References avail­ able. Brant Hills area. 319- 1314. REQUIRED: loving stable caregiver for my 2-yr. old daughter, in my home (Brant/ QEW) 7 days: 6am- 6pm., 7 afternoons: 1pm- 1am per month or less. Overnight accommodations provided if desired. Board also an option. $600/mo. References. First Aid/ CPR. 681-3823. NANA needs help to care for 8-month old grandson in his home, daytime, Mon.- Fri. References required. Starting May 10th to ap­ proximately Christmas. Riv­ er Oaks area. (905)257- 0295. leave message, calls returned week of April 6th. REQUIRED mid-April- end July, 2 boys. 6 & 3. Great opportunity for University student. Appleby/ Spruce area. Non-smoker. Refer­ ences required. 7am-6pm. Mon.-Thurs. 631-2976. FULL-TIME Nanny required starting May to care for 3 children ages 2, 6, & 10 in our home. References re­ quired. East Oakville loca­ tion 845-6991 after 6pm. LIVE-IN caregiver required for 5 & 3yr olds. English speaking, Own transporta­ tion. Non-smoker. Some housework. References. 827-9943 message FULL-TIME experienced care-giver wanted for 2 children age 6mos & 3yrs. Glen Abbey home. Energe­ tic, creative, live-out, non- smoker required. Driver & ECE preferred. 825-3169 NANNY/ Housekeeper for Oakville home, live-in Mon.- Fri, live-out on week-ends. References required. (416)605-1161 leave de­ tailed message with experi­ ence. REQUIRED Immediately- babysitter, our home, 2 boys, ages 5&10, Sixth Line/ McCraney area. Flexible hours. Own trans­ portation. Good remunera­ tion for the right person. 845-9554 791 businessservices Catpaw Com puter Consulting Lessons and technical help in your home. Win 95-98, Internet, E-mail and more Prompt and Courteous Service A+ Certified Technician to help with all your hardware needs. Call Susan Toronto 416-928-1678 or Burlington area 905-681-7195 MONEY Problems? Gar- nishees? Too many pay­ ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631- 0600 THE OAKVILLE BEAVERGarage/Yard Sales Community Notices OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irecto rs • Don C larke • D oug las M anners • T a n ia Di C enso - G regory S idora 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 W A R D ' Funeral Homes H E L P IN G T O M A K E IT P E R S O N A L 1 0 9 R e y n o ld s S tre e t, O a k v il le 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 A n n F u th e r C h a r le s G ib b s M ic h a e l D u n n e Community Notices Childcare £ • / S t. Cuthbert's Co-op N u rs e ry School Spring Open House Saturday, April 10th, 10am-12noon • 2 & 3 m orn ing N urse ry S choo l p rogram s • 5 m orn ing JK eq u iva len t program • A ges 2-1 /2 to 5 • 9 :0 0 - 1 1 :3 0 am • No du ty days! Low s tud en t:teach e r ratio! 1541 O a k h ill D rive a t M a p le g ro v e D rive In te rested? C all o u r R eg is tra r 338-5624 i Birthday Death BUDNARK, MATTHEW (M e m b e r o f S t. J o h n 's U n ite d C h u rc h , O akv ille T ra fa lg a r L ions C lub and the In­ d e p e n d e n t O rd e r o f O d d fe llo w s L o d g e #132, O akv ille ) S udden ly on W ednesday, A pril 7, 1999 a t O akv ille T ra fa lg a r M em oria l H ospita l. M att B u d n a rk , b e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f M a b e l (T rithardt) B udnark. D ear fa the r o f G era ld . D ear b ro the r o f N ick, M ary, M ike and the la te G e o rg e . A se rv ic e o f re m e m b ra n ce w ill be h e ld 4 :0 0 p m T u e s d a y , A p r il 13, 1999, St. John 's U nited C hurch G arden of R e m e m b ra n c e , 2 6 2 R a n d a ll a t D u n n , O a k v i l le . D o n a t io n s to th e M u lt ip le S c le ro s is S o c ie ty w o u ld be a p p re c ia te d . A rra n g e m e n ts e n tru s te d to th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r C om m un ity Funera l H om e,O akville . de Faria, Terezinha A fte r a b r ie f illn e ss on T h u rsd a y , A p ril 8, 1999 a t O akv ille T ra fa lg a r M em oria l H osp i­ ta l. T e re z in h a , b e lo v e d w ife o f th e la te F rancisco de Faria. D ear m o the r o f M aria a n d h e r h u s b a n d L u ke T a v a re s . L o ve d s is te r o f J o se G a rc ia , A n to n io M e d e iro s , Lourenco A ndrade, M a ria M atos, A nge lina S o a r e s a n d th e la te E m il ia d a C o s ta L o v in g g r a n d m o th e r to C h r is t in e a n d J a s o n . V is ita t io n a t th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r C om m un ity Funera l H om e, 64 Lakeshore R oad W est, O akv ille fro m 2 -4 and 7-9pm Friday. Funera l M ass 9 :0 0am S a tu rday a t S t. M a t th e w s C h u r c h , 1 0 5 0 M o n k s P a s s a g e W a y , O a k v i l le . In te rm e n t T ra fa lg a r Lawn C em etery. http://www.mover.to

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