Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 1995, p. 10

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O ak vi lle B ea ve r W ee ke nd , S un da y, J un e 4 ,1 9 9 5 - 1 0 G IRLS' N IG H T OUT W hw-tim e PRODUCTS INC. 4 g re a t h obby th a t saves you m o ney!! ASK US ABOUT OUR TERRIFIC PRICES ON OUR ULTRA MODERN GAS FIREPLACES RISING SUN TAE KWON DO KARATE AIKIDO 467 SPEERS RD. UNIT lO * 844-8033 Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. • TUESDAY JUNE 6 United Way o f Oakville 40th annual meeting, 7:30 pan., at The Kensington, 25 Lakeshore Rd. W„ lobby leveL Speaker Joyce Savoline, Halton Regional Chair. Free parking in underground parking off Lakeshore. Call 845-5571. Const. David Cravero, crime preven­ tion officer with Halton Regional Police, explains Personal Safety, 7 p.m., at Oakview Funeral Home, Family Reception Centre, Lakeshore and Wilson Call 842-2252. Will Power, with Steve Harrington, bar­ rister and solicitor, at Mothers Are People Too, 9:30 to 11:30 am ., Oakville Parent Child Centre, 337 Kerr St., 849-6366. I n t e r v i e w i n g Techniques with Beth Henderson, human resources consultant, Women's Employment Network, at the Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 230. free. Call 847- 5520. Mothers Morning Out -- Friendly con­ versation and guest speakers every Tuesday while your children are cared for just down the hall. Call 844-9009, Aid for New Mothers. Oakville Legion, 136 Church S t, hosts Euchre every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Games for seniors and adults. Also line dancing, 7 to 10 p.m., in Normandy Room, $4 each. TOPS - Take Off Pounds Sensibly, meets at Walton Memorial United Church, Bronte and Lakeshore, every Tuesday at 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY JUNE 7 M i s s i s s a u g a Vegetarian Association hosts chef Chris Santor demonstrating prepara­ tion o f vegetarian desserts, at Alternatives. Attendance limited to 25 people. Cost: $14 each or $25 per couple. Call Joanne Eddy, 845- 2598. Summer Pool Safety with Barb Hall, 1 A g w _ 332- 5335^ * - ^ P h o n e fo r th e c o m p e t it io n s p r ic e . . . then phone u s l We specialize in teaching G irls & Boys at any age. Our in ten tion is to make children feel good about them selves and to be in physica l and mental con ­ tro l. Our teaching m ethods are sens i­ tive ly ta ilo red to meet the needs of in d i­ vidual learn ing differences. A ll ch ild ren are taugh t at the ir own ind iv idua l pace and are never pressured to perform beyond the ir capabilities. The rigors of partic ipa tion in the Martial A rts devel­ ops S p o rtsm a n sh ip and C ourage. Perseverance & D isc ip line , Poise & Respect fo r o thers w h ile p rom o ting Self Confidence & Positive Self-Image. No doubt, these are the qua lities m ost needed by all o f us, as we are faced w ith the p rob lem s and troub les of these d iff icu lt tim es. For example, because of se lf-con fidence received from learning how to defend them selves, it makes the very shy. w ithdraw n ch ild m ore ou t­ go ing and con fiden t, o r makes the very a g g ress ive c h ild m ore calm and respectfu l tow ards others. As parents, you w ill be tru ly amazed at the positive d iffe re n ce a fte r tak ing p ro fess iona l c lasses at R ising Sun WHAT IS TAE KWON-DO? e Kwon-Do is the modern form of an old oriental art of If defense or unarmed combat. It originated 1300 ars ago in Korea as Tae Kyon. a form of foot fighting, iroughout the centuries hand techniques were intro- iced and th is new com bination is now called Tae Kwon ). The Korean word " Tae" means kicking, jum ping, epping or fly ing of the feet. "K w on" means punching, rik ing or beating the hands or fis ts, and "D o" means t. techniques or way. Tae Kwon Do is more effective an Oriental self-defense because the legs can develop c ore power and reach farther than the arms intro Prog Includes SELF CONFIDENCE Call ou w ill deve lop com ple te con fidence in you r ab ility to defend ourself w ith new com b ina tion o f phys ica l and m ental strength . $ 1 9 . 9 9 ^ Intro Program. Limited offer. Includes FREE Uniform. Call for details. Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; or Fax 845-3085 BEFORE NOON WEDNESDAY to be included. Item s pub­ lished at no charge. Priority is given to local non-profit events. SUNDAYJUNE 4 Oakville 540 Golden Hawk Squadron annual Inspection and Revue at the Oakville Arena, 2 p.m., with Reviewing Officer, Major General A shley Shoes! ------ B U R L IN G T O N M A LL --------- 634-9155 B U R L IN G T O N , O N T A R IO LADIES' SIZES 4 - 12 W IDTHS A A A , A A ,B ,D ,2 E L rnX'S FAVrut '" •U R T S*1 (Ret'd) Scott Eichel, MP Bonnie Brown, MPPs Barbara Sullivan and Gary Carr, Mayor Ann Mulvale, fire and police chiefs, and other local officials. Public welcome. The Oakville Humane Society and Ralston Purina are sponsoring an 5-km ORC Pet Walk begin­ ning at 10 am . An edu­ cational talk cm pet care as well as gifts and treats for participating pets will be included in the $20 (minimum) donation. MONDAYJUNE 5 Front Row Centre, volunteer arm o f the Oakville Centre for die Performing Arts, meets at the theatre lobby, 130 Navy S t, 7:30 p.m. Community Youth Programs holds 21st annual general meeting at 443 Allan St. Barbecue at 6:30 p m Anyone interested in attending may call 845- 9718. Halton Branch o f the Association o f Early Childhood Educators o f Ontario, meets 7 p.m., at Noire Dame YMCA Child Care Centre, 2333 Headon Forest Dr., Burlington. Speaker: Kerry McCuaig of the Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare. Non­ members pay $2. Oakville Kiwanis Club meets every Monday, 6:30 p.m., at the Country Squire. Information, Vem Kingdon, 844-1074. B r o n t e Horticultural Society will feature Charles Mitchell talking on Vermiculture at 7:30 p.m. in Walton \ SZpeciaL 'y te COSMETIC SURGERY Orro Weiglein, M.D., B.Sc., FACS, (c) Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon Mem ber American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Join us for this informative session and discover how Aesthetic Plastic Surgery can minimize the signs of aging and rejuvenate your body ond skin. COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION refreshments w ill be served Wednesday, June 14,1995, 7:30 p.m. Oakville Public Library, Auditorium 120 Navy Street, Oakville Limited Seating: Please P5VP Defore June 7 To Sue: (905) 634-5573 Fa Your Personal Invitorion 'Special Feature o f the M onth" -- ULTRA Blanc de Blanc-- "W hite o f W hites": crisp, dry and easy drinking table wine SE C O N D PLA C E '95 International Wine Competition Produced righ t here in Burlington! O N SA L E NO W ! 4150 SOUTH SERVICE RD. 634-6371 SM .I mm pnomis • Canadian-Owned •Manufacturer's Warranty • Financing Available Oakville Red Cross, at Mothers Are People Too, 9:30 to 11:30 a m , Oakville Parent Child Care Centre, 337 Ketr S t, 849-6366. Discovering You - learning more about your personality and what makes those around you tick, with True Colours, June 7th and 14th, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 230. Cost $10, call 847-5520. Tutors with the Oakville Literacy Council will get togeth­ er at 7 p m in the Main Library. Call 815-2046. THURSDAYJUNE 8 Join Mayor Ann Mulvale as she announces the 1995 Oakville Senior Citizen o f the Year at the Oakville Senior Citizens Centre, Ken- Street 1 p.m. Final meeting of the current school year of the S t Marguerite d 'YouviOe Catholic Parent Teacher Association, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at the school, 1359 Bayshire Dr., 849- 7772. Babysitting avail­ able. Over the Counter Medications: Healthy or Harmful? explained by pharmacist Don Manore, at Mothers Are People Too, 9:30 to 11:30 a m , Oakville Parent Child Centre, 337 K en SL, 849-6366. Oakville Royal Canadian Legion Bingo at Mayfair Bingo, 483 Speeis Rd., 12:30 p m Proceeds to charity. FRIDAY JUNE 9 In Concert, Frank King and Brian Turnbull, 8 pm ., at S t John's United Church, 262 Randall at Dunn, with songs of spring, Broadway, love songs, and songs of Scotland. Health Promotion: Influences and Partnerships, at S t Volodymyr's Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas at Fourth Line, 9:30 a m to 3 p m Speakers: Lavada Pinder, director, health promotion branch, Ontario Ministry o f Health; Bryan Hayday, execu­ tive director, Ontario P r e v e n t i o n Clearinghouse; Linda Rothney, executive director, Halton District Health Council; and Robin Badgley, chair, Halton Healthy Lifestyles Coalition. Sponsored by Halton Healthy Lifestyles Coalition, call 842- 2120. Light lunch pro­ vided. Moms Freedom Fridays: Meet new friends, conversation, activities, and monthly guest speakers, 9:30 to 11:30 a m Call Susan. 847-3536 (Glen Abbey); Alice, 847- 0485 (Bronte); Laura. 842-0936 (North); and Tetri, 847-2422 (West). Babysitting provided.

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