Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 1995, p. 20

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O ak vi lle B ea ve r W ee ke nd , S un da y, J un e 4, 1 99 5 - 2 0 KERR /SPEERS, one bedroom $661, monthly, two bedroom, $738. month­ ly includes utilities and parking. July 1st., 849-4782. DOWNTOWN one bed­ room, heritage building. $750/month includes utili­ ties. Available June 1st. Please call 844-9311. CHARM ING one bed­ room, fireplace, central air/vac, private garden pa­ tio, broacfloom, laundry, ca­ ble. Quiet residential area, east Oakville. Non-smok­ ing. Available im m e­ diately. $795/m onth in- cludes utilities. 845-0121. DORVAL/ Rebecca, large, two bedroom, clean, quiet small building facing park. $640. plus hydro monthly, available June 15th, 277- 4728 LARGE Two bedroom, Lakeshore/Kerr, carpeted non-smoking, no pets, •'June or July. $745., inclu­ sive. Call (416)233-7441. SPACIO US main floor one bedroom apartment in house. Five minute walk to downtown. Hardwood floors, large custom kitch- . en, includes yard, parking, heat, utilities, and ap ­ pliances, $985./monthly, July 1st, Pierre 905-842- 4073, Jim 705-793-2719. TWO 2 BEDROOM apart­ ments, over strip plaza. Newly decorated. Avail­ able immediately. 2369 Lakeshore Rd. West. (416) 494-3763 days, evenings. 847-5177 days. SIXPLEX, Bronte area, 1 bedroom, $600. 2 bed­ rooms $730. plus utilities. Available immediately. Parking included. 847-1138. BRONTE HARBOUR bachelor basement apart­ ment. Private entrance, bathroom and kitchen. Shared laundry. Bus stop at front door, cable includ­ ed. $525. 847-8009 QEW/KERR • Mins, from QEW/GO • Exceptionally well maintained highrise • Hydro included • Outdoor pool Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom apts. from $575. 845-9502 A1! 2-bedroom, $800. Yard, parking, appliances, carpet; 2-bedroom, $695/inc!usive. A/C, parking. 6 37 -44 11 . HomeSearch. Fee 2160 Lakeshore Rd. 3- Bedroom with spectacular view overlooking lake. 1450 sq. ft. of living space. Large kitchen, 2 baths. $1250. 333-9141 or 416-255-3451 LARGE 2 bedroom, walk to O akville Place. $750. monthly, parking included. John 905-339-0548. AVAILABLE July 1st. 2 bedroom, utilities included. Contact Bill at 844-9288. OAKVILLE downtown, two bedroom, $68 0 ./ monthly, suit quiet enjoy­ ment, available early July, 844-8993. 3-Bedroom Lakefront 1450 sq. ft. in super luxury building. 2 bathrooms. $1250/mo. 2160 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington 333-9141 416-255-3451 BURLIN G TO N. Quiet, clean highrise. Convenient location. 1-Bedroom; 2- Bedrooms: $664.; 3- Bedrooms. 3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , between noon-8pm for appointment BRONTE Harbour. 1 bed­ room condominium, 5 ap­ pliances. $800. month. Available August 1st. Call 905-528--4753 after 5pm E X Q U IS ITE lakeview on 20th floor, one bedroom plus solarium, four ap­ pliances, July 1st, first/ last, $925. inclusive. Burlington. For appointment. Call Pyana 1-905-608-0025. WE specialize in Condominium Sales & Rentals. Unda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333--4347, 827-7728 I houses for rent ANCASTER - large back- split, available imme­ diately, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sliding doors to patio from spacious family room. Fid­ dlers Green and Hwy 403, $1150. plus/ month. Call Hany 905-575-5310. COUNTRY FAMILY home, 10 acres, private road, Georgetown area. References, immediate possession. 844-9340 COUNTRY living, 1/2 acre lot. Highway 25 and Bum- hamthorpe, 2 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom down, fin­ ished basem ent, large fenced yard, swimming pool, double garage. Avail­ able now at $1000 per month, June free rent. Phone 338-9058 for details 185 OAKVILLE EAST - ex ­ ecutive, available July 7th. 4 bedrooms plus huge master retreat, finished basement. Pool, hot-tub, 4 fireplaces, air. No pets. 1-2 year lease. $2950 monthly plus utilities. Call Terri Alexander, Sutton Group People and Properties. 844-5000. SUMMER RENTAL 4 bedroom executive family home on quiet street in Glen Abbey. Fully fur­ nished and equipped. Available July/ August. $1800. month plus utilities. 847-6371 TWO bedroom bungalow for rent. Central Oakville. $900. all inclusive. Call 845-3933 BEST. 4-bedrooms, $1500. Fireplace, garage, July; 3- bedrooms, $1250. Appliances, garage, 2 baths. 6 3 7 -4 4 1 1 . HomeSearch. Fee 190 BRONTE, steps to lake. 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, fin­ ished basement, 5 ap ­ pliances. Available July 5th, no pets. $1100. month­ ly .825-2027 . FABU LO U S townhouse! G reat location! 3 large bedrooms, central air, 5 appliances, finished base­ ment $1100. 338-3320 LUXURY Upper Mid- dle/Third Line, 3 bedroom, 4 bathrooms, finished fam­ ily room with gas fireplace, arr, central vacuum, inter- com/music, 5 appliances. Available July 1st. $1300 monthly. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultants Inc. 842-8383 THREE bedroom town- houses available from July 1st. Hopedale Mall area. Phone Lakeshore M an­ agement, (416) 253-9347. THREE bedroom town- house, Sixth Line/Upper Middle. 1-1/2 bathrooms, large rec room $1135. plus utilities. Available July 1st (416) 769-8769._______ LAKE! 3-bedrooms, $940. Yard, finished basement; 3- bedrooms, $1013. July. Garage. 4 appliances. 637 -4411 . HomeSearch. Fee I housing wanted to rent COZY one bedroom apart­ ment (not basement) in East Oakville home for vi­ cinity) for professional cou­ ple. Private entrance, use of garden, non-smoking, July or August, 338-7288. A V A ILA B LE in town- house, share with 3 stud­ ents, parking, laundry, $290.+/m onthly, non- smoker, female preferred. 338-6386. CLEAN room, share kitch­ en and bath, close to Sher­ idan College, $325. month­ ly, 849-8762. D O R V A L/ UPPER M ID­ DLE. Q uiet clean new home, non-smoking fe ­ male, bus to GO. Parking available, $350/m onth. 847-0459 EXEC UTIVE Home, fur­ nished room for rent. Many extras including jazucci, outdoor pool. Mature re­ sponsible person need only apply. $390. monthly. Leave message 338-5956. FU RN ISH ED bedroom, kitchenette, private, side entrance, phone outlet, a/c, cable, quiet working non- smoker only, 827-2446. LARGE room for rent. Shared kitchen/bath. Fe­ male preferred $550/m onthly inclusive Available immediatley 842-5984 Leave message. MONTHLY, weekly or da­ ily, short term, available im­ mediately. Call Patti, 842-8958. PRIVATE ROOM and bath with rec room, kitchen and laundry facilities. Close to Sheridan College and Oakville Race. 338-6922. SH AR E 3 storey town- house. Patio, laundry. Heat, hydro, cable includ­ ed. Clean casual a t­ mosphere. $330. a month. Call 337-0166. SHERIDAN area: Retired gentleman has 2 rooms for rent, furnished, in beautiful luxury condominium, over­ looking Lake Ontario. Share everything. $345 and $395/month. 338-1843. rooms for rent & wanted SPACIOUS home, West Oakville. Fully furnished. Computer, fax, $375 monthly plus utilities. Paul 847-7381. TRAFALGAR Upper Mid­ dle, large furnished room, share kitchen, bath and laundry room, bus route, non-smoker, $75./weekly, 844-6423._______________ North Burlington - Quiet area - Laundry and kitchen privileges - Close to buses - $350 monthly - 335-8888 Iroom & board available, wanted FREE room and board for female non-smoking stud­ ent. Light housekeeping and occasional babysitting required. Beautiful room with 4-piece ensuite. Ford Dr. and Sheridan Gardens area. Call Nina Bokor (905)897-9555 shared accommodation AVAILABLE June 1st. Share townhouse within walking distance to Sheri­ dan College. Please call 849-1956 FU RN ISH ED room near Oakville Place, mature male, non-smoker. $335. month. First and last. 338-8455. MATURE and profes­ sional person to share lovely furnished home, with pool and sauna, smoker welcome. $450. in­ clusive. 338-0803 or 847- 2020. RESPONSIBLE person to rent large basement suite with fireplace. Share kitchen, Own bath. Large deck. Great view. $600. 827-7311. hails & lodges KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available for wed­ dings, anniversaries, par­ ties etc. Call for more in­ formation 827-1854. vacation properties BEAUTIFUL Manitoulin Island. Fully equipped 2 bedroom. Fireplace, mi­ crowave, 4-piece bath. $325/week and up. Boat and motor available. (705)- 377-5436 FLORIDA- For rent - Na- Eles area. 2 bedroom, 2 ath luxury Villa. Pools, ja- cuzzi, tennis, near beaches, golf, shopping and restaurants. 905-276- 5225. TIME Share for sale. 6 lo­ cations. Costa Rica, Do­ minican Repbulic, etc. Reasonable, financed. 338-8614 H A LIBU RTO N. New executive cottage. Safe, sandy beach, 3-bdrms plus loft, 2 baths, microwave, gas BBQ, boat. Available Aug.26-Sept.2. $1000/wk. June and Sept., $750./wk. 336-6039 rentals outside Canada DISN EY 10 min., town house in family resort, great rates. For brochures call 333-5749 boats & supplies FOR SALE 50ft. fiberglass hull. Call 418-766-2817. 310 BEST OFFER takes it. Chesterfield(3 seater) with matching chair, custom made, traditional style, ivory background, avocado green and gold pattern, in very good condition. 827-0298. BRAND NEW, 2 'Palliser' highback Wing Chairs, earthtone floral tapestry design. Was $675. each will sell for $425. each. 257-2187 CO M PUTER 486DX266 Multimedia, brand new CDROM , 420MBHDD 16Sound Card, 14'SVGA monitor 4MBRam. Bargain $1550.00, 905-840-6384. CARPETS - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 DOOR - wooden with delux storm door, 34* x 82' $200/pair. 634-8291 after 5pm 310 FAXES, COPIERS, com­ puters for home or office. New and repossessed. Buy or lease. Call 842-8259 GOT Style and Quality - Hate your colors? Give Field's a call. Great fabric selection, Super Savings. Sofa from $558. Chairs from $198. Special on dinettes/ DR chairs. Interest free credit accounts available. Fields Furniture and Upholstery. 7days/ 9am-9pm. 632-9090. KING-SIZE semi motion­ less pine waterbed. $250. Antique style custom made 7 ft. pine armoir $1500. 1984 Buick Century. Lots of new parts. Good run­ ning motor. $350. 849- 3740. OFFICE furniture- desks, chairs, cabinets, plants, computers, calculators, typewriters, wall dividers, new condition, 827-7702 9am-5pm. PIANO -Excellent condi­ tion, great tone. Delivered. 905-844-4927. POLAR Bear Water Dis­ tiller. Nine gallon storage tank. Used 2 years. Cost $1200. Asking $600. 825-8436 STEREO cabinet , four ad­ justable shelves, 46 x 23 x 19. Like new. $100 338-7058 SWING SET, top quality, nearly new. Paid $550 plus GST, asking $350. 827-4626. SIT ON it, don't sit in it. Replacement foam for cushions. Residential/ commercial. Fields Upholstery, 9am-9pm 7 days weekly. 632-9090 TRACTOR cart new, Rub­ bermaid, 10cu.ft. capacity, hooks up to riding lawn mower, ideal for landscap­ ing, $200., 845-5654. TWO SETS, table and 4 highback chairs, oak, ex- Captain's Table Restau­ rant. Tables 27x30', wrought iron base. $175. per set. 844-9159_________ 295 AMP. A .C. welder complete $200. Call (905) 844-9869. WHITE satin wedding dress, bows and lace tear drops down small train Size 15, never worn or al- tered $250 827-2383 WEDDING Photography. 90-100 prints in album plus negatives. 7 yrs exp. Reliable, dependable, references. Creative Images, 825-3800. 319 KIDS FESTIVAL-on July 1st. We have a few Ven­ dors spaces open. $50. outside, $60. inside. Call for details - also ask about our food and crafts shows. 845-2017. 370 pets, supplies GREAT Dane puppies, pure bred, black. Call after 6pm, Eric, 847-2085. 375 photography W EDDING Photography, 100-115 prints, album, negatives, Reliable, rea­ sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography 827-0289, evenings 639- 6710 400 1992 PLYMOUTH Voyager LX. Grey, loaded, V-6, air, 7 passenger. Power winaows/locks. Cassette. Good condition. One owner 74,000 kms. $16 ,500/best offer. 849-8279 leave message. 1989 JEEP C herokee Ltd., 117, 000 kms 4 x 4, grey metallic. Many extras including 2-way sunroof, phone, etc. $14,500. firm. 905- 336-7247. 1988 M USTANG LX Convertible. Arctic white / cranberry red interior. AM/FM cassette. Power brakes, steering, door- locks, mirrors, etc. Cruise control, new brakes and muffler. 4 cylinder au­ tomatic, lady driven. 'Looks and drives like new'. CERTIFIED. $7,000. offers. Ken 845-5277 1988 AIRES, certified, 130k, air, power brakes, power steering, stereo, 5- speed. $ 2,999 or best off­ er. 849-1092 M n n l - . l l ■ i m I N 1986 FORD LTD, certi­ fied. New tires. New brakes. Reliable transpor- tation. $1395. 847-2667. 1984 M azda RX-7 Grey, Sun Roof, Good Condition, Nice Interior, 5 Speed - Attractive, Sporty car - Certified -$3300 -335-8410 1967 MERCEDES 200D. Needs body work. 57,000 original miles. 564-0134 CREDIT PROBLEM? On UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt, etc. No credit or bad credit, need another chance? If you can make the pay­ ments, I can make the deal! Lease to own, Futurecar Leasing Inc. (905) 876- 3300 CARS WANTED Up to $5,000 Licensed salvage yard. Free towing. (416) 361-0574 $$$ A-1 Babe of a Deal*. Cars/Trucks wanted. Dead- or-alive. Best prices. 905- 270 -1656 . C ellu lar 905- 301-4882. S E L L Y O U R C A R T H R O U G H T H E C L A S S IF IE D S . C A L L 8 4 5 - 2 8 0 9 T O D A Y ! 405 cars wanted W A N TE D -M U S TA N G , or Tempo, 1985, 86 or 87 Maximum 150,000 kms. Ken 845-5277 410 trucks for sale 1990 GMC Pick-up, black. Fully loaded, grey in­ terior. Excellent for towing. $14,000. or best offer. Ex­ cellent condition. 905-274- 0179. Leave message. 420 vans, Awheel drive 1995 DODGE Caravan Sport, white, loaded, no down payment, assume existing lease. 905-877- 0054 Employment Opportunities career training < J l | career training 505 careers 505 HALTOX BUSINESS INSTITUTE E s l . 1982 637* 3415 JULY AND SEPT. CLASSES JOB TRAINING • Accounting • Medical/Legal Office Assistant • Dental Receptionist • Word Perfect • Excel • DOS • Lotus • AccPac • Windows •Financial Aid Maybe Avail •Placement Assistance •Reg. Min. of Colleges & Universities ENGINEERS SMS Energy-Engineering is an Oakville- b a se d f irm th a t s p e c ia liz e s in the engineering and project management of thermal, gas turbine and cogeneration power projects. The company is presently involved in power projects all over the world, and is now looking for Engineers of all disciplines, p re fe rab ly w ith a m in im um o f 15 years e xp e rie n ce in th e ir a rea o f expertise . If interested please send resume to: Ms. Kathy Anzenavs SMS Energy-Engineering Inc. 407 Speers Road, Ste. 208 Oakville, Ontario L6K 3T5 Classified ads must be pre­ paid with Visa, Master Card, American Express, Cash or Cheque. careers 505 careers 505 TOP SALES REPRESENTATIVES This prestigeous office equipment organization is seeking your expertise in sales. * Grow and expand your territory to earn top dollars. * You will sell at all levels and cold calling will be your source for new business. * Extensive training will be provided. Call Today for this exciting opportunity!!! 845-6715 P E R S O N N E L i Drake is an equal opportunity employer I general help I general help < M R * L U B E • o Bright, cheerful and aggressive 2 = people wanted for our dynamic and fast growing company. We need hard w orking part-tim e service technicians who enjoy dealing with people and possess a mechanical interest. o 1 1 1 W e o ffe r a c o m p re h e n s iv e LU tra in ing and benefits package. Start your Career with the winning O team. Please apply in person at the following location: D C 345 Speers Rd LU (at Dorval) m P rev ious A p p lica n ts N ee d N o t A pp ly . CA ULK ER required by Oakville firm. Experienced preferred. Please call 8 4 7 -6 6 1 8 COLLEGE PRO Painters needs post-secondary stud­ ents to paint for the summer. Call Jonathan at 822-9305. WE'RE back! For the 12th year. The easiest campaign for telemarketers, selling discount coupon books to help raise funds for wheelchair athletes. Cash paid nightly. 842-6395 (Oak) 524-1737 (Ham) Classified ads must be pre­ paid with Visa, Master Card, American Express, Cash or Cheque. I general help DRIVER/SHOP HAND Prefer mechanically inclined for Industrial Rent-All. Must have clean driver's record, be aggressive and reliable, with references. Five day week, full time. 827-5661 EARN EXTRA $ $ $ 6 pm -9 pm Monday through Friday.Tel. sales. $7.00 an hour to start. Will tra in . Call: 849-8525 Full/Part Time Help Needed Must be artistic, hard working and reliable. Some days, evenings & weekends. Contact Kim at: The Paper Factory Your one-stop Party Shop with resume. 568 Kerr St. Oakville. NEED ED experienced cashier/server for busy ca­ feteria in Oakville. Call bet­ ween 10am-5pm at 905- 829-8002. Ask for Sih/ana or Laila. STUDENTS We are a fund raising company and are looking for people with good communication skills, Grade 10 or higher. Call Mon­ day to Wednesday only between 1 pm - 5 pm 825-9547. W ANTED experienced Hair Designers for fast grow­ ing prestigious business. Also an experienced Es- thebcian. Phone 844-5290 and ask for Marilyn.

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