Photo by Peter C. McCusker Singing 3 W 3yi Anne MacNeill and her daughter, four-year-old Heather, sing along with chil dren's entertainer Sten Ardal at the Oakville Parent-Child Centre's Magical Tea Party at Appleby College Sunday afternoon. Participants at the event were treated to tea, juice, coffee and sand wiches afterwards along with a performance by magician Owen Anderson. Saturday April 17 1999 7 : 0 0 p . m . - I 1 : 0 0 p . m . Oakville Place - Centre Court TICKETS $ 10.00 EACH Tickets may be purchased at the Oakville Place Concierge Desk or at the event Speers Rd. \ D or va l D r. K er r S l Rebecca Sl John Sl I^kcshore Rd. W. ^ s m Hwy. #2 |sa I I A K i; O N T A R IO Sa l e s c e n t r e o p e n Sa t u r d a y an d Su n d a y 1 1 -4 :3 0 MONDAY; TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 6 :3 0 -9 416.201.1110 OLD OAK H O M E S 1 1 STATELY T U D O R T O W N H O M E S IN OLD OAKVILLE N E A R D O W N T O W N CORE M O with the Oakville Waterfront Festival at SAIL-ebration '99 Fashion Show Fast Cars Silent Auction Get into the " swing" at our Fashion Show, featuring fabulous fashions from Oakville Place merchants. Witness the surprise unveiling o f the speedy new 1999 OWF Raffle Vehicle, donated by Ford o f Canada. Be a part o f the action as the gavel goes down (quietly o f course!) on our exciting Silent Auction items. Brought to you by lU n H c ttM tA WKVILLE PLACE LUXURY T O W N H O M E S BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED M ODELS DOUBLE CAR GARAGES LARGE R EA R DECK O FF O F K ITC H EN SU N K EN GREAT R O O M B U ILT -IN A PPLIA N CES GAS FIREPLACES H A R D W O O D FLOORS 9' A ND 10' CEILINGS C RO W N M O U LD IN G S STUCCO, STON E A ND C O PPE R E X T E R IO R D ETA ILIN G FROM $329 9oo v v c u u t a u d ) , / A p i i i i* + , i 'y y 'fD C A V C,tN