•T he IFP• H alton H ills, Thursd ay, M arch 28, 2013 23 DAFFODIL MONTH HELPS TO FINANCE IMPORTANT RESEARCH PROJECTS AND TO OFFER VITAL SUPPORT SERVICES TO PEOPLE LIVING WITH CANCER AS WELL AS THEIR FAMILIES. APRIL IS CANCER AWARENESS MONTH PH OT O: R YA N M C VA Y / T HI NK ST OC K Show your support We are all affected, directly or indirectly, by cancer at some point in our lives. Thanks to the generosity of donors and the work of its personnel, the Canadian Cancer Society is the leader in the fight against this illness. The Canadian Cancer Society is a private, non-profit organiza- tion financed by public donations as well as by funds collected through fundraising activities. It uses every dollar raised in the most efficient way possible. That means administration costs are kept to a minimum in order to offer services to communities and to people living with cancer. This organization was created in 1929 at the request of the Canadian medical community, which was concerned by the ignorance of the general public regarding the symptoms of can- cer. In those days, people with cancer often consulted a doctor only when their illness was already at an advanced stage, which greatly reduced their chances of survival. During the first years of this organization's existence, most of its revenue consisted of a yearly grant given by the Canadian Medical Association. For almost 40 years now, the CCS has been able to raise money around the country with Daffodil Month. By selling daffodils every spring, the fundraising campaign makes a huge difference in key areas, such as research projects, raising awareness, and community support. Be sure to show your support for the Canadian Cancer Society by buying daffodils in April. BRAIN TUMOUR BREAST CANCER PANCREATIC CANCER 905-873-1655 We handle all insurance work. Your home will sparkle ~ GUARANTEED ~ 905.877.5225 Call Shari Robinson for a free estimate We specialize in thorough cleaning from ceiling to floor and we never miss a spot! ED PEAVOY SEPTIC SERVICE INC. OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PUMPING OF 519-833-9180 Toll free 1-877-232-0229 HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA SELECTION OF COLOURS - FREE ESTIMATES - 905-877-8830 Boucher & Sons Windows & Doors Ltd. comfort 48 Haggert Ave. N. Brampton, ON L6X 1Y3 905-454-3699 info@diannesmastectomy.com www.DiannesMastectomy.com The Georgetown Word- smiths (www.georgetown- wordsmiths.wordpress. com), a non-profi t group for people who share a passion for writing present "The next step in creative writ- ing" in a 12-week course, April 4 to June 20. The course will be held on Thursdays, 6:45-9 p.m., at St. Alban's Church, 537 Main St., Georgetown. Register in advance by phoning Sheila Eastman, 905-826-8847 or emailing brianhenry@sym- patico.ca This course will chal- lenge you to take a step up in your writing. Over the 12 weeks of classes, you'll be asked to bring in fi ve pieces of your writing for detailed feedback. All your pieces may be from the same work, such as a novel in progress, or they may be stand alone pieces. You bring whatever you want to work on. Besides critiquing pieces, the instructor will give short lectures at the start of each class, addressing the needs of the group. In addition to learning how to critique your own work and receiving construc- tive suggestions about your writing, you'll discover that the greatest benefi ts come from seeing how your class- mates approach and critique a piece of writing and how they write and re-write. This is a challenging course, but extremely rewarding. Instructor Brian Henry has been a book editor and creative writing teacher for more than 25 years. He teaches at Ryerson Uni- versity and has led writing workshops everywhere from Boston to Buffalo. Register now for writing course starts April 4