OPINION As of Monday Halton residents are now allowed to add more items to their Blue Boxes (we says boxes because most families need more than one) and must use special tags if they are over the new three-bag/can limit. To help residents transition to the new limit, complimentary garbage tags are now available. The tags, though, can only be used until the start of September. Beginning Sept. 9, garbage tags will cost $2 per tag and can only be purchased in sheets of fi ve at a cost of $10 per sheet (visit www.halton. ca/garbagetags). For most individuals the new rules will not af- fect them-- perhaps they won't even give it much thought. However, there will be some folks who think because they pay for trash collection in their taxes they can put out as much garbage as they please. These are the same people who stuff pub- lic garbage cans with as much trash as possible or, worse, just dump waste along the roadside. There is concern, too, that people who refuse to recycle will leave their garbage outside townhouse com- plexes or even random homes in the neighbour- hood. It seems unfathomable that there are residents who would resort to such tactics, but unfortunate- ly every community has them. We have our fi ngers crossed that the majority of local residents will continue to do their part to reduce waste. To help families get adjusted to the three bag limit every other week, the Region is allowing more items to be added to the Blue Box, including clear plastic clamshells (berry and lettuce containers are an example) single-serve yogurt cups and, in time for spring, plastic plant pots and trays. In addition to savings for taxpayers and extend- ing the life of the landfi ll, residents can take heart in knowing these initiatives will benefi t the envi- ronment and future generations. The Independent & Free Press is published Tuesday and Thursday and is one of several Metroland Media Group Ltd. community newspapers. Edi- torial and advertising content of The Independent & Free Press is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. The Independent & Free Press Do your part Steve Nease Letters to the editor Dear editor, A few weeks ago, the lid of my GreenCart was damaged through a severe 'hit' when it was slammed, upside down and with lid open, onto the sidewalk outside my home by our hard-working and tireless waste disposal collectors. As the cart lid now wouldn't lock in the closed position, I dutifully headed for the Robert C. Austin Operations Centre on Trafalgar Road in Georgetown to seek a replacement. This newly-acquired virgin cart was lovingly adorned with Letraset-style numbering to indicate its rightful home owner- ship as it awaited its fi rst collection this past Wednesday. When they day arrived, I watched out of the window as the contents were discarded into the truck and... the cart slammed into the ground upside down with the lid open! Yikes! The lid was snapped and torn off-- it lasted all of one col- lection. If it wasn't so frustratingly funny, I'd be crying! I thought of disposing of both carts by leaving them at the curb for collection. After a year, know- ing my luck, they'd probably still be there. Graham Willsher, Georgetown Letters policy 905-873-0301 Publisher: Dana Robbins General manager: Steve Foreman (sforeman@theifp.ca) Retail advertising manager: Cindi Campbell (ccampbell@theifp.ca) Managing editor: John McGhie (jmcghie@theifp.ca) Distribution manager: Nancy Geissler (ngeissler@theifp.ca) Classifi eds Kristie Pells (classifi ed@theifp.ca) Accounting Rose Marie Gauthier Editorial Cynthia Gamble: News editor (cgamble@theifp.ca) Ted Brown: Photography (tbrown@theifp.ca) Lisa Tallyn: Staff writer (ltallyn@theifp.ca) Eamonn Maher: Staff writer/sports (emaher@theifp.ca) In its latest budget, the federal government has earmarked billions of dollars to improve mu- nicipal infrastructure in Canada. What should those dollars be spent on in Halton Hills? • Improving roads (58%) • Building Phase 2 of the Gellert Centre (28%) • Introducing town-wide public transit (14%) WEB POLL RESULTS (Go to www.theifp.ca) GreenCart lasted one collection day CAShh campaign needs your help Letters must include an address and daytime phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should not exceed 150 words and may be edited for content and/or length. Publication is not guaranteed. Email: jmcghie@theifp.ca Mail or drop off: Independent & Free Press, 280 Guelph St., Unit 29, Georgetown, ON., L7G 4B1. Dear editor, Cancer is a tough battle to fi ght-- hurting many people along the way. We know it takes research to put an end to this deadly disease, but above all, it takes courage, hope, faith and love to endure it. Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills (CAShh) is here to help these people and with your continued support, they need not fi ght alone. CAShh is not associated with any cancer organization nor do we receive any government funding for free of charge services. We offer transportation to and from treat- ments, use of equipment, Reiki, dietary supplements and many other vital services. We depend on the generosity and support of you, our community, to continue. Our mandate is to help those touched by cancer. You, the community of Halton Hills, have the choice of decid- ing who should be the recipient of charitable monies, but we hope your generosity includes Cancer As- sistance Services. Please, give gen- erously, whether it be volunteering your time or making a monetary donation for a very worthy cause. Please visit our website www. cancerassistance.org for informa- tion, or call our offi ce 905-702- 8886. Betty Fendley, Campaign manager, CAShh •T he I FP • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs d ay , A p ril 4 , 2 01 3 6