•T he IFP• H alton H ills, Thursday, M ay 2, 2013 23 To place your ad here monthly at very affordable rates contact Amy Sykes 905-873-0301 ext, 237 asykes@theIFP.ca Healthy Living with Elizabeth Bell Call 905-230-2103 for more details MONDAYS 6 - 7 PM Halton Hills Christian School - 11643 Trafalgar Road Drop In $8 per class Fitness BAYNES PHYSIOTHERAPY Baynes for your pains. * Arthritis * Car Accident Injuries * Sports Injuries 256 MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN 905-873-4964 A little Birdie told me... Follow Special Feature Updates on Twitter @IFP_Community "He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician." - Thomas Fuller TOPS® Take Off Pounds Sensibly For more info: 905-877-7056 www.tops.org The original weight-loss support & wellness education organization. 71 Mountainview Rd. N., Georgetown, ON 905.873.8729 Visit www.healthspan.ca Julia Fountain, BSc, ND A: Menopause is defined as one full year without a menstrual period. However the years leading up to menopause, called the peri-menopause, are not as easily defined. The peri-menopause can begin in a woman's 40s and first symptoms can include difficulty sleeping, an irregular period, a change in flow and amplified pre-menstrual symptoms. An estimated 75% of women will experience night sweats or hot flashes starting in the peri- menopause. There may be changes in metabolism, mood or memory. The most common blood tests done to confirm menopause are the pituitary hormones, LH and FSH which increase in menopause but these tests aren't very helpful during the transition year(s). Our clinic also offers a detailed saliva hormone profile including estrogen, progesterone, testos- terone and the stress hormones DHEA and cortisol. This determines where you are on the peri-menopause continuum. Many uncomfortable menopausal symptoms can be alleviated through conservative, naturopathic means including diet, plant-derived medicines and acupuncture. Q: I'm a healthy 45 year old woman and I think my hormones are changing. How do I know if I'm starting menopause? HEALTHY LIVING Info night: Media influence and youth cultureTonight, 7 p.m., at Halton Hills Christian SchoolDon't miss Manon Dulude, founder of Forge Coaching and Consult- ing of Georgetown, travelled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, April 24, to conduct coaching train- ing alongside colleague Marie- Claude Lapalme to the manag- ers of Handicap International (HI). Dulude, an expert in per- sonal and professional leader- ship and team development, worked with HI as they effec- tively transition their activities from emergency (post-earth- quake) to development. Coach training will be an enormous asset for managers to navigate this change successfully and continue to assist the vulnera- ble population of this country. The two-day training ses- sion will be followed up with ongoing monthly phone calls and contact to reinforce coaching principles learned by attendees. Handicap International (HI) is an in- dependent and impartial aid organiza- tion working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Their primary lo- cal partner in Haiti is Healing Hands for Haiti (HHH), a non- profit organization dedicated to fostering the expansion of quality rehabilitation services and programs for the benefit of Haitian adults and children with physical and mental dis- abilities. The complexity of the reality faced by HI and HHH and its staff since the 2010 earthquake has been very demanding and difficult at times. The need for coaching training in managers will benefit the organizations by enhancing their capability to address human resource is- sues while promoting account- ability and enhance their own capacity to maintain a healthy perspective in light of ongoing challenges. "I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to help these two organizations and their managers to in- crease their effectiveness and enhance their problem solving capabilities. The work they are doing in Haiti is so critical and serves a particularly vulner- able sector of the population. It is rewarding to participate in their growth and develop- ment," says Dulude. For more information call 905-873-9393, info@forge- coachingandconsulting.com or www.forgecoachingand- consulting.com Local coach travels to Haiti to train managers Manon DuLuDe Endodontist Dr. Karam Ashoo opened his office at 92 Guelph Street in January. A graduate of Columbia University in New York, the Mis- sissauga native is accepting referrals from local dentists. Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue. Photo by Ted Brown Endodontist opens office