•T he I FP • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs d ay , M ay 2 , 2 01 3 38 Since 2002 Video Production Digital Design Studio Steve Jesse 416-317-0855 www.CFCstudios.com Since 2002 Rampulla's Martial Arts 14 Main St. S., Downtown Georgetown 905-702-1116 Historic Location Since 2002 Summer Camps 519-855-6074 www.kidsinc.ca Register TODAY Registration@kidsinc.ca Since 2003 Julia Mountsteven, CDTA, PAEC, CLM 211 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown 905-702-9728 www.strictlydance.ca Since 1996 Helping your party come to life! Proudly serving the Georgetown community! 905-877-1214 90 Main St. South, Georgetown Since 1998 55 Sinclair Ave., Unit 2 & 3 Georgetown 905.702.1182 Sales, Service & Parts Since 1997 Marta Masley B.Sc.(PT), M.C.P.A. 83 Mill Street, Suite B, Georgetown, Ontario Tel: 905-877-8668 Fax: 905-877-4165 Since 1998 Kim Bell, RMT - 1998 kbellrmt@hotmail.com www.handbackhealth.com 905-873-1317 Since 2000 Colin M. Brookes Financial Advisor 211 Guelph St., Unit 4, Georgetown Tel: 905-873-7630 www.edwardjones.com Since 2001 Norval Plumbing Center Inc. 509 Guelph St., Norval (on Hwy #7, west of Winston Churchill) Tel. 905-873-4140 Toll Free 1-866-249-0187 Owner: Baxter Butler (Max) Since 2000 Dr. J. Eric Selnes BA, BPHE, DDS, MSc, D.Ortho, FRCD (C) 103-83 Mill Street Georgetown, Ontario 905-873-1066 www.heritageorthodontics.com drselnes@heritageorthodontics.com Since 2001 324 Guelph St. Georgetown 905-877-3163 www.oxfordlearning.com Since 1993 225 Main St. S., Georgetown (South of Cedarvale Park) 905-877-1100 R.J.'s Muffler 20 years ~ at your s ervic e Complete Auto Repair Centre Since 1996 ACTON HOME HARDWARE 362 Queen St. E., Acton 519-853-1730 Since 1994 www.dekerelectric.ca ESA/ECRA #7003060 …at your service . . . at your doorstep 905-702-0515 Since 1996 Moved to current location in 2000. 5A Mill St. East, Acton, Ont. L7J 1G8 519-853-2424 www.actonjiujitsu.com 2013 Business Honour Roll