•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s • Th ur sd ay , J an ua ry 3 0, 2 01 4 22 On Now at The Brick! For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com. INDIAN RIVER DIRECT 20 LB. BOX OF FLORIDA Seedless Navel Oranges or Ruby Red Grapefruit $28.00 PER BOX CITRUS TRUCKLOAD SALE GEORGETOWN ACTON Wednesday, Feb. 5, 10 am - 12 noon Yoyo Japanese Restaurant 357 Guelph St., (beside Ford dealership) Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm The Hide House (Eastern & Mill) www.indianriverdirect.com Pre-registration is appreciated but not required. Call 905-877-7119 Tickets available at the door Come out for your chance to win three $100 gift certificates! Courtesy of Downtown Georgetown BIA, Acton B.I.A. and GeorgetownMarket Place Open to the public! Admission is $15 at the door Food Sample Show Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 6 - 8 pm 18 Church Street, Georgetown 905-877-2359 TOOTH CHATTER - georgetowndentureclinic.ca Georgetown Denture Clinic Alexander Trenton, DD, F.C.A.D. (A) Denturist WE BUILD BEAUTIFUL SMILES! Consultations are always free!! There is just something about a smile. You see someone with a big goofy smile or even the faintest hint of a grin, on his or her face and you can't help but smile back; a smile is something you always want to return to sender. It doesn't matter who's smiling, either it is your best friend, your spouse, a baby, a dog, the supermarket cashier or a movie star. A smile is infectious in the nicest way! Best of all, a smile is 100 percent natural. Babies smile almost from birth. Infants (even some as young as two days old) tend to smile at faces. By the time they are one year old, babies are able to recognize the important people in their lives, and many have a special smile for these individuals. And smiling is not necessarily something we learn by imitation. According to Frank McAndrews, psychology professor at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, babies who can't see, smile, just like everyone else. It seems our faces were made to smile! So next time you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours, because no one needs a smile more, than he who has none to give. SMILE ADVICE CHURCHES &TEMPLES GeorGetown Christian reformed ChurCh welcomes you! Interim Pastor: Tom Van Milligen Youth Paster: Brian DeBoer sunday worship services: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm 11611 trafalgar road (north of Maple Avenue) 905-877-4322 www.gcrc.on.ca sundaY serViCes • Lord's Supper 10 A.M. • Ministry Meeting 11:00 A.M. • Fellowship Lunch 12:00 P.M. • Ministry Meeting 1:00 P.M. Meeting In: Georgetown Seniors Centre Address: 318 Guelph Street Phone: 905-873-1005 Website: www.haltonhillsbiblechapel.com www.knoxgeorgetown.ca Service Dial-in: 905-702-1629 God's Word for Today's World. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES: 11:00 A.M. Rev. Steven Boose Chair-lift access available. 'Sunday's Cool' youth ministry program for ages 4 & up. 116 Main St. S., Georgetown, ON 905-877-7585 Services EVERY Sunday 16 Adamson Street, South Norval, Halton Hills familyhouseofworship@start.ca Services starting at 10 am Since 1973 the Georgetown Lions Club has honoured those in the community who volunteer to make Georgetown such a great place to live with the Citizen of the Year Award. Individuals, couples or or- ganizations are eligible to re- ceive the award and the Lions Club is asking the public to nominate those special people who qualify. The award can be given to an individual, couple, group or organization that has served our community as an outstanding volunteer, in sports, culture, health or so- cial services. Many times the recipients have volunteered in multiple organizations over many years. Each year the se- lection committee is amazed at the level of commitment that these worthy volunteers have shown to the community. To nominate an outstand- ing volunteer send a letter or if you prefer use Lions' appli- cation form and return it to Lions Club Citizen of the Year, P.O. Box 73, Georgetown L7G 4T1, or email dpenrice@sym- patico.ca by Monday, Febru- ary 17. Past nominations are car- ried forward for two years and will be reconsidered. This is your chance to truly recognize someone in the community that makes a difference in the lives of many in our town. The awards dinner will be held Tuesday, March 25, in the Heritage Hall at the Mold- Masters SportsPlex with pre- sentations from the Lions Club and all levels of govern- ment. For more information contact Lion Doug Penrice, 905-873-8469. The Lions Club is George- town's largest service club. Club members meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. Georgetown Lions Club seeks nominations for Citizen of the Year Award