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With a degree from theWith a degree from theW University of Western Onta- rio in political science, timerio in political science, timer spent working on previous election campaigns and a business background, which has seen him turn around and build two companies in the investment sector, Craw-the investment sector, Craw-t ford feels he is qualified toford feels he is qualified tof hold the position of Oakville MPP. "That's given me good in- sight into leading teams of people, building a business, running a business, lookingrunning a business, lookingr after a bottom line, under-after a bottom line, under-a standing the economics and markets of our local and glob- al economy, and having a good knowledge base to servegood knowledge base to serveg the people of Oakville" saidthe people of Oakville" saidt Crawford. "I have also been involved in some local charities in-in some local charities in-i cluding Plan Canada's 'Be- cause I am a Girl,' which fo- cuses on equal rights and ed- ucation for girls. I know the importance of that in a soci-importance of that in a soci-i ety and that having more em- powered and educated girls equals a more prosperous and peaceful society." Crawford said as a leader one of his strengths has been his ability to listen. He acknowledges he is not an expert at everything, but says what he is good at is sur- rounding himself with people who are experts on various is-who are experts on various is-w sues and making sound deci- sions based on their informa- tion. "I want to be able to listen and incorporate ideas from the people of Oakville so wethe people of Oakville so wet can make proper decisions for our community and ourfor our community and ourf province," said Crawford. For more information onFor more information onF Stephen Crawford visit www.stephencrawford.ca. lContinued from page 9 PC candidate wants to bring relief to Oakville families working with the local campaign office in Guelph as a special events co-ordinator. Emily was inspired to run in the election by vol- unteers and supporters she works with who are so hungry for change. She believes that she can help to deliver that change to Canada. In addition to running in Oakville, De Sousa is working as an event di- rector for a Green party candidate in Guelph and has no campaign head- quarters in Oakville. "The goal of the Green Party during this elec- tion is have our voices heard and be honest with Ontarions about the challenges that we face and deliver real solu- tions that put people first," says De Sousa. "Wefirst," says De Sousa. "Wef are looking to make his- tory in this election by electing Ontario's first Green MPP and bringing people powered change to Queen's Park." lContinued from page 9 Green party's De Sousa wants change in government Sprague. "The NDP wants to help people. That's what we are all about."about."a Other priorities include introducing universal phar-introducing universal phar-i macare, dental care and in- vesting in community infra-vesting in community infra-v structure by having the wealthiest individuals andwealthiest individuals andw corporations "pay their fair share of taxes." The NDP platform says this includes an increase inthis includes an increase int the corporate tax rate fromthe corporate tax rate fromt 11.5 per cent to 13 per cent. 11.5 per cent to 13 per cent. 1 Sprague said the NDP would tackle the student debtwould tackle the student debtw issue by converting loans to grants and by creating thou-grants and by creating thou-g sands of student coop jobs. "Students need the jobs to learn and they need to be paid a decent wage while they are learning," she said. Another goal is to cut hy-Another goal is to cut hy-A dro rates by 30 per cent by bringing Hydro One back in- to public ownership. The NDP has said this could be achieved by buying back shares sold by the Liber- al government. Sprague is a member of Poverty Free Halton and a founding member of the Hal-founding member of the Hal-f ton Healthcare Mental Health Community Advisory Committee. "I have a great deal of expe- rience working for both therience working for both ther federal and provincial levelsfederal and provincial levelsf of government in various dif- ferent ministries," saidferent ministries," saidf Sprague. "I know how government works, but I also know howworks, but I also know howw things work on the outside be-things work on the outside be-t cause I have also had a lot of precarious jobs." Along-time social activist, Sprague noted governments making policy decisions need to listen more to the charities and non-profit organizations that are dealing with commu-that are dealing with commu-t nity issues every day. "I want people to know I re- ally care about our communi- ty. I care about making it bet- ter for everyone," she said. "There is a lot of poverty in Oakville and we need to make life as livable for the peoplelife as livable for the peoplel with low incomes and who are in poverty as it is for ev- erybody else." For more information vis-For more information vis-F it https://lesleysprague.on-it https://lesleysprague.on-i tariondp.ca/. lContinued from page 9 NDP candidate says she wants to help repair damage done to health care He said the Liberals have investments planned for high schools, counsellors, for on-the- street mental health ser- vices for young people. Flynn also pointed to the $47 million Erinoak- Kids Halton Centre, which officially opened April 13 with support from the Ontario Minis-from the Ontario Minis-f try of Children and Youth Services. He said there is so much more this facility can do for young people in the community who are dealing with mental health challenges. "I don't want to see these things cut back. I don't want to see us firing teachers or laying off mental health workers," said Flynn. "I want to make sure these parts of our budget and these parts of our campaign hit the streets of Oakville and Halton because they are so badly needed." Flynn also pointed to the new Oakville hospi- tal, noting the $2-billion provincial project has yet to reach its full capac- ity. He said the top floor of that facility is currently empty and he wants to see further expansion there as the community grows. The opening of new high schools, renova- tions to other schools, the hiring of more teach- ers, free child care for children starting at age 2½ were other achieve- ments Flynn referenced. "These are things that have really changed peo- ple's lives for the better," said Flynn. "I think we have prov- en we can do more." Flynn said the Liber- als have also taken GO train service at the Oak- ville station from an hourly service to 10- to 15- minute service at rush hour and 30-minute ser- vice throughout the day. He said future work would introduce 15-min- ute, two-way, all-day ser- vice on the GO train line, which services Oakville. Flynn has served as la- bour minister since 2014. During that time he has extended workplace protection for firefight- ers by adding six cancers to the list of those pre- sumed to be related to their work. He has also intro- duced legislation intend- ed to increase fairness for vulnerable workersfor vulnerable workersf and tie the minimum wage to the rate of infla- tion. He has served as par- liamentary assistant to the ministers of Infra- structure; Transporta- tion; Training, Colleges and Universities; Educa- tion; Environment; Ener- gy; Democratic Renewal; and Labour. For more information, visit www.info@kevin- flynn.ca.flynn.ca.f lContinued from page 9 Flynn says he doesn't want to see PC funding and program cuts