Oakville Beaver, 24 May 2018, p. 44

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 24 ,2 01 8 | 44444 ins ide ha lto n.c om be av er BEYONDTHEPAGES VIEW OUR PRINT EDITIONS FIND OUT ABOUT THE LATEST COYOTE SIGHTINGS IN HALTON Report your sightings: bit.ly/2Bf30nP Tr EN DIN G ONTArIO COLD CASE: Mom still seeks answers 20 years after son's slaying. bit.ly/2KM1E4e From breaking news to multimedia features, go beyond the newspaper pages and discover all that the Oakville Beaver has to offer online. www.InsideHalton.com FFororor mon thlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthly paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t paymen t option soptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptions seeseeseesee Leg gaLeggaLeggaLeggaLeggaLeggatt MazdaMazdaMazdaMazdaMazdaMazda BurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingtBurlingt ononon forforforfor d etails.details.details.details.details.details.details.details.details.details. 2017 MAZ DA 6 GTDON 'T MIS S THIS ONE! 0R0R0R0R 0%0%0% FINA NCINGFINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FORFORFORFOR 727272 MON THSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHS CASH SA LE PRICE $32,990+ HST+HST+HST+HST+HST WithWithWithWithWith TTececec hnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnology PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekagekage ,, PrPrPremiu memiumemiumemiumemiumemium PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekage ,, NappaNappaNappaNappaNappaNappaNappa LeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeather,, BoseBoseBoseBoseBose Au dioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudio,, 19"19"19"19" AlloAlloAlloAlloAllo yy Wheel s,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels, TTintedintedintedintedintedinted W indoWindoWindoWindoWindoWindoWindow s,ws,ws,ws, JetJetJetJetJet BlacBlacBlacBlacBlacBlackk M ica,Mica,Mica,Mica,Mica,Mica, 10 ,49810,49810,49810,49810,49810,49810,49810,498 k ms.kms.kms.kms.kms. 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For m or SAUNDERS, SAXTON & WINTER Wendy Saunders Sales Representative Kim Saxton Sales Representative Ruth AnneWinter Broker ~ALegacy of Excellence~ AAAUAUTOTOPRPRPROOOOO OOOAOAKVKVILIL EELELE 2212212 2 t R , O kvillilleee 90 46 24 2 autoprooa net.com MECHANICAL SERVICES dentistoakville.com 905-842-6030 THURSDAY JULY 27, 2017 Page 12 Page 6 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus -- who designed the Glen Abbey Golf Course -- was on hand to officially open the 2017 RBC Canadian Open Tuesday. The golfing icon wore a Team Canada jersey to open the event in a truly Canadian way, taking some shots with a hockey stick on the 7th tee named The Rink. It was also Nicklaus' first time ever shooting a puck with a hockey RBC Canadian Open back at Glen Abbey TheTownofOakville has once againwel- comed the RBC Canadian Open back to Glen AbbeyGolf Course. The world-renowned event runs from Monday, July24 toSunday, July30and is ex- pected to host many of the world's best golf- ers and attract more than 100,000 people to Oakville. The tournament's opening ceremonies took place Tuesday (July 25) -- hosted by course designer and golf legend Jack Nick- laus. The opening ceremony gave residents a chance to check out the tournament set up and enjoy amilitary flyover by aH13Hercu- les transport plane. The tournament began with some good news from the federal government onMon- daywithOakvilleMP JohnOliver announc- David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff see Prepping on p.9 Hours:Monday to Friday: 8am - 9pm Saturday: 8am - 7pm • Sunday: 8am - 6pm Canadian Tire Milton 1210 Steeles Ave E • 905-878-2349 ONLY AT YOUR MILTON CANADIAN TIRE FOR A LIMITED TIME!LED 3-Packackac Noma LEDDBulbs, 60W eq.Sale 8.99Reg. 11.99. 299-8750-X50-X50- FeitFeitF Electric LED A19Omni Bulb, 13.5W(Daylight or Soft White)Reg. 6.9952-1390-0 EvEnt99¢WiThcOuPON! FRiDAy, SAtuRDAy, SuNDAy gEt yOuR cOuPONS iN-StORE! Hours: 99 ¢wowthat's only33¢a bulb! coupons save $8with †$†$† 8 coupon on select ††††† †††† †††† †††† †††† ††††† †††† †††† †††† certified ††††† †††† bulblbl s. †a†a† xes arara e apapa plicable to ††††† .††††† price before coupon.†i†i† scount apapa plied using in-store coupons. ††etaiaia ls avaiaia lable at saveonenergy.y.yca/a/a c/c/ oupons. ††eerrmmss aanndd ccoonnddiididdid ttiioonnss aappapa ppllyy.y.y 3 packpackp withcoupon 9 coupon 9 ZAK'SPHARMACYMilton's Independent Pharmacy• Free Delivery• 10% Seniors Discount• All Drug Plans Accepted• Written Drug Info. Available"At Zak'sZak'sZak' We CareAbout YourYourY Health"70 Main St. E. 875-2424 48 pages THURSDAYJULY 27, 2017 Y 27, 2017 Y 27 INSIDE Running a-muck forthe cancer society BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage Police urgPolice urgP ed to in olice urged to in olice urg vestig ed to investig ed to in ate councillor' vestigate councillor' vestig s campaign ate councillor's campaign ate councillor' expenses Milton councillors are calling for e calling for e calling f a police investigation into one of their colleague's elec's elec' tion campaign expenses.In an 8-2 vote Monday evening (July 24), council voted in favour of turning a compliance audit of Ward 5 Councillor Arnold Huffman's 2014's 2014' campaign expenditures over to po- lice with a request for a full in equest for a full in equest f vesti- gation into the matter.Councillors Rick Di Lorenzo and Cin- dy Lunau opposed the motion put forforf th by Councillor Rick Malboeuf,alboeuf,alboeuf and Huffman declared a conflict of interest on the matter."This takes the issue out of the hands of this council and takes the politics out of it by turning it over to the police," said Malboeuf in speak- alboeuf in speak- alboeuf in speak ing to his motion. "We can choose to do nothing and let this go, but then we would be condoning the improper and alleged illegal action perpetrated by Councillor Huffman." In speaking with the Champion af- ter themeeting, Huffmanexpressed his dismay in council's decision. 's decision. '"I don't understand why this is By Melanie Hennessey CANAD I AN CHAMP ION S TA F F ...4 One in amelonMeleia McGraw, 8, is allw, 8, is allw smiles as she shows her medal from Longo's an- nual watermelon eating contest in Milton. McGraw devoured her slice in record time, beating her mom and two store employees in the recent competition that included a special visit fromNationalWaWaW ter- melon QueenMadison Laney.GrahaGrahaGr mPamPamP ine /MWMine /MWMine /MW G BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage burlington • milton • oakville CONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITYCONNECTED TO YOUr COMMUNITY PLANNING A PUBLIC EVENT? POST IT HErE: insidehalton/events Get Halton news delivered twice daily right to your inbox. Sign up at insidehalton.com/newsletter MUlTIMEDIa EVENTS ans can get where they need to go faster. Stephen Crawford • PC Twenty years ago there was no congestion, but as urban and rural areas have grown at a record pace, traffic congestion has be- come a major issue every- where. This is where the PC Party, under Doug Ford, will finally bring some much-needed posi- tive change. We have seen that Kath- leen Wynne and the Liber- als can't be trusted when it comes to building transit. Ford, on the other hand, has spent his entire career fighting to build more sub- ways and transit in the City of Toronto. People across the province know that Ford will support a variety of modes of transit that will both relieve congestion and get people moving. Better transit options mean less time commuting to and from work every day and more time spent with your family. The Ontario PC Party will invest $5 billion in ad- ditional funding to build subways in Toronto and re- gional transit corridors across the broader GTA. We will provide help for commuters across the GTA by ensuring that the provincial government as- sumes responsibility for maintenance and invest- ments in Toronto subway infrastructure. We also want to make commuting a more produc- tive experience and sup- port adding Wi-Fi to GO trains. Now that's a transit plan that makes sense for the people of Oakville and Ontario. lContinued from page 20 Candidates offer solutions to alleviate gridlock our community. Getting to and from work faster and easier means less time traveling and more time with our families. That's why the Liberal government has been in- vesting in transit in Oak- ville and Burlington. At our local stations, we've seen new platforms, new parking and increased ser- vice on the Lakeshore West line, so that the train now runs every half hour. And if you get on the TTC with your Presto card, we've also cut the cost of your subway ride in half. That's very different from Doug Ford's record.from Doug Ford's record.f When he was at Toronto City Hall, he was part of a government that talked a lot about transit, but didn't build any. What they did do Effie Triantafilopoulos • PC Transit is vital to our communities in Oakville and Burlington. As a com- muter myself, I know our highways and transit cor- ridors need to be improved now. The Ontario PC party is committed to investing $5 billion in additional fund- ing to build regional tran- sit corridors across the broader GTA. We need to reduce red tape and take action by putting shovels in the ground. It is time for a govern- ment that keeps its promis- es. Alvin Tedjo • Liberal Public transit is vital to was eliminated transit routes and raise fees. Our plan is different. Our plan is to build on our progress by electrifying the Lakeshore West line and increasing service to every 15 minutes. That would mean even quicker commutes and cleaner air, two things that we all know are important to families in Oakville and Burling- ton. As your MPP, I'll work hard to make sure that we keep making public transit better, to make your life easier. Frank DeLuca • Trillium Traffic congestion will become significantly worse and more wide- spread without big chang- es in how people and prod- ucts get around. There are many possi- ble solutions, but none are easy or cheap. Public tran- sit is at its highest levels during peak times. We can build more tran- sit, build more roads, use traffic app technology but it's never enough. I suggest a different ap- proach: offer incentives to businesses to increase the staggering of start and stop times, similar to hydro peak and off-peak pricing. We can broaden the transit system to off-peak hours, allowing people op- portunities for earlier and later runs, and offer HOV and Hwy. 407 incentives. The ultimate solution is to create jobs closer to home so people don't have to commute. lContinued from page 21 Transit enhancements will help relieve congestion, say Oakville North-Burlington candidates

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