in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 31 ,2 01 8 | 28 ting wait times for chil- dren's mental health ser- vices. I will also work to im- prove the delivery of public services with dignity, bringing change for the better to Oakville. Maintaining and build- ing infrastructure and pro- viding public services with the supports they require are investments that will pay huge dividends in the future.future.f I will work to end pover- ty in Oakville by working with community groups on the frontlines. A vote for me, Lesley Sprague, is a vote for change for the better, not just change for the sake of change. Andrea Horwath and the NDP have created and costed a platform to make all our lives easier. Spencer Oklobdzija • Liber- terian On June 7, a referendum on non-government op- tions will be presented to the Ontario public. Choice is the biggest issue at hand this election. Should citizens be al- lowed government monop- olies to be their only source of "public services," or should Ontario residents be allowed to manage and create non-government en- terprises (NGEs) to coexist and compete with govern- ment enterprises (GEs) on a "pay-as-you-go" basis? Furthermore, why should citizens be forced to pay taxes for GEs when they would prefer to use NGEs? If democracy is about free choice, how do govern-free choice, how do govern-f ment monopolies fit into our idea of genuine democ- racy? While it is unlikely that the Ontario Libertarian Party will win the June election, it can and should win the referendum on the choice for NGEs in the On- tario economy. None of the other parties will support non-government options because it is not in their personal interests to do so - they want more govern- ment power, not less. Only the Libertarian Party seeks less government and view NGEs a key part of its strategy to accomplish this. If you want choice in the providers of public ser- vices, then the Ontario Lib- ertarian Party is your only referendum option on June 7. Kevin Flynn • Liberal On June 7, we are facing the most critical election in decades. I have fought hard for Oakville residents for over 33 years - first as a town councillor and since 2003 as your MPP. I put Oakville first and together we've accom- plished so much - the new world-class OakvilleTra- falgar Memorial Hospital,falgar Memorial Hospital,f the state of the art Erinoak- Kids Oakville facility, im- proved and expanded GO service, new schools, and free prescription medica-free prescription medica-f tion to Oakville residents under the age of 25 and soon to those over 65, to name a few. There's more to be done. I am committed to mak- ing the commute easier for Oakville families so that you can spend more time with loved ones. I will con- tinue to fight to protect our green space, including the iconic Glen Abbey. I will champion quality educa- tion to ensure that our chil- dren have the tools they need to succeed. As a cham- pion of mental health, I will ensure that our residents have access to the supports they need, in times of need. And as our community ag- es, I will advocate for fund- ing to allow seniors to stay in their own homes longer. I've been dependable and effective. In times of change, vote Kevin Flynn. Emily DeSousa • Green My priorities as a Green candidate are to change the status quo and do politics differently - in a way that puts people first again. Greens across Canada are delivering real change and it's time to bring that change to Ontario. As your Green MPP, I will be committed to creat- ing clean jobs and support- ing small businesses, I will fight for affordable housingfight for affordable housingf so that everyone has a place that they can afford to call home, and I will in- vest in transit infrastruc- ture and operations to get you home faster to your loved ones. My goal is to be honest with people and deliver re- al solutions to the challeng- es that we face - solutions that address your concerns and put people first. It's time to leap into the future now with confi-future now with confi-f dence, compassion, and a bold new vision for Onta- rio. Stephen Crawford • PC I am running in this election because I care pas- sionately about the future of this province and right now it is in trouble. The sad truth is, we are not better off today than when the Liberals took power. Debt is a huge problem. Our children, and their children, will be burdened with this debt for decades. A PC government will address this debt, reduce red tape, and make Ontario an attractive place to do business and create jobs. We will return Ontario to prosperity so that families who live and work here can benefit. Ontario is in an afford- ability crisis. We need to make childcare more af- fordable. The PC Party hasfordable. The PC Party hasf introduced a plan to pay up to 75 per cent of childcare expenses and this fully re- fundable rebate will workfundable rebate will workf of a sliding scale so that ev- eryone can benefit. Finally, we know that hydro has been misman- aged in this province for a long time and we are going to offer a 12 per cent cut to hydro and we will return the dividend that the gov- ernment currently re- ceives and give it back to the ratepayers. It is time for change. Help is on the way. Vote Crawford for Oakville. Oakville candidates share what's most important to them lContinued from page 26 be able to access the care they need for their families. And we will create Cana- da's first universal pre- scription drug plan for ev- eryone. I will help implement these plans, bringing "Change for the Better" to our community and our province. Charles Zach • Libetarian The priorities of Ontario Libertarian Party and the theme of our 2018 Libertari- an Election Platform is very simple: "Explore New Possibilities". Here's how: Hydro Rates - Cut your hydro bill in half; education - put parents back in charge; health care - end health-care rationing; jobs and the economy - make Ontario a job magnet; property rights - back off government; youth - pre- vent youth from becoming 'generation screwed'; dem- ocratic reform - modernize our democracy; govern- ment and taxation - reduce the size ands cope of gov- ernment. So, who votes for the Libertarian party? People who can no longer, in good conscience, vote for any of the four big government parties - they are all the same; people who want to vote for the largest party promising a return to much smaller government; and those who might not vote normally since "it won't change anything." Well, the more people who vote for us, the stron- ger the message will be that the status quo is unaccept- able. Marianne Workman • Green My priorities include government debt and fiscal responsibility; retiring nu- clear plants - decisions made now greatly affect our future. Nuclear is old technology and expensive. Transition to 100 per cent renewable energy to take advantage of exponentially dropping prices; clean economy jobs - currently a $6-trillion global industry. We need to get in now so we will be the leaders, selling our products and our ex- pertise. I am dedicated and pas- sionate about bringing pos- itive change to Ontario. It is important to me to connect with people and build com- munity. I would take your concerns to heart. I care about people and the planet and would be a strong voice for Oakville- North Burlington. Effie Triantafilopoulos • PC The Ontario PC plan is straightforward: we're go- ing to make life more af- fordable for Ontario fami-fordable for Ontario fami-f lies and seniors and get On- tario's economy back on track so we can provide the services families depend on without burdening future generations with debt to cover today's spending. • 20 per cent lower in- come taxes for middle class families.families.f • Cutting your hydro bill by 12 per cent by cleaning up the mess at Hydro One. • Reducing gas prices by 10 cents per litre by elimi- nating carbon taxes and re- ducing provincial gas tax- es. • Our community is home to countless young families, our plan will helpfamilies, our plan will helpf them find affordable and flexible childcare by pro-flexible childcare by pro-f viding up to a 75 per cent re- fund of child care expensesfund of child care expensesf to age 15. • Add 30,000 new long- term care beds to free up the resources needed to end hallway health care. As a commuter myself, I know that our highways and transit systems need to be treated as an immediate priority, our party is in- vesting $5 billion in addi- tional funding for new tran- sit corridors. Alvin Tedjo • Liberal I believe that govern- ments exist to help us do the things that we can't do alone. Alone, we can't build a hospital or a school. We can't create a transit sys- tem or safeguard the envi- ronment. In this community alone, the Liberal govern- ment has built the new Oakville Trafalgar Memo- rial Hospital and ErinOak- Kids Centre for Treatment and Development. We've delivered two- way all-day GO Train ser- vice to the Lakeshore West line and protected the Greenbelt from develop- ment. Looking ahead, we're bringing free childcare for kids aged two and a half to kindergarten, and free pre- scription medications for seniors and children, while investing in mental health and standing up to protect our environment. I'm also running be- cause I think there's a stark choice in front of us in this election. Will we continue to build the things that our community needs and in- vest in its people, or will we turn away from that prog- ress by cutting the pro- grams and services that make a real difference in our lives? I'm running to fight for the people of this communi- ty - to fight for better health care, better education and better transit and a cleaner environment to our fami- lies. And to keep building the things that we can't build alone. Frank DeLuca • Trillium My priorities are align- ed with the Trillium Poli- cies. We oppose the carbon tax, we want to regain con- trol of the hydro supply. We believe that sex education curriculum should have parent input before distri- bution. We want childcare tax incentives for in home care; we want to educate our youth for skilled jobs, as well as making jobs avail to our youth within the arts and most importantly full disclosure of public fund expenditures. I want to remove redun- dancy and find efficient so- lutions for our problems, and lastly be the voice for the constituents at Queen's Park. lContinued from page 27 Oakville North-Burlington outline priorities