47474| O akville B eaver | T hursday,M ay 31,2018 insidehalton.com www.oakvillefamilyribfest.com Kick off your summer at Oakville's biggest Outdoor Summer Festival Lend a hand and make a difference Bring your friends and do something good together, while you have a good time Earn volunteer hours for school June 22 to 24 2018 sheridan college, trafalgar road campus JOIN OUR VOLUNTEER TEAM HELP ROTARY HELP OTHERS, IN OUR COMMUNITY AND AROUND THE WORLD! MOC.ERUTINRUFDOOWNEPGNIPPOHS OG ERUTINRUF CITSUR LLA 8886 846 509 :RETSACNA 5553 738 915 :NOTSIRROM 3335 448 509 :ELLIVKAO SELBAT LLAH/DNE/EEFFOC LLA STINU TNEMNIATRETNE / AIDEM LLA FFO % TNEMNIATRETNE YADS'REHTAF 02 ELAS :SU WOLLOF REGISTER TODAY AT WWW.RIDEWITHWHEELS.CA ATTENTION ALL CYCLISTS! • Choose your distance and experience the stunning views of the Niagara escarpment: 100 km - 50 km - 25 km • Free lunch and refreshments for all registered riders. • Tons of prizes, sponsor swag and gifts! • PLUS... Meet the pros and our special dignitaries, including olympic cyclists Dede and Michael Barry SUNDAY, JUNE24TH 2018 Start/Finish: Mattamy National Cycling Centre, 2015 Pan Am Blvd., Milton Presenting Sponsor: Volunteer Sponsor: Sanctioned by: Twenty Halton elementary and sec- ondary schools have been recognized and certified provincially for their work in promoting a healthy school environment. OPHEA (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association) recently released its list of schools that received a 2017-18 Heathy Schools Certification. In total, 255 out of 327 schools across the province achieved certification, deter- mined through a points system, at levels of gold, silver and bronze. Halton's gold-level schools include Burlington's Bruce T. Lindley PS, Clarks- dale PS, King's Road PS, Tom Thomson PS and Nelson HS, Oakville's Captain R. Wil- son, Forest Trail PS, Oakwood PS, Paler- mo PS, Sunningdale PS, Thomas A Blake- lock HS and White Oaks SS and Milton District HS. Silver certification was earned by Oak- ville's E.J. James PS and Pine Grove PS, Pineview PS in Halton Hills, Milton's Ti- ger Jeet Singh PS and Burlington's Te- cumseh PS. Milton's Bruce Trail PS and Ryerson PS in Burlington came away with bronze. OPHEA's Healthy Schools Certifica- tion recognizes and celebrates school communities for promoting and enhanc- ing the health and well-being of students, staff and the broader community. This work supports the Foundations for a Healthy School, which is one of the four main areas of the Ontario Ministry of Ed- ucation's Well-Being Strategy: Equity and Inclusive Education, Safe and Accepting Schools, Positive Mental Health and Healthy Schools. This emphasizes the well-being of the student including aca- demic success, and cognitive, emotional, social and physical development. COMMUNITY Healthy Schools Certification achieved by 20 Halton schools l GET CONNECTED Visit insidehalton.com/events to submit your own community events for online publishing.